Everydaypast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Similar stance with me.

I've heard the accusatuons against Alex and Elon of being "controlled opposition" but even so, what they're doing is adding more eyes in what's really happening, and that in my eyes outweigh any potential psyops because the greatest strength of the baddies is staying hidden.

Everydaypast 6 points ago +8 / -2

Seriously though, am I supposed to consider pirate eyepatches as cabal symbolism? I get there are overt cases where they're flaunting their symbols in broad daylight but with how far some people take it, seems like everything under the sun is cabal symbolism.

Everydaypast 5 points ago +5 / -0

Right, I'd settle for no war and civil unrest but clean and swift left station over a century ago.

Everydaypast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey, us sane Koreans hate the occupation wierdos more than anyone else because we get to see them turn around and indulge themselves in whatever Japanese culture/products they like in front row seats. (+they do the exact same thing in regards to the US)

And before you get snarky and ask what we're doing about it tell me how the Feds, Parliament, and EU are doing. I'd include New Zealand to that list but that would be cheating.

Everydaypast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey cut them some slack. OFC one can mistakenly enforce authoritarian tyranny based on zero scientific evidence.

Just like how tar&feathering, gitmo, and free helicopter rides can happen accidentally.

Everydaypast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bu..but what about the news articles claiming some morbidly obese, old, and other co-morbidity ridden people have died regretting not taking the shot?

-Some sheep probably

Everydaypast 2 points ago +2 / -0

In my country, drasticly different environment from the States, education served as the gateway to success through hard work.

The Democrats over here ofc made it top priority to remove these gateways. An action our conservatives call "kicking down the ladder".

The most infuriating part is that normies will now look back at our previous generation and complain "why is it so difficult to climb up the social ladder now?" while voting Democrats who campaign on 'eliminating systems that create inequality'.

Everydaypast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Keep feeding the bear and eventually it's gonna enter your tent to remove all scraps.

In this case being bioweapons.

Everydaypast 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a shocking to find how willing people are to turn away from anything that is scary, even if it's only a possibility.

I've been living up to my twenties believing everyone would be the same as me, paying extra attention to anything that was scary. That it was the natural response. I was soooo wrong.

Everydaypast 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not finding much outside a Reuters fact check article early this year claiming that the spike in medical diagnos in DoD database was due to a data error.

Ofc there was absolutely no data or explanation on how they reached their conclusion except for "A DoD spokesperson said so".

Seems like this topic was too risky for them to rail against and they decided to just bury it.

Everydaypast 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the already-limp UkraineRussia scare turns out to be our Archduke Ferdinand then I am going to be sooo disappointed by just how lame that is.

At least do another virus for creativity's sake jeesh.

Everydaypast 5 points ago +5 / -0

So you're saying Jesus would have had at least 3 more days if Peter used an AR-15

Everydaypast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sucks when the answer to the last line is "can't count on anyone"

Everydaypast 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly, the advertisment was the easy part and something most were already doing.

The coercion was the difficult part. That and witnessing the constant state of denial that continues even up to this day.

Everydaypast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sometimes I wonder if this is eventually going to be their new cover story for people they mark off their hitlist.

Everydaypast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Problem pollutant?? As opposed to a beneficial pollutant?

Everydaypast 1 point ago +1 / -0

Given their logical reasoning skills regarding the clotshot, I'd wager leftys will still use this as a case for gun control.

How, I have no idea as I'm still trying to figure out their fear of purebloods.

Probably something along the lines of "See? Even Japan's gun control wasn't enough! Which means the US need even stricter gun control!!1!"

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