FakeJesusComesFirst 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus is God and He wishes all to be saved through His blood sacrifice.

FakeJesusComesFirst 1 point ago +1 / -0

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Must have been good.

FakeJesusComesFirst 5 points ago +5 / -0

That is what I did. Cost me 20 shares at 119.00. I learned and have been buying more shares whenever it dropped bringing my cost basis down. Now down to 33 , still in the red , but I bought for the long haul. I figure anything under 119 is on sale. Same with GME. Red but I know what's coming and nothing can stop it. To the moon.

FakeJesusComesFirst 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two exchanges .At 1:42 it looks like a coin and at 2:25 it looks like a patch.

by Uhtred
FakeJesusComesFirst 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not all bomblets explode. Later found by civilians ( children ) who pick them up , play with them and then suffer horrible injuries or death. I believe the fail rate is about 10 percent or more.

FakeJesusComesFirst 3 points ago +3 / -0

A 27-year-old special education teacher from Northeast High School was charged Wednesday, about two months after law enforcement began investigating rape and sexual abuse allegations against him, according to the Anne Arundel County Police Department.

Karl Houston Walls, of Edgewater, faces 15 charges stemming from two criminal cases, including second-degree rape, sexual solicitation of a minor, according to a news release. Walls also faces three counts of second-degree assault in one case and a fourth-degree sex offense and possession of a dangerous weapon with the intent to injure in the other.

In Maryland, fourth-degree sex offenses are levied against a person in a position of authority at a public or private school accused of engaging in various forms of sexual contact with a minor.

Charging documents were not available for review Thursday through the Maryland Judiciary’s Case Search website or through the courts’ electronic filing system.

Walls coordinated his surrender with county police Wednesday after he was made aware of an arrest warrant, according to defense attorney Peter O’Neill. The teacher turned himself in to authorities Thursday at the police department’s central holding and processing center in Annapolis, where he is currently in custody.

O’Neill said Walls plans to enter a not-guilty plea in both cases.

Officers began investigating Walls in mid-May after two students reported he had sent them sexually explicit text messages, photographs and videos. Police said some of the conduct, which included sexual contact and comments, occurred on school property. They described one incident away from Northeast in which Walls allegedly held a knife against one of the victims and asked if he should “use it.”

Charges were filed in both cases Wednesday.

Walls was hired as a teacher’s assistant at Northeast in 2019 and spent the next three years in that position, according to Bob Mosier, the school system’s spokesperson. Mosier said Walls was promoted this past school year to a special education co-teaching position, teaching science to both special education and non-special education students.

After the allegations against Walls were made in May, Mosier said the teacher was reassigned to a school system building away from children, pending the outcome of the investigation.

In a letter Thursday afternoon to parents, Northeast High principal Jason Williams said parents could contact the school for resources available to students who have been impacted.

“We have been working with police since the day of the initial allegation and, to the best of our ability, have also been supporting the students [involved in] this case,” Williams wrote in the letter.

Mosier said Walls’ employment status will be evaluated “at the proper time” as the case proceeds.

Police are asking anyone who may have been victimized or anyone with more information to contact the Police Department’s TipLine at 410-222-4700 or the Child Abuse Unit at 410-222-0306.




FakeJesusComesFirst 2 points ago +2 / -0

Special needs kids are the best. They still have the innocence that we all had. Very trusting.

I have worked with this community for sixteen years now and I couldn't be happier. I am so grateful that God brought me to them. These are my friends from another time and I am here to help them navigate this evil world. There's a lot of great people helping our community, but there are also some scumbags that try to use my friends as toys. Millstones await them.

FakeJesusComesFirst 1 point ago +2 / -1

Damn, thanks for the support, You are correct. I meant it in the Homer Simpson way, not the sad sack doomer way. I was number 34 to join. Woo-hoo.

FakeJesusComesFirst 7 points ago +7 / -0

The mask wearers will now stop flushing the toilet and showering to save the planet from flipping over.

FakeJesusComesFirst 2 points ago +2 / -0
Mine is missing also. Didn't notice till you alerted me. 
FakeJesusComesFirst 2 points ago +2 / -0

So....why is this downvoted ? I'm confused. ( a normal state )

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