DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks, but I've done it umpteen times to no avail.

I'll live with it. I've never stayed logged on to anything for an extended time ..makes me noid.

DuckButter 4 points ago +4 / -0

My son is getting over a double ear infection, luckily my pharmacist sold me what I needed (my dad and his dad were both pharmacists and I was one, too. Old school.)

I rarely went to a dr growing up except for stitches, tonsillectomy. Same for him. No trust in but a few doctors. I tell my dr what I need...he's young and dumb.

I say that to say this...our whole family is no vax, no mask and no testers. Kinda live in "fear" of entering the system. I'll suffer 1st.

Hang in there!

Oh yeah, I was refused physical therapy last year because I wont mask...they offered to treat me in the parking lot if I wore a shield! Asked if they were gonna weld my shoulder. Pissed them off. Couldn't find lawyer who'd take on our hospital monopoly called Ballad Health. Used to be Mountain States, which I dubbed Mounting Mistakes. Horrific care if you can get it.

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

This happened about 6 months ago. I've tried every trick. It's why opened new acct and I changed my name to my current one, which I regret kek!

I have to use my phone primarily because of vision. But, I can log on and log off on the computer, tried last night, it just wont log the phone off. Weird

I'm going to ck those links. Usually if I do a hard boot on the phone it'll work. Not today tho.

Thanks so much!

DuckButter 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's perfect!! Thanks!

Asked wife the other day if I should refer to the bird and she said no one would get it! And I thought she was always right kek!

edit: my pic but props to LoneWulf for the meme!

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0


Font is size of the seeds I mentioned. Boogered up eyes.

CERN related?

How does this relate to logging off and/ or the plant mentioned?

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

None of those work. Oh, well. Thanks!

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Elephant head Amarantha!!

Each plant makes hundreds of thousands of seeds...they are amazing and edible. Ancient plant...some have seeds large enough to grind and make flour. These seeds are about 1/50 size of a BB.

On way to orthopedic ck up for mom!

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lately I've had to restart my phone, then I had to shutdown, now nothing works.

Any help, frens?

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not yet. Hasn't been enacted yet. Spoke w my pharmacist today. He has collaborative agreement to dispense. Said board is dragging their feet.

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not yet. Hasn't been enacted yet. Spoke w my pharmacist today. He has collaborative agreement to dispense. Said board is dragging their feet.

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ahh. I do know they come in fron JAX. This afternoon they were pulling tight circles over Knoxville.

In high school we'd go to the end of the approach runway and lay down as the jets came in right over us! Mid 70s.

Thanks for the info

DuckButter 6 points ago +6 / -0

2 Poseidons been over our area all.morning. one no longer shows up, other is heading north. From 3-4000 ft to 28,000+ now Specific over far left strongholds, abortion marches etc. Cant find previous oval track that was over E TN and W NC

Most mil aircraft up over USA I've ever seen today...last few days it was sparse

DuckButter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Makes logical sense, fren! I like.

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

The trials are the burning of the dross to reveal us refined as gold!

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

In speaking of the General saying how/where he'd attack! "...and up the fn center..."

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of these days I'm going to dance with the evil twin

Depends upon what you listen for. So weird. Try it.

Meddle, Animals and Saucerful of Secrets are my favorites

edit: the voice is done by Nick Mason on the drums somehow... old trivia

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm too damn old to do that crazy stuff anymore anyhoo...but my insomniac self would!

DuckButter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Got my friend from Liberia, whom I have t seen since retirement, to quit masking yesterday. Hope shes able to resist those at home. Wonderful, compassionate woman.

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