DREDD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are we about to see new Q drops?

Grab the popcorn 🍿

DREDD 38 points ago +47 / -9

I’m agnostic on the flat-earth vs globe-Earth dialectic, I have no way of proving or disproving either hypothesis categorically using the scientific method. Further, I have seen compelling hypotheses for both scenarios. I’m not prepared to pick a side in this debate yet. I think there’s more evidence to be revealed. Flame at will 😂🔥

DREDD 1 point ago +1 / -0

PATIENT REFUSED reinforces the fact that this wasn’t a free informed choice but a mandated procedure.

I wonder if they have a similar PATIENT COMPLIED marker for those that took the shot.

DREDD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tommy Robinson left the cenotaph at around 11:30am, an hour and a half before the pro-Palestinian march was scheduled to begin. He abandoned his supporters - some of whom have now been arrested and sizeable number are now kettled in Parliament Square and are involved in scuffles with the police. This is exactly what the media wanted!

Every major tabloid newspaper is now running the headline that ‘far right thugs’ have clashed with the police at the cenotaph. There isn’t a single pro-Palestinian protestor at the cenotaph, and there was NEVER going to be. The whole thing was a set up so the media could capture pictures of young, drunk White lads in balaclavas and masks, waving England flags and scuffling with the police. Tommy Robinson’s job is done and he is now heading home, leaving everyone else stuck in London. This debacle has been a gift to the police, the media and the government, who will now be able to place the blame for any trouble on the ‘far right’. This is what a set up looks like – and it is EXACTLY what people warned would happen.

DREDD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tommy Robinson (Steven Yaxley-Lennon) is a Judas goat IMHO.

Be careful who you follow.

DREDD 8 points ago +9 / -1

[US] [risk] [th][i][s] [W][e][e][k] [GOD & COUNTRY]

DREDD 4 points ago +4 / -0

He’s never explained his reasoning in ordering a boatload of Midazolam at the start of the plandemic.

“Confirmation of Hancock ordering two years’ worth of a sedative called Midazolam from a French supplier. The order was made in March 2020. It was claimed at the time that the drug was for the treatment of Covid patients. Midazolam suppresses the respiratory system. Covid is a respiratory disease. Midazolam is used as an execution drug in the US.”


DREDD 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Watching a movie, you are” ~ Yoda (probably) 🍿

DREDD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Odd. It works for me at the same link. Geo-locked maybe? You can download it a little further down the page and watch it off-line.

DREDD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Richard D Hall has done some deep dives into the Madeline McCann disappearance. Through his unique brand of independent investigative journalism, he dismantles the official narrative piece by piece.


DREDD 3 points ago +3 / -0

So many people stating "Who cares? We don't care if Obama was gay." Good goodness. So many don't care that a massive fraud was perpetrated upon them. Ya. Wow. That's just a tiny fraction of the total fraud, of course.

This is not simply about "Obama is Gay."

If he is - then he has no "wife."

He has no "daughters."

He is "married" to someone who literally did not exist before the campaigns - there is no "Michelle Obama."

Who was this individual before that?

Where were they born? What name did they go by? Where is their family?

What did they do in life before becoming "Michelle Obama?"

These people had complete control of our nation, but you knew nothing about who they really are. Why are you okay with that?

This guy had the nuke codes for eight years.

He has lied about everything in his life.

The questions and repercussions of this are endless.

Do not let up on the questions.


DREDD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good timing. It’s UK National Cinema day, Sat 2nd Sept. All tickets £3.

DREDD 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s a lesson here for everybody.

It is important to recognise when those in positions of authority are not acting in your best interest.

DREDD 6 points ago +6 / -0

Assassination attempt “the shot heard around the world”?

DREDD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also “debating with a fool is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board, then struts around like it won the game.”

DREDD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with your likely options, though it’s hard to assess the Occam’s Razor of likelihood.
Worth noting that Amazon offer a ‘print on demand’ service for books with small sales forecasts.

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