DRan 3 points ago +5 / -2

Wild thread.

They want you divided.

They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.

Divided you are weak [no collective power].

Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].

Lots of hills to die on, this isn't one of mine, but if it's yours.... dive in but

  • Remember, this .WIN is the public face of the Great Awakening, and, as a member here, you agree to represent the Great Awakening movement against Globalism, Communism and Progressive Insanity in the best, most positive way possible.
DRan 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was my first thought. I'll take some down doots w ya fren. Discernment seems to be lacking of late.

DRan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Been this way for years. I've experienced it in the public service sector. Many places have "rules" saying if 10% of the city's population is black, then 10% of the service (police, fire etc) has to be black. Job opening posts will say who they can accept. I'm bored so I'll dig around and see if I can find one.

Edit: I can only find them now saying the city of xx encourages women minorities etc to apply

DRan 1 point ago +1 / -0

^^^ and AK47?? fuggin kek! That alone is enough to tell us this is BS. Shit those aren't even AKs in the pic ffs

DRan 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are probably right and even if that is the truth of it, the math is stll impressive at 77% under 34yoa. I've been saying here for a long time and get quite a bit of shit over it.... Gen Z is not what you are led to believe. They're way more based than ppl think. I know many ppl from this age group. Heck there's even several here at GAW if ya pay attention.

DRan 7 points ago +7 / -0

I fkn love threads where OG Anons throw in comments. I"ve been around for quite a while but not OG by any means. Luv ya all. Keep it up. We're almost there.

DRan 6 points ago +6 / -0

They went back to headquarters and read the memo for their next assignment.

DRan 11 points ago +12 / -1

Completely agree. This is just theater. The timing of the announcement seems somewhat notable with all the other things going on today and the coming days.

DRan 4 points ago +4 / -0

18-24 years olds are stupid, so the, the stupids have to pay more, see, because more expensive things cost more money, and that is a burden for us to work together. We must together. Work together. To see where we are. Where we are headed, where we are going and our vision for where we should be. But also see it as a moment to, yes. Together, address the challenges and to work on the opportunities that are presented by this moment. So let's stand with Ukraine. Because it's a country, next to another country. Because that generation is stupid. Like time. The passage of time and we can slow this thing down.

Fukn word salad master

DRan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is there anybody who believes that? We all saw it live ffs. This is just confirmation we are winning, either by WH in control making it so obvious it can't be denied, or it just shows their utter desperation to regain narrative.

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