Ecl1pseGST 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea I mean, America has mostly selectively self segregated and still generally does. I don't doubt that they would try to do such a thing to destroy people's care about their heritage, and make pushing Globalism and a One World Government easier. I just don't think it's actually going to work for them. Most humans want to make kids that look like themselves. And forcing people together is like forcing magnets together, it just makes them bounce back harder.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +2 / -0

Drill press manufacturers are gonna love this!

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +3 / -2

Of course. But an extra few bucks a week would get spent. A few grand at tax time lets me catch up for the year. If prices were at 2018 level I could actually save money but my wages have not kept up with inflation.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +4 / -3

True, but we need the economy fixed first, because right now, Tax Return= Life saver. Only time I can afford to repair my cars enough to get thru the year and pay off my bills.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cool. They can remove those blue counties. The rest of us can stay inside a few days, and then rebuild. Nobody wanted those shitty modern buildings anyways.

Ecl1pseGST 4 points ago +4 / -0

Of all the shit libtards believe, the climate alarmism is one of the craziest. Like, they have been saying this shit for decades, always been wrong, yet more retards believe now than when Gore released that shitty film.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been genuinely wondering, why they spend so much money attacking nicotine, if they just want us all to die off. That said, I really ought to quit smoking and use snus or pouches of some sort.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many states you all think we should break Mexico into after they interfere with our Cartel Wars?

Ecl1pseGST 3 points ago +3 / -0

Their 2030 plan is OVER. Done. They cannot pull it off without America on board, and America will not be on board with Trump!

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

Backed Currency >>>>> Shitcoin

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we don't win it will be an honor to go to war with you. You don't think we're gonna just accept Communism, right?

Ecl1pseGST 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can tell you my opinion on why it's hard for a lot of people to separate them. Jews refuse to separate themselves, by and large, from their own extremists.

If a crazy Christian does something, and it is pointed out that he was Christian, other Christians will say- Hey that guy was an extremist, we don't associate with that.

If a Talmudic Jew does something terrible, other Jews will, rather than call out this individuals extremism, cry anti-Semitism. Which makes them appear to be defending them.

Ecl1pseGST 3 points ago +3 / -0

The ones I know have come a long ways since 2020. Their highschool memories ruined by COVID, trying to start life or college in this economy. Reality has but them in the ass harder than any other group except maybe young millennials trying to raise kids in this.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +3 / -1

More like, check your ammo and clean your guns. If they steal again we have 2 choices. Water the Tree of Liberty, or accept life in a Communist Dictatorship. Seriously. Get in that mindset.

Ecl1pseGST 5 points ago +5 / -0

All the Dems under 30 I know are staying home on election day. They can't break their TDS but they are insulted they didn't get a primary and that the choice made for them was a terrible one.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm considering it but, can anyone tell me logically, why we should risk letting the Dems know how many ballots they need to print?

Ecl1pseGST 3 points ago +4 / -1

Holocaust is bogus. The Red Cross reports and World Census both prove it. Not to mention "death camps" with Rec halls. Wooden doors on "gas chambers". Fans came on afterward so the "zyklon" would never have even activated, not one fragment of bone with poison has been found, the impossibility of actually cremating that many people that fast, etc etc.

Ecl1pseGST 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only prep store I would shop at was Aero, because they sold jeans with odd-number sizes and I wore a 31/33 if I wanted the perfect fit.

Ecl1pseGST 1 point ago +1 / -0

No not me, we, en masse. Everyone who isn't ok with totalitarian government. We would take the WH and prevent anyone from using extreme measures from the war room, and then we would organize a new election and ensure it's carried out fairly. We are talking about a hypothetical situation where they try to cancel the election. That is way beyond the red line of tyranny.

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