Why are liberals so shocked that Americans would work in construction?
They trying to get on the right side of history.
No thank you. He is not his dad.
If you control the data, you control the narrative.
Orrrrrrrr.... we could protect the borders. Of our own country.
This needs to be higher!
I’m convinced they are trying to turn Texans against guns. Source: am Texan and am watching fellow gun-loving Texans become terrified.
If he was receiving "high quality compressions" (as AHA trains) then 9 minutes is really nothing... If they were good compressions then his blood was being pumped through his body (aka carrying oxygenated blood to his brain) which would ultimately protect his brain.
Of course they won't say that... could you imagine what that would do to football if the nation just watched someone die on the field??
Is this different than the receding tide before a tsunami comes?
I read about this in an Instagram comment. I haven’t seen anything else about it. Any thoughts on who it was or why? We know what Q said about plane crashes.
I wouldn’t be mad.
I have wondered this too because you are definitely limited. I will search for things I know are out there on multiple sites and get nothing related. This isn’t really too surprising… they got people to be reliant on these search engines and now control what we can see.
No wind? No work!
Me! Where is he?
Let’s be honest, this is probably similar to our real numbers for deaths.
Good call... stop the blood clot med while he has an illness known to cause blood clots that wasn't prevented by multiple shots known to cause blood clots. This can't end well for him.
In other words he has texts/emails/recorded convos of her saying this!
This one never gets old!
Prop your feet up above your heart. After working 12 hour shifts I used to prop them up on my headboard (turn around)... but for actual sleep, 2-3 pillows will work. Definitely keep drinking water and electrolytes - it's hard to think of that when you are swollen but you are dehydrated so your body is sending all the fluid to the sunburned areas and not the rest of your body... so drink a lot of fluid. Compression socks probably won't be ideal since you are sunburned - they would hurt on your skin I'm sure. Also, prop your feet up any time you are able to sit, even if it's for a couple minutes.
Once the neo vagina is “built” they have to insert dilators to keep it open and help stretch it out to whatever size. If there is an unnatural hole in your body then your body will constantly try to repair / close it… hence the need for daily dilations.
Even weirder… she disappeared a year ago as well. When this story came out, her name was published because it was an amber alert. Ppl on r/Dallaa posted articles from her prior amber alert back in April. Now, most of the articles I see online from April have been scrubbed of her name due to sex trafficking of a minor and the details of her 2021 disappearance are gone. True to media form, most of the articles are copy/paste of the same exact story.
I can just imagine Trump seeing this and sharing it with Melania. 😍😂😍😂
Were tariff arguments all a smoke show to begin with? Likely.... https://www.canada.ca/en/public-safety-canada/news/2024/12/government-of-canada-announces-its-plan-to-strengthen-border-security-and-our-immigration-system.html