Psychology..literally means “study of the soul.”
But sadly…they miss that mark.
As an aside…at work..about ten years ago I discovered that most of my coworkers were on psychiatric medication of some kind. I was SHOCKED. I also realized that almost everyone was medicating in one way or another…pills, booze or pot.
I think there is a spiritual void…People need God.
Aborted cell lines…what blood type were/are these?
What about people with O+ blood?
O+ people are the universal donor, but they get very ill and may even die if they receive blood from other blood types.
This may explain why some people are getting adverse reactions from the vaccines…and others are not.
Hmmmm….if they would only study and publish their findings, we might know why the vaccine shot has such random outcomes.
Prayer Warrior here.
Yes…things are different.
The veil to the spiritual world is opening up, more people are praying and we are gaining ground in the spirit realm.
Guard yourself with prayer and ask to be covered with the Blood of Jesus for protection.
We know God wins.
But how many souls can we save before then?
That is the real battle. For souls.
This is just my take on things.
More like a revealing
And it shall come to pass, in the last days, (saith the Lord,) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams
Lying is a “sacrament” to them.
Just accept they lie…they are proud of it…and they get kudos from their fellow Luciferians for it.
As a side autocorrect kept capitalizing luciferians…six times. I had to keep changing it to lower case.
And my autocorrect never ever spells Trump.correct, I always have to manually change it. There isn’t even an option for Teump..(there you go)
[they] probably think it’s funny.
So…I offer up this frustration for the conversion of sinners.
Yeah I got one sister converted. She use to hate Trump.
Take any wins I can get in this game that’s not a game,