AND they dropped one of their sponsored IG MUAs because she said she was a Christian who supported Trump.
I haven’t shopped there since that.
I see your points, but in those cases the person was assumed to be living independently of something. I understand the signs of life side of the argument, but to that point, what would you say to someone on life support? Is it ok to give the ok to pull the plug? I bring that up because I see the mother as the life support system in this equation (up until the point where the baby can survive outside the womb).
This is the way.
By then it will be xeople.
Can’t use discriminating microaggressions against the trans species folx 🤡
This makes a lot of sense. I would never have started learning about natural and alternative treatments if it weren’t for all the ‘rona and vaxx nonsense.
OR we can stop directing attention to this embarrassment of a clown
As an un-jabbed lady, and one who’s not around vaxxed people usually (my vaxxed coworkers are usually in other rooms), I have experienced some very odd “time of the month” issues that I’ve never had before.
I wouldn’t sleep with a vaxxed guy because we don’t know what the long term effects are or how they’re “spread”. So for you, I’d say it’s worth it to play it safe and stay away from the vaxxed ladies. Better for your body and your brain (the vaxxed ones are nuts)
Planning a wedding is stressful enough. Bc of all this BS I had to scrape my original plans and am now replanning my entire wedding… because of this added stress, we’ve decided that we absolutely make the rules for our day, absolutely no exceptions. No children invited, no we won’t have a baby sitter, figure it out or don’t come. No masks, if it makes you uncomfortable we would be happy to celebrate separately with you at a later date (not really, but adds a wee bit of nicety haha).
If anyone invited doesn’t like what you’ve laid out for the day, don’t even entertain them, just say oh I’m sorry to hear you won’t be there, talk to you later!! They want to bitch at someone, don’t give them the satisfaction of letting it be you.
That’s our plan. If you can’t be away from your kids for an evening, then don’t come. The day is about the wedding, not your kids. Byeeeee
Are you talking about the diet based prevention?
Wow, the replies to customers directly from the business are incredibly rude. I hope they lose a lot of business, and I hope all the locals are keeping track of who’s implementing these shitty business practices right now, and still refuses to patronize them when they wake up and stop.
So is this current giant push to accept trannies as “actual women” bc all of the elites “wives” are actually men???
I thought St Cloud was somalia part 2
Was this “reported” anywhere by our ultra factual msm? The sheep we’re trying to wake up respond better to things framed by articles
As soon as the scamdemic pushed passed the “2 weeks to flatten the curve”…during an election year, we all knew what was up. The only surprising thing about it was how early in the year they started.
We are saying no masks allowed at our wedding, with a note saying if you are not comfortable coming to our celebration without a mask, we would be happy to celebrate with you separately at a later date.
I was blessed to have a co-worker who loved to respectfully debate with me. We initially disagreed on a lot. Early 2015 I was fully on board the Hillary train.
You can't tell someone why their beliefs are wrong, you have to lead them there, so they can draw these conclusions themselves.
For me, it began with a series of conversations about big government vs small government. Who should have to pay for what, and why? What are the pros and cons (for example) of private vs publicly funded roads, organizations, etc. You can acknowledge that yes, some government to organize and fund basic public things is good, but then eventually you find things that don't make sense to be coming out of your tax dollars - things that would work just fine via private donations or fees from those that support or want the service. If you really want to mind warp some thinking, ask questions about healthcare. If it's free to you... Who ultimately pays? Who determines the cost? Who pays the doctors? What about their schooling costs? You can snow ball it to a point where they eventually realize that their hard earned money shouldn't be paying for others.
It was all enough to get me interested in what conservative political views actually were, so I did my own reading and research.
I have liberal friends now who are going through their own process, as liberal policies are very negatively affecting their lives. They're seeing what identity politics is doing to screw them out of promotions, simply because they are white. It's caused an awakening.
Evers in WI. They magically found buckets of absentee ballots at the last hour, all for him. Just enough to nudge his lead juuust outside of the margin needed for a recount.
"... get stabbed a little bit." ??? Friggin lunatics.
Well done!
As the resident of a state who's current governor "won" via a midnight ballot dump of "found" ballots.... I 100% agree.
Fucking Neanderthal.
Good point. Live and let live vs if you give an inch, they'll take a mile.
Ok ok, I meant government "recommendations"
I've gotten a few people to at least change their minds from "I'm going to get it" to "I think I'll wait 6 months to a year to see what happens to everyone else..."
This would be the ideal situation. The problem we are facing is the “woke” women who actually boast about how it’s “a privilege” to race against such a “diverse” field 🙄. It’s nauseating, they’re all from the big liberal cities, and they are OK being beaten by a dude wearing lipstick and a skirt.
The majority are not ok racing or competing against dudes. We work hard, we just want to be left alone to compete against each other in our various sports.