Thank you for pointing this out. This is one of my fathers fantasies as well... "The new quantum banking system!" which has somehow been distributed across the planet without anyone knowing anything about it.
And re: Gamestop... I know people much smarter than me have done their homework and all signs point to MOASS but to say it's too good to be true would be a severe understatement. I have a very difficult time believing anything close to "the largest transfer of wealth in human history" is going to happen in my lifetime. That said, I do have a handful of GME shares and would sure love to be proven wrong.
I've struggled with anxiety and panic attacks for a couple years now. I never used to have them which made me suspicious. Eventually I discovered that there is actually an external cause for it. Electromagnetic frequencies. I know that makes me sound like a quack but I was able to prove it by purchasing an EMF reader. I found that when I was exposed to higher than normal amounts of EMF, my anxiety went up right along with it.
Unfortunately there isn't much that stops EMF. I've tried living in 3 different places and no matter where I am, there's always EMF to deal with. One thing I've found that really helps is music. Loud music seems to kind of counter balance the effect the EMF has on me.
The other thing that helps a lot (and this may not be for you) is smoking weed.
Regardless, I wish you all the best. Anxiety sucks.
I grew up in the same town as the Healy's... Her step father (Edward Beatie) was a history teacher at the local high school. I took one of his classes and was a total brainwashed democratic idiot by the time I graduated. You guys gotta make sure she doesn't win that race.
WTF is he talking about? Elon didn't make his money as a war monger... He started PayPal and then sold it.