Why didn’t families remove them from the nursing homes when they saw what was happening and when they were denied visitation? I am not putting the burden of responsibility on families or trying to make them feel guilty, I am just baffled. I worked 9 months in a “deficiency free” nursing home and I could not take it any longer. Nurse cared for 35-40 patients-that is medications, respiratory treatments, I.V. hydration and antibiotic, dressing changes, etc. If you think your $5-6 K per month is providing quality care, guess again. I couldn’t take the quality of care and the stress after 9 months. I told my children if I ever got to the point of needing a nursing home, put on a glove and shoot me.
I hope this does not provide them with blanket immunity. Peter Strzok appears the devil incarnate. His smug self looks demonic.
Any hospital administrator who mandated the shots to employees to comply with the government mandate for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement and who refused to allow alternative treatments to be tried, doctors who pushed their patients to take the EUA drug without giving fully informed consent, anyone who forcefully administered the shot, the AMA, AAP, Boards of Health, CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO, scientists who participated in the development, Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Astra Zeneca, et.al.), anyone who pushed the sick into nursing homes resulting in deaths, all must be arrested, prosecuted, tried and if found guilty sentenced to prolonged imprisonment and fines or death for intentional homicide.
Why is it hospitals, media, reporters, doctors, etc. will NEVER discuss the uptick in deaths and adverse reactions post Covid shots. There are more adverse reactions and deaths in 1 year after the Covid shot than in 20 years combined with all vaccines. Why push the mandate when it is still EUA and adverse reactions and deaths have been suppressed and when the efficacy is less than3 months. What is the point in putting something in your body which has such a poor track record?
No violence. The judicial system will deal with all of them when it comes out the Covid shots are genocide bullets. Following orders and I didn’t know are no excuse for professionals.
I was called for jury duty for 1 week the beginning of November. There were 4 color groups, one for different locations. All but 1 day, when one color group was called, everyone was called off. So that means 4 groups, 5 days, all but 1 group was called off except one which reported one day. Is this why there is a back log? Also the summons never said you must wear a mask, only when you first called in the day before you had to report. Had I known that little tidbit, I would have told them I will not comply with wearing a mask. Fortunately I did not have to report.
The hospital I worked at mandated we sign a vaccine attestation form. The form required us to check: Fully vaccinated, Partially vaccinated, unvaccinated. The final paragraph said something to the effect of: “by signing this form it gives ____ Hospital to share this information with anyone ____ Hospital feels is necessary to further and comply with our business model. I returned the form with a paragraph stating that by signing the form it can be used/shared with anyone ___ Hospital deems necessary. Does this include the government, insurance companies and a future data based that could be accessed by future employers? I asked what happened to HIPPA? Is HIPPA used only when it furthers their agenda? I told them I respectfully declined to sign for those reasons. HR had my boss talk with me to explain the form. I told her I understand completely and I will not sign. Next came the demand for an influenza shot as mandatory. An employee had to search for the form for a religious exemption which said, “___ Hospital might not approve the religious exemption request if ____ Hospital deems it can not accommodate you.” At that point I was steaming. I was retiring fully at the end of 2021. I told them politely in my resignation letter (I work on an “as needed” basis), I was retiring effective immediately. How dare they change conditions of employment and have the audacity to say that they might not accept my religious exemption request. I told them only God and I control my body and what is put into it. I expressed my dismay at the depths the medical system has fallen into. (I wanted to tell them that I hope the hospital, the doctors who push all of these shots and get a kickback, and the hospital administrators rot in hell, but I remained polite and dignified.) I hope they got the underlying message which was a big FU. I do not trust them I do not trust hospitals or doctors, and I hope to see the hospital administrators who sign off on these mandates be imprisoned for life or executed due to harm and death they have caused.
The government and medicine are pushing for “vaccinating” the elderly and those with co-morbidities,including the mentally challenged. Of course they are targeting that group first. It wii save on Medicare, Medicaid and social security. They will blame deaths on age and co-morbidities. Then the boosters will start on the others and it will be blamed on the “variant du jour.”
Deliberate planning by Biden regime.
I don’t se why BO can’t be charged. He is no longer President. What he did is illegal during his time in government office, and he may have even been a fraudulent President if election theft or legitimacy of birth citizenship can be proven.
The Amish do not vaccinate, which makes them less susceptible to cancers, autism, SIDS, etc. I would like to see their SIDS and autism rates. They also are not subjected to the sex and CRT culture because they don’t have t.v.s, they don’t see movies via Netflix, etc., very few use cell phones (some do for business purposes), their children are schooled in their own schools, and they don’t have internet. They support one another in times of disaster. The church elders give permission or not for medical care in hospitals-self funded, self pay, no traditional health insurances involved.
All heads of government need to be closely scrutinized for pedophilia and sex trafficking. Drug, weapon and sex trafficking begins at the top government levels.
