Thinking of buying a new concealed carry. Considering a hammerless revolver for lightweight and stealth, but wonder if 5 round capacity is too small. I have no military background so I think high capacity is important. But I need something smaller than my current EDC (Glock 17).
Anyone have suggestions?
They are the surnames of two of my favorite Marshals of his empire. Davout never lost a battle and Ney was a certified badass. To get a nutshell version, read about his performance in the 1812 Russian campaign and how he managed to get his battered corps through cossacks and back to the main army.
Exactly. OP has not thought this through at all. Why would a bank EVER make a loan? It can literally only either a) lose their money or b) recoup their initial principle but either way, it's lost value due to inflation.
It's asinine and childish to say "NO USURY"
People are such lemmings.
- Trump says he's not on board with P25
- The Heritage foundation has been putting out a "Project" since the early 80's
- Trump website economic policies directly contradict P25.
Yet they act like this is some Trump thing. Morons.
It's just such a low vibrational (I hate myself for using this term) response. It's unlike him to just say something that immature. He isn't winning anyone over with this tweet and reads like she's really underneath his skin.
He was great the first administration too. I'd recommend following his twitter account