Agreed. This is where I am holding.
Interesting! This is exposing how the DS uses "information False Flags" to hide the truth. This happened with Pizzagate, Ivermecting, and HCQ. (Makes wonder about the "truth" of Crop Circles, which were similarly buried by stories of people claiming to have created some of them).
Bury the truth by surrounding it with a pile of lies.
Came here to say that. ;-)
"Trust Me" Or Else! (Would I lie to you?)
Came here to say that. Not sure what that pose would mean though. Try clicking on play on youtube. Brings together a bunch of events to paint a picture of you US "oligarchs" are provoking Russia into nuclear war.
Seems credible, but could also be a set up for a false flag nuclear attack on NYC that will be blamed on Russia.
Well... Since January 6th was not much of a threat to our democracy, I'm not worried. The real threat was your response to January 6th.
I remember back at about the time of the 4kun -> 8kun transition, there was a lot of talk about whether this was the same Q, because the tone had changed - the phraseology, etc. It took a while to be convinced and for the q-proofs to talk.
Time will tell this time, and we need to keep an open mind.
Now I have to take a shower, because I had to wade through CNN verbiage. /s
Pretty sure that Massachusetts is an actual blue state. Pretty much everyone I talk to is blue-pilled.
My theory is that they were told to do this during the training they had in March. "Keep people out until specially trained people can go in"
Yeah Thiel seemed like a good guy. He gave a good speech endorsing Trump when he was nominated at the GOP convention
Baphomet Icon, is a satanic goat head (sometimes implied) in a five-pointed star, with the point facing down. Search "Baphomet Icon" - I don't want to include a link.
The question I have is, why would they do that? There is really only one interpretation. I guess they obfuscate the issue by changing the colors a bit too.
How about moving assets/operations from Ukraine? It will take a while to set up, but what was Ukraine like 30 years ago?
With DWACW you have the option to buy a share of DWAC. At conversion you have to pay $11.50 per share, but DWAC is about $44 and DWACW is about $13. So it is like paying $13 for an option to buy a DWAC stock for $11.50 at some time in the next few years. So at today's prices, you have about a $20 cushion. DWACW is safer, you risk less money, with a pretty good upside.
This is my understanding, anyway, without having read the document. It is possible that the document could change some of the parameters. Caveat Emptor
I agree; that is meditation - talking to God the Father, and that talk best happens when the mind is quiet.
I'm no military expert, but does it make sense for soldiers to use each other for cover? Shouldn't they be a bit more spread out?
I don't think there is reason to fear meditating. It is what Jesus was doing in his 40 days in the desert. He wasn't just talking to himself...
This feels like a hit job ... there is a lot of energy behind axing her. But I'm a spectator on this one. Not from PA. Not sure what is happening here.
Well said.
But if you are changing sex to affirm gender, then you are buying into to social construct. Why wouldn't you simply not conform to the social construct? That would be easier and not self-destructive.
At a deeper level, I think it is the self-destructive part that is the true purpose. It is in the Satanic inversion of God's plan.
I'm missing something? If they are slow walking the data, why wouldn't they sample the data from each site. That is, rather than releasing ALL the data from some sites, and NONE of the data from other sites, they just release SOME of the data from ALL of the sites. It doesn't mean that there isn't more data to release later. They were only required to release 80,000 docs a month. It wasn't stated what algorithm they had to use in deciding what to release (was it?).
Releasing it this way (subset of data for each site) makes it easier to obfuscate the big picture.
My question is, why does he retweet this. Doesn't he realize it would be a big red flag. He needs a proxy to retweet this if he wants to raise its visibility.
Oh - I get it. It's a message for his base - and his comment is meant as sarcasm.
The upshot of this documentary is "there are too many people" we can't solve the energy problem to keep up with the growing population and the limited land.
And that authoritarian, drastic measures (and socialism) are necessary to bring this under control.
Read the poster's summary, which has a good response.
The difference of number of accounts is about 1%, so not that significant.
"45 federal officials" What number do you use when you are tired of using "17"? Why, the next best number -> "45"