The maple curtain🐸👌
Hehe, that bumper sticker is perfection🐸
Lol, "grants to blow lizards off trees with leaf blower" & getting stung by a bee in the nostril sounds pretty heinous🐸
Reminds me of the 3 Body Problem series
He already has that tattooed as a tramp stamp🐸
CNN: REEEEE, he's leading am army!! 🐸
It is starting to have a Boulder-esque feel around here (fellow Jeff county)
Confused Gandalf🐸
"Additionally, the system is designed to protect voter privacy, as the ballots do not contain any identifying information."
Shhh, c'mon, he can't give away all his secrets🐸
Mmm Matthew Goode💖
Lmao awesome🐸👌
💖Pratchett 🐢🌎
He reminds me of the creepy ass evil dude who runs Scientology
Love that one! But it's cool this one is an actual kid🐸
Lol, just needs a 💋
Hehe, me too🐸 ugh, she is a painfully bad actress.
Lol, almost believable, but the glasses aren't nearly ugly enough 🐸
Glad you're sticking around here for a bit, fren. Your contributions are already providing much needed perspective.
Hopefully he can still do some good exposing corruption, but damn, what an asshole. Sorry about your husband too💖
Hehe, "Here are some fries to go with that Mcmeltdown"🐸
Lol, two little hamster teeth🐸
Eww. I don't think I'd want that phone back🐸
Lol, that poor cat🐸