Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

So praying is magical? It’s what you just said. And I’m not pretending anything about the teachings of Jesus. Why can’t a Christian pray for all these problems man has ZERO chances in fixing? We have to become monks? Once again, you severely underestimate the power of prayer. Follow Christ, see what He did. This is the way. Jesus prayed. Is that not good enough for you? Wasn’t for Judas Iscariot either.

Of course there is more than just praying…we should be out teaching the world the gospel about Jesus. I assume this is what you’re referring to. I agree. It’s something Jesus commanded of us. I definitely should be doing a better job, imo.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not sure how both of you were as far as open to God and our Lord Jesus, but if you two were not as much….this is a great opportunity to tell her the steps God has placed you on. About acceptance. And trusting Him. And how you feel prayer is how this may be coming back together. Just a great time to place Jesus right where He belongs. Right in the middle of a husband and wife. You both hang on to Him, and you’ll be right as rain. 😁

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure. It’s rarely happened in the history of man tho. It’ll start off that way..Israelites in Egypt, various revolutions in Europe and the west. Then, always back to the slave state. And in nearly all of those cases, cept for God/Moses, either the people became the military, or the military stepped up for the people. Well, Americans aren’t gonna step up and be the military, it’s just not a reality anymore. The ideals and history are there, but the heart isn’t. We are most definitely in the slave state by many many decades. So it’s down to our military. Honestly, I know who they were and most likely still are. But I have zero faith in them. In the end the military had the same ideals as the deepstate. Be the most powerful, have “peace”through intimidation and war, and relentless to anyone who even remotely challenges you. And somewhere in there hand power over to the people…..lol, yea that last part doesn’t fit in anymore. Really never did.

So yea elites. Which is not the average everyday citizen. So we either all become elite, or we ain’t welcomed to the clubs.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ride out to the deep woods? Deepstate is done with this guy, that’s for sure.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +3 / -1

Actually saw a video today, from priest Mari, who was a natural born Syrian, who became a Christian and now lives in Australia. He said in their book of Quran, the holy mother Mary is labeled as Moses sister…..so they are like 1500 years off.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn’t it the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Think this originated from someone who eventually was imprisoned and beheaded by their enemy so, might not have a good ending.

Cyberhawk 11 points ago +11 / -0

About 600 after Jesus, yes. Then they let a nobody, Muhammad, mess up the gospel and get everything out of place. They had the gospel of John, who was at the foot of the cross, as our Lord and Savior Jesus died for all our sins…and 600 years later just let some Muhammad guy say whatever. Hopefully they pursuit today, will lead them to the truth of who Jesus really is. And then be truly saved.

Cyberhawk 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sounds great, but it won’t be available to common folk. If “they” can’t get filthy rich off of an idea, by making us pay a fortune for it, it won’t proceed. They’ll still make it, using tax dollars, our money, but it won’t be for us till it’s so outdated to them and worthless. Cept it isn’t. They’ll then charge us a smaller fortune for it. And laugh all the way to the bank.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

As a Christian, I’m surprised you don’t see both parties as equally bad. Works by faith includes voting? Faith would be counting on God to make things right, if I vote or not. Which He will. No matter what I do here in Earth, the end is already written. So you can vote, sure. Or you don’t, it’s up to you. God doesn’t care about the American flag. Or your constitution. Or your oaths. All will bend a knee, even you. Think God would rather me talk about Jesus and His plan, to those standing in line at a voting booth, trying to vote there way out of problems.

And if I was floating in the ocean and a boat came by, that is the Lord answering prayers. Perhaps a non Christian doesn’t understand that? You should seek out Jesus. If your in pursuit of truth, you won’t find much in this world. In God tho, you’ll be sustained. You’ll be filled. And start to understand how a lot of this works. As in life.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ty for this post. Yes I was looking for the video I mentioned earlier with no success, but I did find this video which is very similar to your post. Also by priest Mari.


Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your underestimating prayer. And saying things like “God doesn’t do things”…How do you know? The God I know can do anything. And for any of us to have the Father measured up by our own standards, that’s very foolish.

Cyberhawk 10 points ago +10 / -0

That priest Marni(sp?), the one that was attacked recently. He showed in their “Bible” that Jesus was labeled as the Christ, and messiah. Basically Marni said Jesus was in their Bible the same as in the Christian Bible. The fact that many Muslim don’t recognize this, as he says, is their own self beliefs. Not what is written. Thought that was very interesting.

Cyberhawk 7 points ago +7 / -0

Exactly. This much incompetence, as was the JFK assassination, is on purpose. Fail just enough to get Trump shot by a fall guy. No telling who else has been “dealt with” since all this went south.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

LoL, I had to to sound out the letters and then I got it. At first I was like..what he call me? 😁

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Working ok for me. I have faith in God. What can I do that He can’t do infinitely better? Let His Will be done. If God wants me to do something He’ll let me know.

It’s amazing how throughout all this Olympic stuff about mocking Jesus and trans this, satanic that. Haven’t heard anyone call out Satan, the only enemy we all have, including those transgender peeps. People see them as villains, I see them as victims. Satan is the villain. Shouldn’t we be worried about their losing position in this world? Shouldn’t we be praying for them to find Jesus and be saved? I did. Has anyone else? But instead, let’s take’em out! In seeing people posting things about killing the enemy, etc…really? That’s what following Christ is about? No.

It’s not the easy path. And there’s nothing wrong with speaking God’s truth to others. But do it in a manner with love in your heart. They need help. Shouldn’t we be wanting to help them?

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Possible so. And Amen. Christ is everlasting. And one day we’ll get to go home to our Lord and Savior. Forever. It’s a beautiful thought.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

LoL. Righteous anger. It’s for sure a thing. Can we all recognize the difference tho? For me, I’m not sure. Lord doesn’t want me fighting anymore. He’ll take my legs right out from under me…again. If He has to. Kinda something I’m currently going through. To long of a post for that tho. God is good. I’m thankful for His mercy and forgiveness.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

For you it just comes down to one thing. Do you trust God/Jesus? Do you have faith in Him? There is your answer to all your concerns. You’re gonna perish anyways. Because of your sin, you will die, as well all will. Only those who have chosen Christ as their personal Lord and Savior will only die once. So don’t worry about what you think may happen. It’s already written what WILL happen. God wins. And those who accept God’s Son Jesus, will be accepted into Heaven. Having been washed in the blood. Thank you Jesus.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Old Testament. The new promise or new covenant is what you should be referring to, as far as action. Not saying Old Testament isn’t important to learn, but understand, Jesus changed everything as far as our relationship with the Father goes. God didn’t send His Son to die for us, just to kill people and behave how we want to. Jesus is the way. His teachings are your guide. Cherry picking scripture to fit today’s needs is dangerous imo. Vengeance is His(God’s).

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

What would Jesus do? We are to be more Christ-like, as Christians. More like Him, less like ourselves(the world). “They” don’t ask you for anything technically, God does. So when a decision comes up, who cares what “they” say…what does the Holy Spirit tell you?

Cyberhawk 7 points ago +8 / -1

That’s exactly right. This is dumbest thing I’ve ever seen Elon say. I hope real Christian’s get him straighten out.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would you? The last sacrifice has been done, all debts paid. We but only to accept Christ as our savior and believe the sacrifice and the resurrection, and you’ll be washed in the blood. God is so good.

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