I think the only way to think of this is that there's a biological drive towards "safety" and herd mentality. Your maybe-MIL is just NPC-ish automatically aligning herself with the powerful people (or people who appear powerful) in her universe.
This is a survival mechanism that's often been high-jacked by malign forces.
=== I just listened to a couple of interesting interviews conducted by James Delingpole. They might help you regain an even keel.
https://delingpole.podbean.com/e/cj-hopkins/ https://delingpole.podbean.com/e/gregory-paul-martin/
I agree with Retaining–H2O. It's not possible for "vaccine-induced" myocarditis to've been studied as to any sort of mortality timeframe.
If they simply state that—historically—cases of myocarditis resolve in this statistical fashion, that's a claim that can stand up.
I thought this was quite a good interview:
Does it sometimes feel like you’re surrounded by people who’ve been hypnotised in some way? Well, maybe you are. My guest tonight is Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, and his observations over the past 18 months have led him to conclude that the overwhelming majority have indeed fallen under a kind of spell. Except it’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is ‘mass formation’ and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response — not unlike hypnosis — to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected. Join me at 5pm when I will explore with Mattias what triggers and sustains this mass response, where it could ultimately lead us, why a minority somehow manages to remain unaffected, and whether there’s anything we can collectively do to break the spell before it’s too late.
Medical misadventure is the third-leading cause of death in the US, so they really are doing us a favor. Most treatment is given at end-of-life, when—frankly—one's life is already ending. We just need to come to grips with death as our ancestors did.
Got to have been a picture. There simply wasn't enough time to read even a short text (like on the faux note that was going around) and register its implications.
The reactions were instantaneous.
Could have been pix of the recipients at one of the blackmail orgies? or something worse.
Rather than wage battle over duelling sources, I would lay out an argument based on scientific principles and the process of reason.
In no particular order, and of varying narrative potency:
• The trials are not over until 2023. Esp. if you are not at high risk, what's the reason not to wait and see what the outcome is?
• Does she know that, during the very brief pre-trials, most of the placebo group ended up being given the vaccine before the end of the trial? That's completely abnormal, and puts into question the overall results (if they were interested in results, which they were not...)
• Why are they encouraging (in some places) people to arbitrarily "mix and match" vaccine doses from different purveyors? This is also highly irregular, and unscientific given that a trial is still under way.
• Why are they saying it's "safe and effective" for pregnant women and children, when pregnant women and children were not part of the brief pre-trials? This is unscientific.
• Why is the UK saying that people who received placebos in the pre-trials now count as having been vaccinated? This is beyond unscientific into the absurd.
You can get into things like.. why are they letting in tens of thousands of illegals both in the US and Europe without testing, while citizens can't even board a bus without a test? Not serious or scientific,
• Why did the CDC openly declare that so-called vaxxed people should have their Covid PCR tests run at fewer cycles than people whose DNA hasn't yet been modified? Again, un-serious and un-scientific.
I could probably come up with another half-dozen, but these are just off the top of my head. Anyone who has had a science background should see these anomalies as glaring red flags that Something Is Not Right.
• oh yeah... No "drug" in history has had as complex a biological interaction as this, and it is completely uncharted territory... Yet it is the substance we are being ordered to assume into our bodies with the least safety testing of any drug, EVER.. for a disease that is among the least lethal EVER. This makes ZERO sense if one does not wish to impute nefarious motives.
If your aunt can come up with a logical answer to even one of these questions, I would be surprised, but any one of them being unanswerable gives the entire game away as bogus.
With all your research you've probably come across your own red flags to add to this list. Good luck!!
P.S. The new FDA ruling that the PCR test is not fit for purpose means that the gravity of the situation has been greatly over-estimated (we knew this, but this is proof).
P.P.S. (another pede reported) "As of May 7 2021: Cdc stops reporting Breakthrough cases unless they cause hospitalization or death:" https://archive.ph/Wz2hu You just stop testing what you don't want to know about? How can that be explained as scientific?
