So a bunch of swiftys are going to be the opposition when the bullets start flying?
This is going to be even easier than blapping an army of koolaid heads. Battle should be done in time for a noon celebratory BBQ.
Consider the idea that is being presented here, that the bending the knee to main stream media being the measure of what free speech means is playing the DS game. We do have the free speech that Modeler is pointing out but because we want to play on the same platform the DS has made for us we’re losing, what needs to be done is not work within their system…like what we have done here on this site. MSM silences or censors us, they can do that. What do we do? We make this site. Regarding tucker, the original point of this discussion, if the gov is preventing interviews, that is another issue, they are using influence to push business decisions. Tucker can quit, start his own site, do his own journalism and speak freely….which is EXACTLY what he is doing and is what Modeler is trying to get through to you all. And you say he has something to learn. -_-
It is SHAMEFUL that I see modeler trying to speak and TWO people so far try to shut him down or put him in is place as a new guy. Sounds like he’s been around since r/greatawakening and he’s just trying to share his thoughts against attempts to belittle his opinion by essentially saying he needs to learn more or be quiet.
Modeler is asking legit questions and is having a sane and civilized back and forth and this is your response Winston?
You’re showing that you resort to gatekeeping attacks at the first sign of someone asking questions or challenging your position. This is a very bad take for you Winston. If you’ve been here for long, do you believe this is a place for debate and discussion or is this just a get in line pep rally where your opinion is decided for you when you arrive?
I want to hear what modeler has to say, can you please stop with the equivalent of telling him to go sit in the corner and keep quiet?
Damn, she looks vegan AF.
Look into carnivore as a cure. You’ll eliminate sugar which is likely the cause of the deteriorating effect that leads to cancer. Sugar also comes from carbs, fruit, grains flour etc. Your body under carnivore will optimize itself and heal allowing it to eradicate the cancer.
Search for “ Carnivore to beat cancer” on YouTube and watch some of the testimonials there. You’ll hear the words of survivors that you are requesting.
Clearly a result of climate change and a lack of diversity.
Look up “Delighted to Meat you” on YouTube. She had psoriasis that looked as bad as the lady in this post and she cured it with carnivore. Carnivore is the way. It really heals.
We should stop the race politics and focus on merit and capability.
Who would we be satisfying by promoting a skin color/race?
By making real men.
Real men inspire women to become real women.
"a training program in discernment and logical thinking."
That is why I know Q is the real deal. No globalist cabal would want this at all.
Do what you're told and be happy is their model.
Best I can do is one plane ticket out of country.
Disease X is likely just peak vaxx injury.
Can you put a number to what "rash" is? How many military commanders are normally relieved during a given time period and does this list of fired commanders represent an increase or decrease from what is the normal rate of relieved commanders?
That's because the race for a candidate is over but the MSM doesnt want more event points that shine the light on how much the people of the USA want Trump. By ending further unhandled events, they can instead work on creating their own show/narrative instead of reacting to the love of Trump.
Yeah, loomer doesn't even know what shes talking about. It reads like a normie outsider fan fic post. QAnon was a psy op? Qanon was nothing more than a label created by media to point at. It ties in with the anonymous group which is notorious to them so it is just a good buzzword for them to use. Nothing more. Spot on regarding the unmasking and the book reader comparison. Loomer is just clueless and trying to inject herself.
Do it anyway.
I think anything that creates something like free energy can massively destabilize economic systems and then is considered a national security threat and gets shut down. If power/control/security is built on the oil dollar and that could be wiped out by water engines or something else like that, all the power from controlling the petro dollar would collapse. I bet they would suppress technology just to retain power. It would be just like them to do so.
Can we get a refund on the money we spent?
If not, we should make everyone who has a Ukraine flag in their social media bios pay the USA back.
Still boggles my mind that the soccer moms across the nation united and shilled for Ukraine.
As someone in the carnivore world, I've found a few folks in the community that have stated their gallbladders likely went bad during low fat eating. Bile just got produced, stored and then turned to stones. A diet heavy on meat and fats could be the solution. Get that thing working as it was intended, for helping you digest fats from eating animals. Of course talk to you doctor and figure out where you are currently at but I've heard many times that low fat diets could be the cause of gallbladder issues.
Yes, I've seen emails of several people home for being sick the past 2 weeks.
Looks like their pay for subscription (booster) immune system is past due and the worlds bugs are catching up to them.
I do not care at all about Ukraine. Not sure why any US citizen thinks we need to be involved there. This is the most obvious of propaganda pushed operations I've ever seen. All the social media crap and bleeding hearts for blue and yellow Ukraine yet the USA has it's own issues. It's twilight zone level manipulation. It's been bizarre as hell to watch.
What if there was no deep state and central banks? What if each nation had more independence and sovereignty? What if leaders didnt kneel to the WHO and WEF and instead served their own nations people. I dont know if it would be a better place, but there might have been a path to a better place there.
When we route the deepstate from their holdouts around the world, imagine what might happen if some central power convinces other nations we're the baddies and then makes something up like were incinerating Mexicans in concentration camps.
Because this place and my experience has shown me the world is full of deception, I will never be as sold on ANY idea as you appear to be. I dont know what the truth is but I WANT to hear the theories and possibilities about how we might have been lied to and manipulated.
Many people bring up the numbers about the holocaust and say things dont seem to match up. Maybe that's true, I dont know. But I do know there are powers that consolidate and control information and in WWII propaganda was very strong. How far did it go? Who was pulling the strings? Didnt Q say something about learning what the real history is, about what the actual truth about history. We should keep an open mind and look for the truth and get through the narrative. A good example of this is read some civil war newspapers. No one really talks much about slavery at all. Heck Lincoln was super racist and wanted to do nothing about blacks, but today, in history classes it's 99.9999999% about how blacks were impacted in the civil war. Public school teaching regarding the civil war is all that. It doesn't appear to be so during the civil war, everyone was focused on other issues like who held power, states vs federal.
They’ll probably roll moloch out on the field and make some sacrifices. It’s about all they can do to top previous years.