Was the terrorist attack away to move the Ukraine war to an ending?
Who would kill for $5,400? Q drop 54--->"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
It would be Lady Di. Prove me wrong.
It's going to ZERO. All coins will go to zero and only less than a dozen will rise from the ashes and shoot past the moon. BTC is used for child trafficking, adrenochrome and laundering. The DS used it so they would be tracked, so they thought. BTC= Bite the Cheese...a trap to catch the rats. When the 3 Gorges Dam fails, so does BTC.
So is the firmament all made up?
Are you a fag shill?
Only idiots would believe such a thing.
LMAO. BTC won't be around after the reset.
Exactly. It is backed by nothing and is used for child trafficking.
Aww, The school system depends on the smart phone. Nice way to track children. These people are sick.
Seems to me the MAGA Trumpers need to separate themselves from the infiltrators if this should take place to show who these people are?
I don't think he is talking tomatoes here. 10 tons is roughly 20,000 lbs. Take an avg child weighing 50 lbs. would come to 400 children.
She looks manly.
TS is down.
It is a way to get the blacks to think who to support and why. It also, gives blacks a voice to stand on their own 2 feet. Rethinking the program.
A new low!
How many are still watching Survivor? Looks like they are about to be given some red pill coms.
A shyt post. Didn't happen.
This slow drip drip drip of declass is causing a mental civil war with family and friends. We can no longer talk.
OK, the 3 horse with the empty boot trotting through London. Relates to Rothchild's death. Does it relate to finance? Did London City fall? Rothchild's no longer controlling the banks? is the crash incoming? What is next? Vatican City? The Pope?
How about the monarch is dead?
More fear porn.