Um, you guys.. I'm old enough to remember the TV show, Dallas.
"J.R." Ewing was the Larry Hagman character who had brushes with death, including an end-of-season or end-of-series cliffhanger.
"J.R. lives" is a ur-meme from an era before "memes" had a name.
It's a "potters' field" burial in NYC. Lots of people die there every year and are unclaimed, because the families are estranged or are too indigent to arrange for a funeral. This pic was diffused to make it seem like this was some kind of emergency covid measure, rather than BAU.
Ok, this is really the last thing: One definition of "grief", I think, could be "wanting a different past".
It sounds like you are already "pre-grieving" the deaths of your loved ones. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, if you can resolve it over a "normal" grieving period.. After working through the pain of losing them while they are actually still here, you may be able to see future time with them as gravy, an undeserved gift with no more strings attached.
My own unhinged moment in the past came when I realized a certain thing about the world didn't work the way I thought, and that had me staring into The Abyss. What I think was happening is that I was grieving the loss of the world I thought I knew, that was Never Coming Back.
Sometimes when I get into a funky corner I play with alternatives. Substitute out the vax factor and ask yourself what you would do if your relatives happened to die in a car accident, or a fire. That would be awful, but would you feel exactly the same way as you do now, or not?
As a practical matter, I might try to work on what else might be making you feel so lost, because that's something to try and remedy in some way right now that will make you feel less unhinged, regardless of what does or doesn't happen to the "vaxxed" people. Use the courage you had in making these revelations to start developing an independent and resilient core: concentrate on some skills you can master that will be useful to others "if times get tough, or even if they don't".
Reading some of the Stoic philosophers or Daoist texts might assist with some perspective. Everyone's death is guaranteed at birth. Neither the past nor the future really belongs to us... Vaxxers may have harmed themselves "in a permanent way" or not, but that is their life. Their lives have always been out of your control.
One Buddhist saying is "no hope; no fear". In the same vein, Seneca wrote: I find in the writings of our Hecato that the limiting of desires helps also to cure fears: “Cease to hope,” he says, “and you will cease to fear.” “But how,” you will reply, “can things so different go side by side?” In this way, my dear Lucilius: though they do seem at variance, yet they are really united. Just as the same chain fastens the prisoner and the soldier who guards him, so hope and fear, dissimilar as they are, keep step together; fear follows hope. I am not surprised that they proceed in this way; each alike belongs to a mind that is in suspense, a mind that is fretted by looking forward to the future. But the chief cause of both these ills is that we do not adapt ourselves to the present, but send our thoughts a long way ahead. And so foresight, the noblest blessing of the human race, becomes perverted. Beasts avoid the dangers which they see, and when they have escaped them are free from care; but we men torment ourselves over that which is to come as well as over that which is past. Many of our blessings bring bane to us; for memory recalls the tortures of fear, while foresight anticipates them. The present alone can make no man wretched.
This is already too long, but one last thing... I cared for my mom for many months before she passed. On that day, I realized that I didn't feel sad, and I tried to parse out why that was. I came to the conclusion that it was because there was no 'unfinished business' between us.. that people may feel sad when someone dies because they no longer have the chance to give or to receive something they want to give or to receive. For selfish reasons, in a way... I started to think about grief as a measure of "lack", and if you work on your relationships now so that they don't "lack" anything.. then you might be taking away some of the reasons to feel sad if someone were to die before you (of which there is always a chance, anyway). Hope that helps.
I went through my "unhinged" period pretty early on in this scenario, and came out of it partially with the help of these philosophies.
I wrote up a letter when summoned recently, talking about how masks don't work, and that by wearing a mask I'd be displaying the fact that I'd ignore material evidence and make judgments just based on fear, coercion, or herd behavior. I included a bunch of graphs and mask studies.
I got excused not only from that jury service, but from all jury service forever!!