Cyberhawk 13 points ago +13 / -0

The government wants the land. They are just trying to get them off of it. It’s Maui 2.0. I’m a Christian way before I’m a patriot. But I’d be loading my mags and carrying my rifle for this one. Hate to be that way, but it’s come to that.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Might need to strap yourself to a chair…you may have been activated.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know I looked at my receipt just now…and Trumps name is kinda smeared. The “m” is. Because it’s lower case the “m” like almost like a black square compared to ever other letter on my receipt. I don’t think the machines are counting my receipt tho. Think the machine is counting digitally. Dang. That’s concerning. I’d show a picture but I don’t know how from here.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +6 / -1

I didn’t forget that. Ok so report it. Show video of it. Take pictures. Find names and plates. And then what? Call the police? They are doing nothing. So again, without enforcement, reporting crimes doesn’t matter. We are counting on a corrupted system to help us deter a election being stolen..again. Q says the military is the only way…that’s exactly right.

Cyberhawk 8 points ago +9 / -1

Because nothing was done about election fraud. There were some gains. But as I’ve kept saying, laws were passed, laws are being broken. Just like last time. No one to enforce. Without enforcement, it doesn’t matter what laws are made. Until we have enforcement, this will never change. We’re you at military? On the governments payroll? Yeah that’s what I figured.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s rarely seen, but four years ago it was there. It’ll get worse as the days go by. Wait until election night. We ain’t seen nothing yet. Well, if you saw 2020 you did. But this will be bigger, or worse, however you want to put it.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m thinking this right here. There was suppose to be a surprise. There always something. And many here called it when they said that WH’s would stop something terrible is that’s what was planned. They may have been right.

Cyberhawk 7 points ago +7 / -0

Way before my Christian days, when I was a teenager. We always looked forwards to Devil’s Night. We did the most destruction on that night compared to any other night that year. It was the night to make people be afraid of. It was just crime night. Stupid. And innocent people were affected. Many of the things I was forgiven for. Still don’t see how God is so merciful. Our Father in Heaven is amazing. And our Lord Jesus…I’ll be forever grateful. I didn’t deserve forgiveness nor mercy. But He see it differently. Thank you Lord for that.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

I share in that “touuuuch” mentality myself. LoL. I ain’t judging.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well this his great to learn. Ty for sharing. I do know that, what we call “dirt dobbers” wasp kill spiders. You’ll know them my their dirt nest they make on your pretty white siding……lol. If you crack open a nest you see all kind of dead spiders. Their offspring eat those when they are born, or something.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

I ask this often. I’m like “Lord…why wasps?” Guess the flood didn’t kill the flying stinging nuisance!

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

“We won’t try that again”. That’s good. Remember to tell that to someone when you seek employment from somewhere else soon. Maybe remind the next business owner you meet to learn from your mistake.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

When your placed on a star studded team as a rookie, it tends you inflate your numbers. Last year was all Christian McCaffrey. The man is amazing. The O-line was freaking amazing. Purdy could’ve went to sleep behind that line. And when the game came down to Purdy last year, he choked severely. As any rookie at that level would. Not at the SB, no before that. It was his inexperience. This year started off the same way. No McCaffrey…loss loss loss. Bottom line is that it ain’t Purdy, never was. It was the team. They just needed someone decent to work with. Purdy fit that bill. But he’s shaping up nicely. He just didn’t have to go through the school of hard knocks like almost very other rookie. He got drafted..last. Sat on a bench. And then the impossible happened. Injury, injury…your up kid. Rest is history. His story could end amazingly. But not yet.

If Purdy had to start off like say, Joe Burrow’s did. Building a team from scraps. His story would be much different.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean yes, they ARE going to cheat. That’s a guarantee. So no question there. And even if they are successful in the steal, it’s what happens from Nov.5th to January’s installed in that’s in question. If it’s like last time, then nothing will happen. But, look around you today. Look how many are now awakened. Look how bold people are getting towards tyranny and corruption. Times are changing, times have changed. And ain’t any election gonna stop that. Doesn’t matter who wins. We, technically, have already won. If the deepstate is sworn in, in January. Then continue on soldier. Don’t lose sleep. The truth is something that needs people to get addicted to. And that’s happening. I lean on the Lord. I can’t handle this world alone anymore. Im thankful for His blessings and His justice. And trust God’s Will to be done in my life. And no election won or stolen will change that.

I often think about the greatest of awakenings if they steal this election in 8 days. Would truly be amazing. But if Trump wins, great. It’s a win win.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with the hospital deaths, but noone died at home with COVID. The hospitals either killed then, or the shot did. Buried a few family members myself. Both “COVID” related. Not by a virus. But by procedures. shots, remdesevir, etc, etc. And countless friends and people I know died. All the same. Hospital procedures and the death jab. The amount I know today that are injured is climbing higher by the month. Now including more family members and a crap ton of church family. Where is their justice? I can only count on God for hope and justice in this world.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m no 49’ers fan but they have some amazing players. Bosa is one of them for sure. Guy is insane. I would be terrified if I was a QB looking at that monster trying to get me every snap. I like Kittle as well. Just a good team. And no I’m not including Purdy. I like him personally, his family seems very nice…but no.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

“I’m not going along with it anymore”. Please tell us then, what have you gone along with? People should know. Wanna take a stand, spill the beans. Ask for forgiveness.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even tho that has zero to do with our conversation..addressing your new topic. No, Joe has never had control of the military. Ukraine is the perfect example of that.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

So when Trump goes after her IF he wins..then it’ll be good for the country? This is what you saying? What laws has she broken against Trump? Shouldn’t the law go after her for crimes against (many)? Trump isn’t the law. Trump isn’t gonna be here forever. We need laws enforced. We need equal justice. When is someone being arrested for things such as crimes against humanity “good” for the country? Trump didn’t have to go after her personally at any time. All he has to do is make sure those who do, do so legally. Something he didn’t get. Nor do many citizens. When did Trump become the staple of justice? Only he get to say who gets it and who doesn’t? That isn’t a justice system. It’s quite the opposite. Let the law act accordingly. Legally. That’s all Trump should be interested in. He coulda done that years ago. So now it will look like revenge. Won’t matter the evidence. Many will see it as revenge for what they did to him. That’s 2 steps back.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

This rhetoric of “bad for the country”….by putting criminals in jail. Wow. Anyone who says this is already screwed mentally. Crime pays. Please, someone with power, answers for your crimes! Oh wait, it’s bad for us citizens when that happens. What place is this? Oh that’s right, Satans playground.

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