Trump not only announces that Boeing has won the contract for “the world’s first six generation fighter jet,” the F-47, he says it’s “been flying for five years.” The president called the F-47 “a good size plane,” adding that “perhaps” some allies will be able to purchase them. Trump said this plane “does not fly by itself” and the F-47 flies with drones “as many as we want.”
Drones you say? Maybe the explanation for all these drones we’ve seen these past months? Is the aircraft practically invisible? Interesting.
Here is a great video to teach some about the truth of abortions.
Here is another, of the same doctor, explaining the procedure. Terrible.
And just want to add that the “millstone” comment, I’m assuming referring to what Jesus Christ said, isn’t referring to little children. It’s referring to new Christians. Those that have found that newfound, childlike faith in Jesus. And to those that mislead or try to confuse those in their new relationship with Christ, should rather have a millstone…and so on.
And with that…let’s say someone finds the writings that Bush Sr. was one of the main people involved, responsible for, the killing of JFK. Will that now be history rewritten? Will the news follow up(they won’t)? Where are the officials to back up this new information? I feel this was just a data drop to shut up the “theorist”. New information won’t go anywhere above public researchers most likely. Can’t see how people are happy about this data drop.
About the economy. We’re in shakeup mode. It’s not all over the place. Basically, if you were dumping a trash can into a garbage bin, does it go everywhere? No. But it’s violent to those who loved the trash in the can. They depended on it. They just can’t see it was trash and useless. So they freak out. Those doing the cleaning see a better future and are excited to keep filling up that garbage bin. So you don’t have to prove anything to them right now of what is and what isn’t. Let’s clean up a bit, then we’ll show them, or they’ll figure it out eventually. Life is better. Just comfort them for now. Just say “it’s gonna be ok”. Your calm demeanor will prove your right soon enough.
Dude is on a first name basis with his lawyer? How many people actually have a “call my lawyer”. Really. He just turns back and says “call Amy”. Girlfriend has her on the phone in two seconds. And then she expects to be told everything about what’s is happening. The person being arrested has a right to know…not the people standing around crying.
Ain’t nobody gonna talk to Russia like that mock up post you made. Can’t be friends when your being threatened. Russia is fighting for survival. Been pushed into a corner for decades and is punching out. Threatening them at this point just ruins what decent negotiations we’ve had. Russia understands America’s position. We’re both fighting a deepstate. Putin has called this out publicly. And Russia has been very public to warning those who get in the way of their survival and safety of their people. America and Russia want the same things. We just got some trash to get rid of first.
Yea that’s Pam. That’s what I was thinking. Is this in reference that she’s in trouble with Trump already? Because of what? Release dates of files I suppose? This video created more questions for me than statements.
I think the difference is, they were cutting all this waste and turning it into fraud, for their benefit. Today, much larger waste(fraud) is being cut and used accordingly. As in paying the debt and cycled back into the people’s hands. They had the right idea, just corrupted the process. It’s what criminals do.
Gah..I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Comer saying the word iNvEstIGaTe….this man has yelled investigation for four years now. Has had zero results of this last “administration “. People say maybe he was pinned or unable, and now he’ll get it done. Well words are cheap. And honestly I’d rather see anyone talking about investigations other than Comer. So we’ll see. Kash hopefully will come through. But I place ZERO faith in Comer until further notice.
Weather manipulation is a real thing. The word “chemtrails” is what was targeted by the mods. I don’t disagree. For Tennessee, as an example…we had legislation passed against weather manipulation, but not chemtrails. One is a real thing. We’ve seen the planes labeled as such, and history has shown man has been manipulating the weather for over a hundred years. Chemtrails is basically the conspiracy theory. Honestly don’t know what those are. Yet. But I don’t remember any thread where a mod said talking about weather manipulation wasn’t allowed. Only the word related to those white trails behind planes. Honestly don’t know what those are. And I agree with the mods, this isn’t a conspiracy theory website. It’s Q. This site produces more facts than anywhere else I’ve ever been.
It’s not even an fight. Canada leaders pop off and no one is worried. They should be worried. As they are. They have no cards to play at this level. Trump is right. Best chance they have is to join the US. Otherwise, enjoy this new way of life. Something Americans are used to. Overpaying for everything!
I’d just assume not change my clocks twice a year. The “Fall back” is always nice. The “Spring forward” always sucks. So I’d rather just have one set time and be done with all this. And I work outside everyday. I’ll adjust my schedule. Just pick a dang time people!
Got that whole Predator look going on. Hair, forehead, overall look. Just me?