Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

..trying to pass a bill, to follow the law? Got some real talent up there.

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

“I was caught robbing a jewelry store…was fired from McDonalds shortly after.”

Wait, hold up, something ain’t right!

American justice right there. And people wonder why criminals aren’t afraid of the justice system. The average criminal knows the system as good as any lawyer. It’s on their side.

Cyberhawk 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is no doubt the funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile. I was sitting in the eye doctors waiting room, I’m driving for someone getting eye examinations, and I busted out laughing. We gotta place laugh out loud warnings on stuff like this! 😂

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean I hate this really. These good folks have been pushing for 4 yrs and have gained zero ground. 4 yrs ago, almost the exact month…10,000 affidavits were signed about election interference situations. And I watched hundreds and hundreds of testimonies like this. Some folks were just reporting their election station and what was done poorly. Others were actual administrators of the elections ran and they were reporting total failures of what had just happened in the 2020 election. And not just republicans. There were all races present, as well as independents, democrats and republicans all showing and saying what had just happened to election officials, just like this. I mean I’m having to look at the date and make sure this isn’t four year old footage. But it isn’t. The people of this country deserve so much better. But these legislators…I mean I know some care. Four yrs ago some were very interested and upset at what had happened. One I recall wasn’t just getting drilled in a professional setting like this, they were getting hammered at the grocery store, ball field, etc. The thing is, they don’t have the power to do anything other than pass laws. They cannot enforce anything. This is what I leaned after watching, wasting, countless hours watching this crap. This whole system is screwed. When a democrat election official says publicly that they are well aware of election interference, and sadly, are unable to walk anything back. They admitted they didn’t know how to correct a stolen election. Man I lost it. It was around this time that I became “broken”. After 6 months of doing nothing but constant research and watching, listening to testimony after testimony, waiting for justice….nothing. I have lost total faith in our election system. Point blank, we don’t have an election system, we have election selections. These legislators are just empty seats making good money, for nothing. Their job is to get in between the people and the process. That is what they are paid for.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

They’ve been holding off election legislators for 4 yrs now. Only a few more months to go. Shouldn’t be a problem at this point.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is no different than what I watched 4 yrs ago now. I mean it’s like the exact meetings. Everyone noticed the mishandling of the entire process. No proof was provided. Nothing to say it was a legitimate election, and they just exhausted the investigation process. The bad guys wore the good guys down. As you see here. Its “i don’t know” “we’re working on that”, “our conclusions”, it’s the same ole same old. And nothing is getting done to correct our elections. I mean if there’s major litigation getting pass to prevent another steal, please share. Cause I’ve watched countless hours back in 2020 of this exact stuff. And literally zero has come from it. “They” just will not assist in helping expose the last election. And it’s exactly what they are gonna do again. Was to easy last time. And it’s why I keep saying, there are no powers to convict or even hold them responsible. Those “enforcement” laws don’t exist. Election laws can be broken because there is no one to enforce them. Apparently.

Cyberhawk 0 points ago +1 / -1

Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Imo, Satan will go after the jews more than any other group of people. To paint the jews as evil sounds exactly what satan wound want to what the Old Testament wound call “God’s chosen”. To me, the Jewish people have a very important part to play yet. During the years of tribulation, God will be undeniable. Everything Jesus had said will start to unfold, and all Jewish, real Jews, will have the job of taking on the role of spreading His message. Something like 140,000 of them. Eventually they will die, all of them during those seven years. But they will be very successful, hopefully. To call all Jews bad, to me, is wrong. There is only one true enemy. And his name is Satan.

Cyberhawk 7 points ago +7 / -0

If I remember correctly, every animal experiment with the e death jab, ended with the animal deceased. Like 100%

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because it comes down to enforcement of the law. We’ve got plenty of people to arrest honest hardworking citizens. But to arrest criminals, and especially criminals in position of “power”…naw.

It’s just like that state election legislative person I watched a few yrs ago. Right after the stolen election. She admitted mistakes. She recognized that laws were broken. And then she said it “we set hurdles up for people who try and break election integrity laws. But when those laws get broken…we don’t know how to jump our own hurdles to convict them..” The system is literally set up to be unable to convict those of high crimes. Unless of course, you’re a nobody (average citizen). Then they just do whatever to you. Like Trump. He’s a high profile person, and they’ll break law after law on him. Now imagine one of us. Until we have a true justice system of laws and enforcement of those laws…nothing gets fixed. We’re all stuck in a “deal with it” timeframe. I hope this changes soon. But I’m not holding my breath.

