From a family member perspective, who works for the government(social security), overall people the first few days were like “do what?” Some where more harsh like “I’m not doing that, I’ve worked this way for ten years”, kinda deal. Some are quitting, losing a fat check over “muh reasons”. That was last week. This week those that are still there are understandably getting the point. The boss man, manager, is like “this is serious y’all, don’t play around with your numbers or work load times”. He’s warning them to come in. And some won’t but overall, today, people are learning this is for real. Many are worried about their past workload records. Which were barely anything. I figure a few are gonna take the “deal” Trump has offered, because they’ll be fired ina few weeks anyways. Eventually a total assessment will be made and many loved their check, but didn’t work. My family has talked about this for 20 years. Those people sweating bullets right now. It’s all good my friend. Allll good.
It’s probably more of a term “criminal record” and what it means to which grp. Technically illegals all have a record, as soon as they are caught. If caught. Due process won’t be a thing of course. But, former administrations, gave illegals rights. And some were given due process and not charged. Not their fault, the systems fault. In reality they are criminals, and when caught, recorded. It just the reporter is ignorant of these facts. Mostly due to previous corrupt administrations.
Yea I understand your last paragraph. I’ve felt this way before. And to be honest, I get onto myself for “caring” more than I should about worldly things. Better I should be trying to help people find Jesus than explain Trumps motives. That’s my fault. Something I should be doing much better. Good conversation friend. Take care. ❤️
My sister in law works for the social security department, surely I’ll hear about this soon enough. From what I hear tho, many will be taking this as in they refuse to change their “way of life”. You know the ones who they barely work and get paid amazingly. They would rather lose their job than “taken orders from” Trump. So I’d imagine they’ll take this and feel, somehow, they won.
Well ok then. You agree. Criminals with a record. See, easy. Press Secretary was spot on. And the reporter with his loaded question of trying to legalize them, failed. As does anyone trying to justify an illegal citizen anything other than a criminal. And I’m sure some are good people. But sneaking into my house window isn’t how someone enters my home. Hopefully lessons being learned.
You’re overthinking this like crazy. It’s simple. I’m trying to dumb this down for you and I’m having problems doing so. Ok….umm , if I snuck into Russia tomorrow, then got caught by their forces of anti illegal immigration, am I innocent, by law..their law, and therefore cannot be guilty of anything… see this? Do you understand? THEY ARE NOT LEGAL CITIZENS. Once again you are confusing the situation. Citizens cannot be guilty of being illegal citizens. In Russia, I’m guilty. It’s not a civil issue, it’s federal. No courts. No jury. Guilty. I’m guilty as soon as I snuck through the window. No due process of the justice system, I’m not a citizen. If I broke into your home, got caught, I go to court, guilty, punishment, etc. A ILLEGAL doesn’t get this same treatment. Why would they? They are not citizens. I explained in my other post by different levels of justice, civil, federal, etc. But the reason why a illegal is a criminal, with now a record, is because they are ILLEGALLY here, and now we document them(record them) and send them packing. Which gives a record.
And even worse is what we have. Illegals with a criminal record, which shouldn’t even be a real thing. But it is. That’s how bad our situation is. Our justice system process then as citizens. They killed and raped, processed like they lived here. Most countries wouldn’t even have to follow their own laws and could bury them out back. Our illegals are getting fair treatment and being delivered still breathing. For now. Many won’t go that easy because our corrupt system protected them. Which is against the laws of this land.
Hope this helps.
You're confusing common laws vs federal. How many years have you spent in prison vs how much was your ticket/court cost. Sneaking into a country, esp America, is not the same as jay walking. That’s breaking federal laws. And you don’t have to be convicted. If your an illegal, that’s being convicted. Doesn’t require a court.
With Americas 250th birthday coming, I figure it’ll be around July 4th 2026. Also when DOGE is supposed to be finished with cutting the fat outta government. He gave Elon and Vivek till that exact date to get it done. Something like a 90% cut of government. These next 1.6 years is gonna be wild.
Good advice. Yeah it’s that time of life when your brain knows you can lift it, but the body starts to fail. Easy to get hurt in those years. We definitely work smarter nowadays. Lots of pulley’s and lever tactics. Of course it only takes one dumb decision and, done. That’s what happened to my grandad. He tried to save someone rolling down the roof. He stopped the man, but got thrown off, through some scaffolding boards and to the ground. Broke his hip terribly. Never was the same after that. Sometimes working around lesser experienced people is very dangerous. Their incompetence gets other people hurt. I prefer just working around my brother. We know each other. Been working together forever. So we know each others moves and capabilities.
Honestly I’m not worried about this. I place faith in God the Father and my savior Jesus Christ. Technically I’m untouchable. I’m with He who gave me eternal salvation. I’ll be lying in green pastures one day. Just gotta stay on the mission. One that I should be giving more attention to. I pray for Trump and this country. It’s all up to God tough. I’ll be happy with whatever He wants to do.
Maybe it so they don’t see Kash’s tomorrow. Or even postponed, depending whose on that flight. Gonna be lots of Q and Anon stiff most likely.