The explanation can be simpler.
We are at war. Has anybody ever heard of a war in which NOBODY dies? There will be casualties. The only questions are, how many, and who will they be? If the DS wins this war, billions will die... so the stakes are very high.
That said, it is a strange, unprecedented war. Our enemies are trying to conquer our countries "without firing a shot" by infiltration and using our own freedoms against us. One of the most important tools of these enemies is the pervasive propaganda and lies combined with censorship of the truth.
Our first job is to learn critical thinking skills which make us immune to the propaganda, and then helping others learn those same skills.
Our second job is to spread the true information that is being censored whenever and wherever possible, in a grassroots fashion that cannot be controlled or suppressed by the DS.
The military is fighting this war, but it is our job to help them by undoing some of the damage caused by all the propaganda and censorship, whenever we can.
In Minecraft, obviously.
Also, you are making a big deal out of simple incompetence. My guess is that the work is being done by younger workers, and those mistakes the OP pointed out is simply the best level of work that they are capable of.
In the US (thanks to the genius design of the founding fathers) we have a distributed form of government where power originates at the grassroots level and flows upward. Local to Municipal to County to State. We take back our country and fix the damage done to it starting at the local level and working upward.
I hate to break the news to people in this thread, but it does not matter what President Trump says about the injections.
Nothing he says changes the logical reasons to avoid getting the injections. I don't know why he would endorse them, but I also don't care.
I don't blindly follow ANYONE like a fucking sheep. Sheeple do that, not me. I make my own decisions based on the best information available at the time.
I have really good treatments (Ivermectin, etc.) on hand, ready to go, which make the injections completely unnecessary - even if they were safe and effective, which they are not - there is no need for them.
Nothing that anyone says can change those basic facts... so I don't pay any attention. It is that simple.
I bought the Ivermectin Horse Paste (apple flavor) at a ranch supply store. Farm supply stores, Tractor supply stores and other similar stores have it in stock.
I have been taking a dose as a preventative once a week. The dose is by weight. The paste comes in a tube that is sort of like a tube of caulk, except the plunger has ridges and a stopper that locks at the desired weight (dose).
The paste doses are pretty small - I just used a spoon and then drank some fruit juice to wash it down. Easy. You don't have to be too careful as long as the dose is near your weight (you would have to take a lot more than the recommended dose to experience side effects of an overdose).
All details of the various protocols can be found at the FLCCC Alliance web site...
Ivermectin is almost miraculous. It has so many diverse beneficial effects, it is kind of difficult to believe sometimes... justifiably deserved winning the nobel prize in 2015.
AND, it is dirt cheap. I bought 5 doses for less than $4.00 a short time ago.
Nope. You get a declining standard of living and poverty as your reward.
(I know, I saw the /s but decided to answer the question honestly).
Once things get bad enough, the majority of the population would reject the leftist PC/woke bullshit... but considering how unbelievably stupid most people are (by design), it would have to get really, really bad first.
I swear, one of the easiest ways to identify shills is shown by the behavior of the DidYouGetTheVaccine account. For some reason, shills feel compelled to continuously post over and over and over again in their propaganda threads.
Look at this guy (easy to see due to the handshake icon). Scroll down and see post after post after post in the same thread... must be a dozen times. That is classic shill behavior, right there.
The OP is very confused. The electoral college is irrelevant in this situation.
Fraud vitiates everything. There really are no federal elections - they are the sum total of the 50 state elections. One state decertifying their votes decertifies the entire federal election.
Things are going to get interesting once the results of the AZ forensic audit are announced. That is why the DS is already so desperate to find some way to negate those results, in any way possible.
I expect a big mess, with states fighting back against an illegitimate federal government. Maybe that is the precipice (LoW 11.3 marker) that triggers the military to finally take control. Who knows?
Well, Ivermectin really is a wonder drug (which is why it won a nobel prize in 2015). It neutralizes the spike protein, so it can treat the people that got the injections... or at least help.
Also, the spike protein behaves like a prion, and is able to pass the blood/brain barrier... so the "brain fog" may very well be the precursor to prion diseases like Alzheimer's, etc. I don't know if anything can fix that once the damage has been done.
I disagree. First, I no longer have any liberal friends (I have no patience for that shit as we are fighting WW III).