Cyberhawk 10 points ago +11 / -1

That’s a shame. I feel for their families. I’m sure none of them want to be headed towards the meat grinder. And Russia has said that they will be prioritized targets. Good young men. All this sucks.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

The guy in question is on the left. With the hair. The older man is his dad, posing with his stepmom, he passed away couple yrs ago.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I stop buying current items, then I’d have no gas and groceries. That’s about the only thing I spend money on nowadays.

Cyberhawk 0 points ago +1 / -1

“ We are the Jews. The Jewish religion was brought to completion by Christ”

That’s an interesting statement. And is closer to truth that many know. We, Christians, are the chosen now. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as our savior, and follow Him. There are Jewish people who are now a Christian. Do they remain “a Jew”? Are they “chosen”. I say yes to both. Christians have that special place. And that is the title that is worthy. People don’t lose their lineage do they? Now are the people of Israel God’s chosen people? Imo, yes. I think God still has a purpose for those who originate from the Israelites. But as Jesus states….not all those who call themselves Jews are Jews. Yet they will bend a knee anyways.

It’s the wording. People are trying to sum up all Jewish people as antichrist. And bent on evil. Jewish people are Christians as well. A Muslim can become a Christian. Is it illegal for that person to say they are Muslim? I have no idea. But they ARE now a Christian.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

God have you direction. It’s called the Bible. God made laws, they are the Ten Commandments. There will always be God’s laws and man’s laws. When man’s law tries to supersede God’s laws, they should be ignored. Understand God wants you to not be a law breaker of His laws, nor man’s. But as I said, if man’s laws get in the way….

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

No one killed Jesus. Jesus was a sacrifice for all mankind. Your sins put Jesus on that cross tho. So did mine. But since your attacking Jews, let’s be clear. The Pharisees wanted Jesus dead. Yes they were Jewish. But all Jewish people didn’t want Jesus dead. Mary was Jewish. The disciples were Jewish. Those Jesus healed were Jewish. Jesus….was Jewish.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t have to read, I know from experience. A chicken won’t lay more than 1 egg a day…that’s peak production. My current batch are going on 3 years and give as much now as they did at 6-8 months. I expect this to keep going till, as usual, 5 yrs…then it will taper off. That’s when I introduced them to the back 60. Be free little chicken! Let nature take its course. So if you have 25 chickens, you should be getting around 20-25 a day. That’s peak. If you have 10, you should be around 8-10 a day. I’m down to 6 currently and I get 5-6 a day. I don’t like introducing new chicks with older hens of I don’t have to. It gets brutal sometimes. But if I lose anymore, may have to. Of course these numbers are outside of molting and any situations where they get freaked out.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Time of year absolutely. When mine “molt” their egg production goes down like 75%. Also things like thunderstorms, random events like predators(dogs) disturbing them affects egg production. Basically, happy chickens give the best results. Now I’m in Tennessee, so my chicken coop is more designed for warm months. If you’re up north, you would need to invest in a more cold design. Chickens don’t need much tho. They can handle cold weather a lot better than warm weather. And in most situations, heat kills chickens much more than cold weather. Their basic body temperature is like 105 degrees. But if you’re in sub degree temperatures, might need some covered insulated designs, wind blocking openings, etc, and anything that can keep their water from freezing. Low 30’s is fantastic for winter temperatures. They love it. Keeping a chicken acclimated to its environment is important. You don’t want a 50 degree coop, in a 2 degree outside weather. They won’t come out. So if your those kinds temperatures on a regular basis, even 30 degrees may be to high. Go with low 20’s maybe. But keep a fish tank heater in the water. Windows and openings are ok, but be mindful of location. If they are around the egg nest, seeing leaves drop or bugs flying around will disturb them and could hurt production. That’s their alone time. 😁

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

You could just raised the chickens to eat. There are some for egg laying and some for harvesting. Of course, all could be eaten. It’s just buying egg layers and eating them in 6-12 months doesn’t make much sense at all. But hey, to each their own.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +3 / -1

My chickens are laying a lot further than 6-12 months. Do you mean free grazers that die due to predators? An egg layer should get you at a minimum of 3 yrs. An average of 4, and close to 5yrs. If your only getting good egg production for 6-12 months. Something is wrong.

Cyberhawk 27 points ago +27 / -0

That’s crazy. The schools actions, namely the principal, shows guilt imo. I mean if this was truly an odd thing I woulda been as concerned as the parent. But instead they ban her? That’s messed up. Like her, I would be posting that everywhere in that district. Also I would like to check other school laptops children use. Like file/folder names, etc. Hopefully she’s not done. Continue on with that situation girl.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

This reminds my of Will Smith’s character from MIB, the alien autopsy scene.

“What I was pointing out was the fact that are no….umm… pieces, of him left…so they are intact, you know….wherever they are whole, somewhere…that we can be sure of.”

LoL, just clearly doesn’t have a clue on what the heck is going on.

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