EarOfCornpop 8 points ago +8 / -0

For almost 4 years, this (now) 200 lb man has done a dose every couple of weeks with the guage set for 250 pounds, and mixed it in with a Chobani flip (yogurt) for maximum deliciousness. Has cured persistent tonail fungus, seldom ever sick and felt great now for almost 4 years. Highly recommend.

Also - helped me drop over 50 pounds of weight and eliminate insulin and other meds. Not sure how much to credit the horsey paste, but I think quite a bit. Obviously - NOT medical advice. My doctor has been very surprised by the results.
Do you think I should I tell him how I did it?

EarOfCornpop 12 points ago +14 / -2

Roaring Kitty is NOT a rando to many of us. He helped awaken us to the fraud perpetrated on Gamestop by the incredibly honest people running wall street.

The GME timeline is certainly part of the Great Awakening, so these are NOT outside comms. Gamestop is highly relevant to the GA.

It's not too late to join us before the greatest transfer of wealth ever seen. I'd strongly recommend that you research the GME sage for the past couple of years and consider joining us on this great ride. But research it quickly.

EarOfCornpop 5 points ago +5 / -0

Chewy has great prices and an online wait list when out of stock.

Been on the horse paste from the beginning. Seldom sick and toenail fungus is gone.

EarOfCornpop 4 points ago +4 / -0

This link points to a shocking interview that has me again mourning friends I lost over the decades to lung cancer.

If true, it wasn't nicotine but the other crap added to cigarettes in order to injure and addict you to smoking. The nicotine is non-addictive and beneficial.

This is more depressing than almost anything I've learned through this site. The evil of these people is almost beyond my comprehension.

EarOfCornpop 6 points ago +6 / -0

The horse paste is given to muti-million $ horses. I've been taking monthly for years now with no negative outcomes. Obviously, not medical advice. I mix with yogurt. Consider that Ivermectin is given to pets, livestock, etc. Everything except humans. Why?

EarOfCornpop 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe that ruby slippers were not in the original story.

EarOfCornpop 1 point ago +1 / -0

He wanted but was denied a jury.

EarOfCornpop 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you, like me, believe that precious metals like silver will massively increase in value during the collapse, then the answer seems simple.

Make the necessary minimum payments towards the debt, trim your expenses as much as possible, and direct every possible penny towards silver while it's almost free.

When the demand for silver shoots to the moon, sell just enough silver to retire the student loan debt.

When the monetary system collapses into rubble, and PMs explode in value, it could be easy work to retire your debt for 'pennies on the dollar' and become debt free.

EarOfCornpop 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tractor Supply is good. Just received an order from Chewy, which is also good.

It's cheap and effective.

EarOfCornpop 2 points ago +2 / -0

For over 20 years I've taken one low-dose coated 'baby aspirin' tablet twice each day with no problem.

This was on the advice of my physician at the time and I never stopped (he retired).

While I'm not qualified to claim the positive benefits, I can absolutely report no negative impacts of any kind.

EarOfCornpop 1 point ago +1 / -0

This initially seemed extreme until I visualized specific friends and relatives taken out by jabs and ventilators.

I applaud your creativity.

EarOfCornpop 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did Ken Griffen and Citadel create an account and make this post?

EarOfCornpop 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you believe that Federal Reserve Notes and more recent coins will lose most of their value (as do I), one strategy NOW could be to swap your 10k to 15k in regular coins for constitutional silver because it has actual value. Your current stash will only plunge in value, eventually becoming worthless.

A good argument could be made to swap ALL your excess FRNs and modern coins for precious metals. Expeditiously.

Once the panic starts, the opportunity to convert assets will become fleeting.

EarOfCornpop 3 points ago +3 / -0

With all due respect...

The government 'share' of your income is removed before you see the first dime through 'withholding', effectively removing the power of the people to withhold tax payments. The system is designed to prevent this possibility.

Imagine a system where the citizens must write checks or deposit funds to fund the government. Many would refuse, so the criminals devised the system we have today.

The system will soon collapse, and that's when the people can force a new system.

EarOfCornpop 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've bought dozens of units from Chewy.com over the past couple of years.

Not medical advice, but I take it twice monthly with yogurt.

If they're out of stock they'll send an e-mail when it's back. Highly reliable and great pricing. I keep at least a year supply on hand.

EarOfCornpop 3 points ago +3 / -0

Both Gold and Silver prices have been heavily manipulated, but silver is more manipulated based on the historical silver/gold ratio. For this reason, many people focus on silver for the higher potential upside moves. IMO, the focus should be on weight rather than numismatic value. IOW, a pretty coin melts to the same puddle as a generic silver round. I buy the cheapest stuff for my desired weight. A 'monstor box' is a standard quantity of 500 ounces and is a reasonable goal for many people. If within your means, this would be a reasonable goal as you stack. You can make purchases on-line 10 or 20 ounces at a time.
While some prefer purchasing from LCS (local coin shops), others like me have preferred on-line purchases shipped by US Mail. Many good sources. I've received good results from apmex.com but there are many excellent suppliers.

EarOfCornpop 5 points ago +5 / -0

Some might not be black hats. Certainly not a job I'd want.

But, somebody needs to handle final paychecks, job references, company assets, insurance including COBRA. People losing jobs need competent transition help, so I would hope some decent people handle those shutdowns.

I'm pretty sure we're about to see an enormous wave of layoffs as the economy tanks and I hope the innocent folks affected receive compassionate, competent help during a rough time.

(Of course, I'm talking out my ass. Never worked a day in HR but graduated with that degree because I could finish a semester early - many decades ago.)

EarOfCornpop 4 points ago +4 / -0

The answer will become obvious after a few days if you read, lurk and appreciate the heroic efforts of the mod team.

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