It is a good start. It was frustrating that they were so reluctant to clearly state that the efforts to censor news of the effectiveness of Ivermectin is due to corruption.
They dance around it, but won't just come out and say it. They characterize their reluctance to say anything as caution, but excessive caution in the face of serious consequences is indistinguishable from cowardice.
Excellent. I was hoping that the AZ forensic audit, plus the intel collected during the election fraud, plus the intel collected from the defectors would be enough to trigger the 11.3 end of the occupation and the beginning of reprisals... finally.
Also, the idiots mentioned are considered to be enemy combatants that have almost no rights or protections under the law. It will definitely suck to be them in the near future.
Funny that while some DS asshats are blabbering about the latest variant, at the exact same time, others are starting to admit that there are 10 times more flu cases than there are for the chinese virus (magically, the flu is back).
They are starting to splinter and contradict themselves... I think some of them know what is going to happen to them in the near future and are trying to cover their own asses.
Normally, there are 10's of millions of flu cases each year, with 10's of thousands of deaths among the sick and the elderly. The corrupt politicians, doctors and government officials said there was no flu. There was only the chinese virus.
Now, all of a sudden, the flu is back? I think it is a little too late for them to try to backpedal and cover up their corrupt behavior.
The real issue now is the experimental injections they are still pushing so hard.
We are at war. China committed two attacks. First, the biological weapon attack on the US and the rest of the world. Second, the attack on US election systems, using massive election fraud to steal President Trump's landslide reelection victory and install an illegitimate, belligerent chinese controlled government in his place.
The Buyden admin is considered to be a chinese-controlled occupying power. We are all waiting for the event that triggers 11.3 in the DoD Law of War manual, which is the end of the occupation and the beginning of reprisals.
We don't know what event triggers 11.3, but it could be the results of the AZ forensic audit, combined with the data provided by the recent chinese defectors, plus all the data collected during the election fraud itself. That should do it.
As for the AZ legislators... there probably won't be enough of them left to form a quorum (section 3 of the 14th Amendment), so they might as well just go home and wait for the reprisals to begin.
Remember, since we are at war, this is not an insurrection. The people that helped china during those attacks are enemy combatants, and as such are no longer considered to be US citizens, and are not protected by the Geneva Conventions either. I believe most of the enemy combatants will be executed.
There is a lot of concentrated stupidity in this thread.
First, the adjournment is normal. If they need to, they will be recalled in a special session.
Second, the level of fraud could result in the AZ legislature not having enough politicians left for a quorum (section 3 of the 14th Amendment), even if a special session is called.
While in theory it is possible for the states to fix the election fraud... realistically, the military is the only way.
This ^^^
They cannot legally force anyone to take an experimental injection. Period. They know that, but are hoping the YOU don't know that, and therefore they can pressure you into behaving like one of the sheeple.
Get everything in writing, and prepare to sue them out of existence if they follow through with their threats. It is also a good incentive to find a better job with a better company (labor shortage, you know).
He makes some good points, and they tie in with other good points made by Brian Cates.
The big picture he is referring to: We are at war with china due to their biological weapon attack on the US. Their second act of war was the attack on US election systems to install an illegitimate, belligerent federal government via massive election fraud. The Buyden admin is effectively a chinese occupation of segments of the federal government.
We are waiting for the events that trigger 11.3 in the DoD Law of War manual - the end of occupation.
He raises some good points. Resident Buyden is a tool of the chinese, representing a hostile force occupying DC and segments of the federal government.
We are all waiting for the events that trigger 11.3 in the DoD Law of War manual - the end of occupation, and the beginning of reprisals against that occupying power...
Does anyone think the sample of people that participated in that survey is a statistically accurate representation of the US population as a whole?
In reality, the results from many studies over multiple decades very consistently shows the number of non-heterosexual people at roughly 2% of the population.
Those that are non-heterosexual always spend a lot of time and effort trying to inflate that percentage, for various psychological reasons.
Non-heterosexuals are a biological dead-end for obvious reasons, and nature focuses on reproduction, not extinction.
There are a lot of shills trying to black-pill people... nothing is going to work, nothing is going to happen, nobody will be punished, etc... but I don't think it is working.
Why do the shills even try? I know they are getting paid to do it, but what do they hope to accomplish with the black-pill bullshit in the first place?
I guess their only hope is for everyone to get discouraged and just give up fighting so the DS can get away with their crimes. However, that is not going to happen - EVER.
After extensive and painstaking research, I have concluded that it is impossible to say "dong" too many times.
Although to avoid boring repetition, it is recommended to liberally intersperse some "wangs" mixed in with the dongs.