Right now anons there is more important sh*t on the table, like child trafficking, a massive stolen election, Epstein’s client list, etc. I believe a lot of this Obama crap is being leaked out by the DS to take our convo from the real issues here. Obama is being thrown under the bus to distract us. We need to keep focused on what is really going on in our country.
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Can't we do both. We don't have to get tunnel vision yet we also don't have to ignore it. Right?
I know, right? Some people are able to follow more than one story at a time.
Multitasking is my shit.
Meme farmers know how to do it.
Solid meme fren, shared.
Revealing the truth about HomObama, Big Mike, and fake daughters is necessary to establish them as complete frauds as precedent for when fake birth certificate is revealed.
Yep. Normies have to have the mindset of; "Well if they lied about their personal lives, what else are the Messiahs lying about?"
Sorry I didn't scroll to see this before I commented, came here to say this but you said it better!!
Yeah, it matters. A lot. At the center of pizzagate and all this satanic allegiance are sick fuck pedos like bath house barry.
Obama lied about everything. Yes, it matters. He's running Biden.
This matters completely because it is clear that the more people know the Obamas are liars, the better.
The deep state kept this hidden for decades. The fact that Tucker and Trump aren't dead means we've already won, the CIA had its teeth knocked out and we're now just playing to wake more sheep up. More importantly, Q told us Obummer was gay and that Hunter turned on his family to reveal their crimes, and these two things are now in the news. Five years later than I'd like, but at least it's happening just as Q told us it would.
It only matters if this is part of the drip, drip, drip. Feels good to me. Drip, drip. Who's up next, right?
Perhaps, but consider this: it still does nothing to help the DS. It could be he's being thrown under the bus to distract normies. Joe Biden is also being thrown under the bus, by Kamala. Hunter is getting indicted for a gun charge. Impeachment evidence is beginning to come out with greater detail. The lefties are way more distracted right now than any anon.
How are you able to keep up with so much info all at one time? /sarc
They have to start small and work up to the real crimes.
Next week they interview big Mike's football coach.....
so it should be ignored?
No. Hell no. Meme this into all corners of the normiesphere.
Sorry, but this stinks of a pathetic attempt to downplay these facts. Just like the big tranny movement to desensitize people. We can walk and chew gum. We can focus on both.
65000 hot dog party....this is child trafficking related.
Dont forget adulterer and murderer and what else is he lying about and covering up with murder...oh the chef....oh fake kids. Fake wife, fake religion, fake birth certificate... this is a snowball into degerate pedo muslim renegade manchurian hates america commie. Normies dont know this shit yet. Let the awakening commence
The information is circumstantial and supplemental to the treason and corruption
People on this board forget that the overwhelming majority of the masses are idiots. They know literally nothing what we know. The overall narrative shift is at this place for the overall population. A lot of the heavy lifting is done. I see all the time on this board, don’t let this distract us. Most anons know the overall populace has to understand what’s happened at a pace they can grasp.
I think this is a psyop setup. I have a horrible feeling by the weekend Obama addresses the interview, it’s true! Michelle is big Mike, stunning and brave. You must accept and love it or you’re a racist-transphobe-bigot-rightwinged nazi. It will run and get MORE votes then Biden. The normies are dumb and they give zero fucks about cheating.
The faggitry = doesn't matter
The lies & deceit perpetrated upon us = matters
Faggotry always matters when selecting someone for a leadership job. Faggots tend to lie and they tend to hire buddies for skills unrelated to actual work.
This is all known to many that have been awake since this first came out years ago, but there are millions of people that have not heard this story.
If the sheep realize that obummer is a lying criminal, maybe they will realize that the talk show msm are lying criminals also. Once they turn away from the likes of "the view" and nora, they will become exposed to what is really going on! Wishful thinking?
Try to post on Daily Mail article. Comments moderated, which means truthful comments don't get posted. Sheep are so happy with no opposition to their comments. I swear this Country will remain divided because of media.
So many people stating "Who cares? We don't care if Obama was gay." Good goodness. So many don't care that a massive fraud was perpetrated upon them. Ya. Wow. That's just a tiny fraction of the total fraud, of course.
This is not simply about "Obama is Gay."
If he is - then he has no "wife."
He has no "daughters."
He is "married" to someone who literally did not exist before the campaigns - there is no "Michelle Obama."
Who was this individual before that?
Where were they born? What name did they go by? Where is their family?
What did they do in life before becoming "Michelle Obama?"
These people had complete control of our nation, but you knew nothing about who they really are. Why are you okay with that?
This guy had the nuke codes for eight years.
He has lied about everything in his life.
The questions and repercussions of this are endless.
Do not let up on the questions.
There is the risk that any news story may be a distraction, but I'm loving all the talk about Hussein. Once people realize what he is, then they will open their minds to the fact that they have been sold a bill of goods on "Michelle". It would be great if these two stories would be enough to ruin any chance Big Mike would have for a presidential run.
Nope the obamadrama is a necessary step to reveal the evil done to the children, our country and the world. GODS TIME...
I can do both at the same time. Its important that this come out to wake up the sleeping asshats who have helped to destroy out country. I knew this 20 years ago when tha faggot Muslim was in Chicago with his butt buddy Jewboy mayor.
The fact that we were scammed should certainly bother us.
And that people were killed to cover it up.
Necessary for countering the change of batter. I believe it will be "big Mike". Need to do this before the change for optics.
Agreed it’s a yawner for me BUT it’s gonna have a domino effect as it sets the precedent that Obama is capable of lying and deceiving at intense levels. Next comes michelle being outed, him actively overthrowing the country, his birth certificate, etc.
Birth place is the key. No natural birth citizenship means not a legit President means no legislation signatures or Presidential appointments were legit means total unwind is the remedy.
I do not care that he is gay or that he did or does drugs… I do care that everyone in the whole world accepts that he is a lierer along with the rest of the crew! All of them are lying every time they speak!
Bottom line you can blow who you wanna blow while doing some blow, BUT DONT FUCKING LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!
This is directly exposing core members of the DS. Shit is getting real.
The “revelation” to the masses destroys the Dem hold on the black community. Blacks, as a whole, have big problems with homosexuality. Furthermore, a lie this big might be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Any hope of Michelle throwing his hat in the ring will be neutralized.
Is it a distraction? Yes. Is is something that needs to 'get out' to support future narratives? Absolutely. Today's distraction builds tomorrows foundation.
It is of tremendous importance. This will be a great eye opener for many. They (embarrassingly) will realize they can and we're deceived(bought the book). It is going to cause many to rethink everything they've been told
Disagree in that I think the deprogramming is about a million things they lied about being exposed, so that when the things that matter get exposed people are generally conditioned to understand that they have been lied to - a lot. I tend to thing we've been lied to about almost everything. The half truths are thrown in just to sell the lie.
Yes, it matters, because the American people were lied to by these perverts. It is shameful,what they have done, and they are a national embarrassment.
“Who cares if he’s gay?” -every liberal right now
There will be a dead cat bounce for Barry and Mike after this. The Overton window will shift more in their favor. I expect these benefits to be short lived though.
Others are saying it here. Needed for other reveals about Barry.