Stay out of the hospitals now. Even more today than before, it will become a place you go to die. The Biden administration has done all of this deliberately: destroy the medical system, destroy small businesses, destroy the economy, food shortages due to trucking concerns, destroy farms that produce food through rising costs, destroy the travel industry due to rising costs of jet fuel and gasoline, home heating shortages due to trucking industry, destroy the fossil fuel industry. Force poverty by denial of jobs if not “vaccinated”, famine through inability to grocery shop-lack of fuel to drive there, decreased food supplies, inability to shop if unvaccinated, more government dependency, more suicides and drug addiction, more crime d/t desperation, and last but not least government confiscation of money via bank takeovers, take overs of IRAs, stock market crash. Prove me wrong. This administration has wreaked havoc in our nation in 11 months, what do you think 3 more years will do. Thank you to all who voted for Biden, you are part of the problem. You got what you voted for, so do not whine.
The entire medical system needs revamping. There needs to be emphasis on a wholistic approach and not on a pill “to cure everything”. Stress health, weight loss, normal BMI, decrease fast food licenses and increase prices via taxes on junk foods-soda pops, ice creams, candy, potato chips, pretzels. Heavily tax alcohol and cigarettes. Increase insurance costs to those with morbid obesity, alcoholism and smoking/drug addiction. Insurance companies Or the government must include wellness programs for addiction, alcoholism, weight loss. Schools need to teach both sexes, as part of the curriculum, healthy eating and cooking from scratch. We need to go back to our roots of clean water (no fluoride, etc. in water), no pesticides and GMO crops, herbal use for healing. Ban the AMA, AHA, JCAOH, AAP, ANA and more oversight by civilians into the cleanliness, and medical care in hospitals. What we are doing now is NOT working for improved health, but rather the focus is on illness.
I have yet to hear one news agency asking any health official about the deaths and side effects from the a Covid shot. This show that every news outlet has been directed to steer clear of the topic including Newsmax and OAN. I challenge their reporters to have any doctor or CDC, FDA, NIH or WHO official on the air and ask that question and justify continuing Covid shots and boosters.
No longer can you trust: the MSM, social media, once considered reputable medical journals-LANCET, doctors to tell you the truth and be reliable to look out for your health and prescribe medications that will help you, hospitals-to provide good and safe care-irrespective of their profit (put patients first; Do No Harm), government (including, but not limited to FBI, CIA, Public Health, Congress, some police departments, Governors of some states, mayors), school boards and school administrators, AMA, AAP, WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, Big Pharma. You must think for yourself-do not trust, always verify. You must be involved at the local level-school boards, schools, city government. Pulitzer Prize, Academy Awards, etc. are all worthless and political. It is all about the money and being a member of the good old boys club, following the status quo, don’t make waves, profit and power. That is why safe guards and harsh punishments for voter fraud must be enacted. We must push for open financial accounting and balanced budget from the bottom up-City up to Federal level. We must return power to the states and eliminate many of the Federal government agencies-trim the fat. Anyone running for government at any level must have a full background check for crime (fraud, racketeering, pedophilia) and their finances must be looked into over the past 20 years.
Kyle should be grateful people were willing to bail him out. I know 2 months felt like an eternity. He should think about how the Jan. 6 patriots feel languishing in jail for 11 months and refused bail for a lesser crime than he faced. He should be very careful not to burn his bridges. If he wants to sue anyone who has defamed him, he should be careful about interviews. Anything he says now will reflect on him later.
I beg everyone in a high risk situation, due to age or Co-morbidities, to have ivermectin on hand. You can get ivermectin and Z-Pak through Frontline Doctors or without a prescription through AllDayChemist (it will take about one month). We can no longer depend on doctors to prescribe and pharmacies to dispense in the U.S. if you obtain the medication through Frontline Doctors they work with pharmacies in the U.S. Expect to pay around $220. for the video consult and the medication. Your primary care doctor will not talk about good Vitamin D and C levels, zinc, and quercitin. Dr. Zelenko has the protocol listed regarding doses. Peer reviewed articles say if your a Vitamin D levels are between 50-70 you are less likely to develop a Covid. The suppression of ivermectin and hydrochloroquine is a crime and acts of genocide by doctors, hospitals, hospital administrators, pharmacies and Big Pharma. Act now, before you are sick. It never hurts to have it on hand, if you need it, or if family or friends need it and get get a pharmacy to fill it. I am not a doctor, just thinking it is best to be prepared.
And they conveniently have yet another “medication” ready in the pipeline. What a coincidence. They have cared so much about HIV/AIDS, they have been working around the clock for years to pick your pockets clean. Now after injecting HIV in the Covid shot, they can give you boosters every 6 months a ne HIV injections twice a month. Something will eventually kill you.
Not only charities but businesses: Black Rifle Coffee, Starbucks, Best Buy, Salvation Army, Ben and Jerry’s-just to name a few.
If I were an athlete who took the Covid shot, I would be worried about traveling to the Olympics in China. The Chines May kill you with the 5G frequency all in the name of winning.
Alright Ireland, now is the time to get out there and say hell no.
Sure. Athletes are in the best shape, watch their diet. But yet the number of heart attacks in the age 15-45 yo group has skyrocketed. Generally 15 yo don’t eat bacon and eggs every day. Most teens don’t like eggs!
Great comment and his ability to forgive and set aside race is heartening. He sees that justice worked. The jury listened to the evidence and delivered their verdict to the courts.
Never vote for another Bush. Corruption, thy name is Bush. Not even their real name, but an “appropriated” one. A Bush is running for AG in Texas.
Now address the deaths and adverse reactions.