Yeah I consider my self pretty Libertarian in beliefs, but the party itself is a joke they can't seem to take a stand on anything. We need more than one party in between the Dems and Reps. But for now, Trump is clearly the best option.
According to Marbury v Madison, almost none of this is actually disobeying anyways. "Any law repugnant to The Constitution is NULL and VOID."
I know nobody harmed by real vaccines, but 5 killed by MRNA. That's not really an equivalent.
Replace 3rd frame with a coffin "you're not gonna need any bathroom"
Yea idk. It's tough if you are affected but it's the way the world works when technological advancements are made. AI content can't be copyrighted so either they have to continue to pay an artist or accept that their AI generated content is free for others to re-use. Also it takes an artist to do anything worthwhile with it. Actually making something exactly the way you want is quite difficult and there are programs to assist with it but they require human input too. At the end of the day those most affected are shitty online artists mad they can't sell 15 dollar commissions of furries or anime girls when an AI can manage those well enough for the folks into it.
Yea idk what happened. In 08 we ridiculed Gore and anyone that believed him was a clown. Then they take over the social media a few years later and suddenly climate retards are the "in crowd".
Yea that's not how it works. AI doesn't hard copy any input data, and you can't sue over it. Been tried, failed, as it should. This is no different from a new employee reading their predecessors work for inspiration/guidance. AI is gonna take jobs. Adapt or die. Can't make a living shoeing horses anymore either. Oh well.
Yep. I was driving a tractor as soon as I could reach the controls and a stick shift pickup as soon as I could depress the clutch and still see over the wheel. Kept it off the pavement till I was old enough. Been shooting for as long as I can remember. Doing manual labor as long as I can remember. I dare those city slicker commies to try something in the sticks lol.
The time for talk is over, the Lord's work must be done.
Daily reminder than the Census, Red Cross reports, and schoolbooks well into the 50s, all point to only 400K deaths in concentration camps, and the cause of which was typhus and starvation caused by Allied bombing of the railroads. Also of note, wooden doors on "gas chambers" as well as reports of the fans not running till afterward, meaning the Zyklon could never have been activated. Also zero human remains have been found with a single trace of cyanide. Also the idea the Germans would waste that much coal when they needed every last gram of it to produce fuel is ridiculous. Also not even modern cremation ovens could keep up with the supposed pace of execution.
At this point i really truly hope that they get such a rude awakening half of them die of a heart attack.
Opposing what old people tell you to do is "cool" if you are under 30. Opposing censorship as well.
Ehh. It kinda was back when church grandma screeching about videogames and DnD on the news was what people thought of the Right as. In reality it wasn't, but hindsight is 20/20.
Redbubble and Decal Junky have some. Not that exact one though.
29 states with Constitutional Carry. Soon as we ditch Joe it will be nationwide.
But what? You don't care for rock?
BHP on the hip, PPK in the pocket
RATM were just a bunch of commies to begin with. They were only anti-authority before commies had institutional power. Now they are bootlickers it's so hypocritical.
Yea. Imagine if a redneck with a 1911 on his hip called them a "pussy ass little fag boy" and to "get the fuck out of the road before they get shot". They would have their bags packed and cry all the way to the airport lmao.
Of course. As is every gun restriction in existence. But it hasn't stopped them...
They should bring back the spicy diesels ha.
Your agency has no Constitutional right to exist, so fuck off.
As a wise man once said- the Muslim stabs you in the front while the Jew stabs you in the back.
This is why I pack a Browning HP even at church in a small town. You never know where the CIA might attack next.
I mean, there is another option, but it's not pretty