Your title states that it happened as the result of collisions - all those events happened a long time ago, and were not related at all. You are a flaming piece of shit, polluting this site. The mods are blind if they can't understand this.
Nope. All of this is bullshit - text messages are a paid service on the carrier networks, and it is simply not technically viable to censor billions of text messages - even assuming the carriers were dumb enough to go along with this moronic idea. Messing with paid services on the carrier networks is very different from messing with the free social media on the Internet...
Notice these are just "plans", and I expect them to quietly fade away.
I can't figure out if the Dims are really this stupid, is pure desperation to censor injection and audit info making them this stupid, or are white hats forcing them to act this stupid? Maybe a combination of all 3...
I agree - not flying has provided a lot of excellent fringe benefits like the ones you mentioned for me as well... and in some cases it is also less expensive (it does take longer of course, but I plan ahead so that is not an issue).
Medical coercion is illegal. However, nobody "forces" you to work at any single company. You can vote with your feet if you don't like the policies of a company (employment at will). Since you voluntarily work at a company, that means you voluntarily comply with their policies... in this case, voluntarily agreeing to be a lab rat taking an experimental injection.
A few things are protected by law, but even those are very difficult to enforce in practice. Medical coercion is not one of those things. The only real solution for an employee is to find a job at a different company.
There are two flaws in your logic. The first is that anyone cares about the differences between the different injections. Once the information is out about the harmful effects, all the injections will be lumped together for the backlash by the sheeple. Any effort to tell the sheeple - "yeah, those other two injections will kill you, but this one over here is good" is likely to be torn down immediately (plenty of evidence they are all bad).
The second is the assumption that the sheeple, once even part of the truth comes out, will be willing to tolerate any sort of mandatory injection based on a rushed "approval" by a corrupt FDA. Once people realize that some parts of the government that they blindly trusted tried to kill them, they will very probably go full tilt in the other direction, not trusting or believing ANY government agency going forward... and that also applies to the MSM as well.
The DS will not be able to control this. Once part of the lies unravel, it all unravels. If the DS tries to make any of the injections mandatory, that is the line that cannot be crossed for most of us. It will be civil war at that point. Unless the white hats are completely clueless and inept, it will not be allowed to go that far.
The journal article is probably the most important of the two. Added to the many studies on this site: it may be able to start breaking through the MSM censorship of safe, effective and inexpensive treatments for the chinese bio-weapon.
Someday, in the not-to-distant future, the people that made the decisions to deliberately withhold and censor news of those treatments will face justice in front of a military tribunal. I hope those tribunals will be televised.
You are correct that the MSM wall of censorship is full of holes (the Internet, SMS, etc.), letting truthful news slip past it, gradually weakening the wall until it inevitably collapses. That is why the leftists are now creating plans to censor text messages (not realistic technically, but it highlights their desperation).
The MSM censorship of important news, combined with their constant spewage of raw propaganda is slowly killing themselves, one red pill at a time. Once the red pills reach a critical mass amongst the sheeple, the whole process accelerates into an uncontrollable chain-reaction. BOOM.
It will be biblical.
Admitting this will destroy the sheeple's blind trust in big government to take care of them, and blind belief of everything the MSM tells them. Neither would self-destruct like that, unless white hats forced them to do so.
If that ever does happen, it would be a massive overdose of hopium for me... might make me do silly things for a while.
The news can never admit that the injections are harmful to people's health, and deadly for some. However, it is entirely possible that the harmful injections have been swapped out for saline, at least partially (hundreds of millions getting injected all over the world - swapping all of them is probably not realistic).
Sadly, "stupid and pathetic" describes most sheeple in general. Not all of course, but many. With any luck, those sheeple can learn to do better going forward as part of the awakening that is slowly happening during this current war (stupid and pathetic is not permanent - it can be fixed by the sheeple themselves if they want to).
The injections are bad for people's health. There are differences between them, and between batches as well, so the type and amount of damage done to people's health varies. Some, like the OP, overreact and assume that everyone that gets the injection is going to die.
No. Everyone that gets the injection is harming their own health to some degree. A small percentage will die, even due to ADE affects in the fall when exposed to other viruses. Ivermectin and HCQ can help treat those that get sick.
In fact, that is the best thing that the OP could do at this point. Stock up on Ivermectin, Quercetin (or HCQ if you can get it), Zinc, vitamins C and D, etc. Have it ready to go for the injected people that catch a virus. Doing that would actually help them, a lot. It could save their lives, in fact.
Correct. This is click-bait bullshit, and apparently all the others in this thread have severe reading comprehension problems. The whole thing was about ending mask mandates for people that got the injections. That is all. Nothing else.
It DID NOT say anything about people that did not get the injections OR about people with natural immunity. That was a bunch of crap made up by whatever moron wrote that article.
Not true. There are two different types of damage done by the injections. The first is the damage done by the spike proteins. The mRNA causes a person's own cells to produce spike proteins, which are toxins. Nobody knows how long this lasts... days, months... we don't know. We also don't know how long the damage from spike proteins lasts. Is it permanent? No idea.
The second problem is the weakened immune systems and ADE. The data from the UK shows that injected people are six times more likely to die from the virus than people that have not been injected. Six times greater risk for a virus which has such a low mortality rate will not be catastrophic... maybe raise it to the "4-6% lost forever"? We don't know that either.
So, it is a VERY bad idea to volunteer to be a lab rat and get the experimental injections. It is not the "depopulation" death jab that some people are saying, but it is no joke. The people that got the injections are playing Russian Roulette with their own health, and will probably have to live with the consequences for the rest of their lives.
Dimocraps cannot win fair and accurate elections. They must cheat to win.
If you take away their cheating, they will dwindle to the small minority that they truly are, and would basically cease to exist as a party. Which would be a very good thing, now that I think about it...
Short answer is no. Technically, it would be a massive undertaking... which is simply not going to happen.
However, look how riled up people are getting just talking about the DS "plans" to monitor and interfere with text messages... very useful, is it not?
I am a system architect computer guy, specializing in designing and building very large scale, secure software systems.
No software should be used in elections or voting. Picture ID, clean voter rolls, secure paper ballots, hand counted. Using these low-tech solutions is not going backwards. It is making the system immune to any type of remote hacking.