Second, liberals are indeed profoundly stupid. It is a self-inflicted stupidity. It's not that they CANNOT learn the truth about reality - it's that they don't WANT to learn because the truth conflicts with their various ideologies.
That blind faith in the government and the MSM propaganda will be shattered by the health problems caused by the injections.
The best part is: they did it to themselves. It was voluntary, and they did it BECAUSE of their blind faith in the government and the MSM propaganda.
When you think it through, it is perfect in its simplicity. Only something serious that affects these sheeple personally can break the spell they are under.
Well, the OP is partially correct, even if his reading comprehension of the linked article is pathetically bad.
I think the health problems from the injections is the scare event that stands the best chance of waking up the sheeple. Remember, these people are completely self-absorbed, so only something that affects them personally can break through all the many layers of conditioned stupidity.
As far as getting true information out to people, setting up new alternative media platforms is problematic. First, that is not easy to do well, and second it takes a long time to get it right. Most sheeple would ignore the new platform by default.
It would be so much easier to take over the existing media and use it to spread the true information... The DS was able to take control, so the white hats should also be able to do the same thing at some point.
The problem with this approach, as always, is linear thinking. People see a trend, and extrapolate that trend in a straight line into the future. However, nothing in nature really moves in a straight line.
People adapt to changing conditions in unpredictable ways, which gives rise to "the law of unintended consequences". This law bites the marxists in the ass, every time.
How are people adapting to marxist schools? Alternative forms of education such as home schooling, online schools, etc... or, by taking over school boards directly and reversing the marxist indoctrination.
As for the government, once again, riled up people are starting to take over government at the grassroots level, which is exactly the correct tactic. Start local, then municipal, then county, then state.
So, once the marxist actions cross a threshold, they trigger a backlash that destroys everything they tried to accomplish. The marxists always think in terms of top down command and control, while our government in the US is deliberately decentralized and designed for power to flow from the grassroots upward.
Also, the federal government is not going to survive WW III in its present form. Devolution of power back to the states is a thing. We will see how far that goes, starting in the relatively near future.
I agree with the OP - the health problems caused by the injections is going to be one hell of a red pill for a lot of the sheeple.
Think it through. The injections cause your body to produce a toxin (spike proteins) that travels through all parts of your body. They damage blood cells causing clots, strokes, etc... they damage your circulatory system... they damage many of your internal organs... and worst of all, the spike proteins act like prions and are able to pass through the blood / brain barrier - so some percentage of people that got the injections will develop prion diseases like Alzheimer's in the future.
The sheeple did this to themselves. It was voluntary. They believed the MSM propaganda, they believed the corrupt government officials - and they caused significant damage to their own health as a result of that blind belief.
What could possibly be more of a red pill than that? No amount of lies and propaganda can change that reality for the sheeple harmed by the injections that they trusted.
It looks like Ivermectin is a cure for the spike proteins... but the sheeple will have to live with their massive red pill suppository for a while first... serves them right. If that is what it takes to finally wake them up - so be it.
Good find, and thanks for linking it for the rest of us.
I have seen some other similar articles showing similar research. The spike protein is a toxin that damages platelets, causing clumping (blood clots) and damage to the circulatory system.
WORSE, the spike proteins are effectively the same as prions, and are able to pass the blood/brain barrier. It looks like they will cause prion diseases like Alzheimer's in the future for some percentage of those that got the injections.
You are mistaken about the immunity. The injections DO NOT provide immunity to the chinese virus. They don't prevent you from catching it, they don't prevent you from spreading it if you do catch it.
You are correct that it is about something else. It was supposed to be mandatory, with 100% compliance (forced).
The DS plans were for vaccine passports, leading to social score systems (like they have now in communist china). Health problems from the injections were to be blamed on new "variations" of the virus, as justification for never-ending rounds of booster injections.
Now, the injections are voluntary, and less than 50% of the population has gotten 2 injections. A number of states have passed laws forbidding any sort of vaccine passports.
The DS plan is fucked, thanks to President Trump's operation warpspeed. However, the DS will never give up, so it is anyone's guess what sort of evil shit they will do next to try to salvage their plans. It is not over until all the DS scumbags have been executed.
Ordinary people on GAW do not have the problems you are complaining about.
Only shills and/or morons have this problem. The problem is not the mods, it is you.