This is excellent.
Leftists are actually a relatively small minority of the population as a whole. The DS MSM portrays them as the majority [think mirror] in their never-ending propaganda.
Many leftists believe that they got away with the stolen election, and that rigged elections guarantee they will remain in power indefinitely going forward. Therefore, they no longer feel the need to hide their true intentions and actions any longer.
They have overreached, and their actions are waking up a lot of the sheeple (at long last) at the local, grassroots level. This is precisely what we need to truly take back our country and start repairing all the damage the DS has done over the past decades.
It all starts at the local level, then the county, and then the state... which is how it was intended to work in our constitution. No more top-down command and control from the federal government... Devolution.
This is good, I agree. But for me, an even bigger proof is the AZ forensic audit itself.
People do not realize that this is the first time in history that a forensic audit has been performed for an election in the US (a scary thought, but true).
Does the AZ audit look like this is their first time doing it? Nobody has EVER done a forensic audit of ballots for an election before, and yet, Cyber Ninjas is nailing it to the point that their work is being described as "the gold standard" of forensic audits.
How the hell is it even possible that the first time something has ever been done it is being performed so professionally that it instantly becomes a gold standard? Think it through, and you will realize this was all planned and prepared for well in advance. There is no other explanation.
Trust the plan. NCSWIC.
Well, there are a lot of stupid people in this thread. Here are a few simple facts that morons can't figure out for themselves.
- Lawsuits take a very long time. Many years, typically.
- Lawsuits cost a lot of money. Sometimes lawyers will work for free (pro bono) but that is the exception, not the rule.
- The courts are corrupt. There is no guarantee of any sort of justice when you file a lawsuit. People are here on GAW, and they don't even know that much? Idiots.
- It is very difficult to prove that a person was fired illegally, especially when there are so many perfectly legal reasons for people to be fired. Businesses and their lawyers have many ways to fight against such lawsuits successfully.
Yes, forcing people to get experimental injections is medical coercion... or is it really? People are not forced to work at any company (that would be slavery or indentured servitude). Clearly, that is not the case.
Therefore, all of the bullshit in this thread comes down to entitled morons thinking the world OWES them a job. Welcome to reality, cupcakes. The world owes you NOTHING. Everyone has to work and strive (compete) for what they need in life.
You can try the lawsuit route, especially if you find a lawyer that will work pro bono and take a cut of any monetary awards... but that will usually take between 5 to 10 years to get through the court system - and there is NO GUARANTEE that you will win the lawsuit after waiting all those years. Meanwhile, are you going to continue to work at the company you are suing that whole time?
What is the net result of all of these simple facts? The only practical response any of us have if an employer does something stupid is to find a job working for a different business. Understand now?
Do those morons think the "extremist online communities" are the ones that will reinstate President Trump? If we all type some really mean posts, will that reinstate President Trump?
I know all of this is a movie for the sheeple, but is it supposed to be some sort of ridiculous comedy now? These people really are stupid, just like Q was so fond of saying.
The OP is either a shill or a moron - probably both. Linking to an article from a leftist rag, trying to discourage patriots on this site. Nothing new. The shills are swarming GAW lately, probably due the the AZ forensic audit...
It is actually good practice to learn and improve critical thinking skills, etc.
Because it is part of the DS effort to destroy the US. Those of us that are white have to learn to tell the people pushing the bullshit to go fuck off. Hopefully this will help at least some of the weak people to grow a spine.
Remember, the best revenge is to live well. Work hard. Be successful. Enjoy your success. Fight to earn it. Fight to keep it. Having things too easy is actually very harmful to people in the long run.
Yes, this is true. Age and race are the only criteria that have legal protections that I know of though. Maybe sexual orientation as well.
However, unless the employer behaves moronically, they are usually difficult to prove.
No. Businesses are free to do whatever stupid shit they want to do. Employment at will is basically a contract between two parties that either one can terminate at any time, for any reason.
There is no grounds for a lawsuit. It has to be about race or age to be illegal (and even then is very difficult to prove).
The only recourse any of us have is to find different work at some other company.
This has to be bullshit. How can somebody that WORKS in healthcare, and is on this site, NOT know about the spike protein at this point?
Forget the blood clots, damage to your circulatory system, strokes, etc... the spike proteins act as prions, cross the blood/brain barrier and cause prion diseases, as in Alzheimer's and other similar neurological diseases...
That would turn the OP into even more of a mental vegetable than he is now. Yah, go ahead and get one of them... no great loss.
Some people are confused about the punishment for treason. Yes, the minimum penalty is 5 years... but military tribunals Don't Play.
The various forms of execution that have been recently re-authorized is called "foreshadowing".
Strange. Almost everything in DC is closed, indefinitely, and some buildings are boarded up. Effectively abandoned... seemingly for the long term.
Some lame excuses for this include "renovations" or "remodeling"... but there are no workers, no building materials, and the buildings are boarded up from the outside (as if to minimize damage from vandalism, etc.).
The MSM pretends it is not happening, which means the situation is not beneficial to the DS.
One possible explanation is devolution of power from the federal government back to the states. Another possibility is the dissolution of USA Corp. and a return to the original republic. Maybe some combination of the two... who knows? I am curious, but have very little info to work with.
Didn't the trial get delayed? I thought it was moved to November or something like that.
Yeah, I did a simple search... November 29th. You did not even get the old date correct (original date before delay was July 12, not 17). Congrats.
Most of that is correct, and 11.3 describes the end of occupation and the beginning of reprisals for the crimes committed during the occupation. However, many different circumstances can end the occupation, and you are too focused on only one of them.
The internal machinations of the illegitimate, belligerent government controlled by china is not the type of condition needed to trigger 11.3. That would put china in control of if, when and how 11.3 was triggered - which is obviously not viable from the perspective of the US military.
Correct. It will be useful in the military tribunals though.