Enlightenment_Now 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is what I hear as I relax before falling asleep.

I think this is what they refer to as the music of the spheres.

It's beautiful and massages my auditory pathways.

Enlightenment_Now 7 points ago +7 / -0

Interestingly, Luc Montagnier was allegedly able to transmit DNA by resonance. Can we repair DNA that has been death-spiked?

All is vibration.

In 2000s, Luc Montagnier's research direction suddenly changed, as, according to the scientist, he managed to find a new DNA property – the emission of low-frequency electromagnetic waves (LFEMW)


Also see:



And read up on Dr. Royal Raymond Rife's work. He was able to find the signature of a thing and explode it by feeding the correct signature back at it.

They raided his place and took all his stuff.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also grapefruit seed extract. (NutriBiotic GSE Grapefruit Seed Extract Liquid Concentrate)

Breaks apart fungus and reduces the biofilm.

Take a few drops in orange juice.

This is strong -- don't take it undiluted.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

I take it sometimes.

In addition, I find that using it on the skin is sometimes enough -- it is quickly absorbed and goes to work bypassing the stomach.

Enlightenment_Now 9 points ago +9 / -0

The cabal is actively, intentionally holding humanity back.

We have enormous power and powers. They tell us we're weak -- but we are not.

We should be healing the sick, raising the dead, walking on water. Being seen in two places at once.

You get the idea.

Instead, we are quibbling about pronouns.

Enlightenment_Now 6 points ago +6 / -0

I love nattokinase. I've tried a lot of enzymes recently, but nattokinase is inexpensive and I have the feeling it's actually helping to cleanse.

Don't know about the spikes. I use it for general health and cleansing.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

I watched it and had a slightly different reaction.

Yes, he says Britain is responsible for 2%. But his argument, I think, is that it's so little in the scheme of things compared to other countries -- like China, for example.

He's trying to help them rearrange their priorities -- have a new perspective.

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like it. It's a glorified search engine.

I've been playing with it all weekend.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't see the interview.

I know him only because of his book list and reading plan.

That's cool.

Don't know about the rest.

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the kid really wants that name, she can change it later.

Paternity has already been established.

Editing to add: Mom probably does NOT see what's coming.

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

The high-pitched tone that you can ignore is completely normal.

The high-pitched tone that you CANNOT ignore is sending a message.

I suggest that only the grating, harsh, hard to ignore tone be called tinnitus.

That happened to me when I had a root canal and the dentist forgot to give me a prescription for antbiotics.

That tone changed and got very loud and insistent. After I was on antibiotics, it became normal again.

The normal tone is quite nice, especially if you listen to it like music and look for sound layers beneath and beyond it.

Nada yoga.

There are sounds like tinkling of bells and other sounds as well.

If it ever again gets harsh and loud, I'll know I need to seek some kind of medical treatment.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those aren't pedo swirls.

They are just swirls.

The pedo swirl is triangular not round.

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't watch it.

Couldn't get past the first couple of seconds.

Poor thing. What they are doing is evil.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

So it's not addiction to the narrative that's the problem; it's fear.

Fear of...death?

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0

The guy mentioned above parasite cleansed for over six months before his monster was expelled.

And he didn't use Ivermectin.

Let's set aside discussions of sexuality.

Every human being over a certain age (maybe 12, maybe 7?) should be performing regular parasite cleanses.

Every single human.

I am starting to believe that parasites are behind every major disease.

Older copies of the Merck Manual even describe viruses as a type of parasite.

In many cases, cancer is just rebranded parasite infection.

We don't even know how many parasites there are. Many were created in labs, and they aren't going to fess up.

Therefore, cleanse fully. Cleanse often.

Parasites hide. That's what they do. Hide and make you sick.

So, you might not see them until you start serious cleansing -- and that's going to be more than a single round of Ivermectin.

Enlightenment_Now 1 point ago +1 / -0

While there are whores out there. Most studies will show average of 20-30. Which is still a lot, but not 1000.

Those are low numbers for female whores. Are those old numbers?

I've been watching videos about the sluttiness of modern women, and the numbers get MUCH higher. Some well over 1000.

Enlightenment_Now 5 points ago +5 / -0

About time people started paying attention.

The family has been trash for a long time.

Vice President Biden was corrupt and used Ukraine to hide his dirt. They all did -- all those Democrats. Maybe some Uniparty ones as well, or maybe they hid their dirt elsewhere.

Enlightenment_Now 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not a strong possible narrative anymore.

It started to work -- people rejected it initially.

It would have continued to work had Biden 1) not taken over and 2) bullied, coerced, and mandated people to take it.

Now it is no longer Trump's problem.

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0

If I could, I would live like 1900 AD.

In fact, that's exactly what I want. To live like 1900 AD except with technology. I would be completely self-sufficient, like in the old days.

But I'd have internet, a car, a truck (none electric), and a few other things.

We can combine to create the best of all possible worlds.

Enlightenment_Now 5 points ago +5 / -0

Our lifespan is supposed to be longer than 70s-80s.

By that, I mean by the time we started ascertaining what was normal, we had already been cheated out of 30+ years.

Same as thinking the nuclear family is normal. It is not. Normal is three or even four generations living in close proximity.

Normal is being surrounded by friends and extended family.

I'd like to see a return to normal.

Working from home if you can; working in small communities if you cannot.

The default should not be cities.

Enlightenment_Now 3 points ago +3 / -0

We got you anyway.

Modified RNA syndrome.

Includes Pfizeritis and the rest.

How about Modified RNA sudden death syndrome?

Enlightenment_Now 2 points ago +2 / -0


It's QUITE substantial.

Please read the section on environmental exposure.

If you got jabbed during their trial, and you came into contact with someone who was conceiving or with the husband of someone who was conceiving, you'd have to contact the investigator within 24 hours.

It sheds.

By inhalation or contact.

Edit to add: you can shed it onto the husband, who then spreads it to his pregnant wife.

And you don't have to kiss him. This is by inhalation or contact. I imagine if you breathe the same air, say in a meeting room, or shake hands.

It's airborne.

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