It's like living in the college dorms.
There were certain things (Vacuums, board games, iron/ironing board, air poppers, etc) available at the front desk that everyone could "check out" for x amount of hours and use.
Pain in the a$$.
You were lucky if it was available on your time table. Broken items (and thus permanently unavailable) were common.
It spurred you on to being self-sufficient or simply doing without.
OTOH, the vacuum made a lot of sense in this type of situation.
Amber, Did you call the cops? From your description of what you saw, my instincts are on high alert. None of this seems right.
Maybe it's nothing, maybe the kid is being trafficked. If it were your kid, what would you want someone to do?
If it is really just a creepy/awkward grandpa/uncle, ultimately they would be glad someone is looking out for the kid.
I was thinking the same thing.
If hqc is the Sunday to Sunday Drug, and hqc kills cancer cells, one would logically expect to see a corresponding low rate of cancer in these areas.
Dark thought - unless the low rate of cancer occurrence information is being suppressed...
Since when are mall security guards responsible for day care? Unless he was raping the kid during off hours......
And where the heck did the other 6 men come from???
Was this kid being pimped out?!?!
This story doesn't make sense.
Angel, I totally believe that this is possible.
Do I have proof, no.
Instead, I am looking at the predictive programming that is out there.
Have you seen No Time to Die (007)? Nanotechnology programmed to kill based on genetic markers.
Have you read Shift by Hugh Howey (part of the Wool/Silo series)? Nanotechnology. Whatever can be programmed to stitch body parts together, can be programmed to unstitch/break apart said body parts.
I believe that what we see in the realm of entertainment is probably 15-20 years behind what is actually possible.
I have heard that, too.
I'm in a blue state. So, homeschool (450+ families - 2 hour radius) and church (800+ members) no out of the ordinary deaths. Out of the ordinary defined as being less than ~80 y.o. or as a result of a post-covid/vaxx illness.
In both communities, a funeral would be well known. I teach at the home school and this would be communicated to the teachers. At church, we pray for the families - also if the person who died is not a member but the surviving family member is, we would pray.
Family, extended family, friends are all over the country (red & blue states).
The only out of the ordinary death has been a family member (20 y.o. who died in a firearm accident).
No post-covid/vaxx cancers or other illnesses (new or returning) are being mentioned.
EDIT: Just remembered. Not a death, but a guy I know took the shot. Said he got myocarditis. Now says he is cured. Sounds like b.s. to me, but this is what he said. Blue state. J&J shot.
I'm with you. If the vaxx is as deadly as is being touted, my social circles should be imploding. They are not.
Why/why not?
It is too easy to say that only some batches were contaminated, my circles cross multiple states. It is improbable that they all received uncontaminated vaxxes, unless the vaxx IS mostly harmless.
There is a correlation between COVID and hair loss. My hair dresser confirmed this after my hair started falling out. The first question she asked was if I had been sick with covid.
I told her I had - was really sick, bed ridden 6 weeks or so with something - did not get tested - just easier to say covid.
Was told by her that a lot of women had this happen after getting covid.
This was January 2022.
Took collagen. Hair has grown back thick and curly/wavy. Used to be stick straight. Lost my grey strands, too, which had fallen out. No idea what is going on. BTW, I'm unvaxxed.
Not trying to state that this accounts for what you are seeing. Just this was my experience.
Yes, exactly.
In order to cover these topics properly, one first needs to do a high level of who (major players), what, where, and when to get a basic framework set up. A second pass of why and how can then be taken without getting bogged down by the basics. A third pass will allow for detailed study of the time period.
Most students do not get beyond the first pass, and the framework is rickety at best.
You are correct when you state that they keep us ignorant with our education. In general we do not even know that we don't know.
Excellent post, Longtime!!
I teach history at a homeschool co-op. Even there, it's difficult to get much beyond taxation without representation. Which BTW is #17 in the Declaration of Independence.
I agree with you on putting more emphasis on history. The challenge is getting parents to see this is important enough to prioritize it right along with STEM classes. Most parents have only had a bare bones history education- I know that is all I got.
I have a different take on this.
I think they tried it and achieved a fair amount of success.
The threat was COVID. The UN troops did not get deployed, but the vaxx did.
Fear made many willing to give up God-given rights and turn instead to governments.
There is a documentary film out that claims exactly this. That it was a movie fx used to fake JFK's death. It's all just a movie. Get popcorn.
EDIT: The documentary is on amazon prime. It is called JFK - solving the crime of the century.
It's a movie. Get popcorn.