Fr330rD13 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lack of access to water could cause it.

Fr330rD13 3 points ago +3 / -0

Traded in my Ram truck for a Hyundai, that's how I manage my 65 mile commute. I just pretend my fuel efficient Hyundai with a 10 gallon tank is my Ram truck with a 20 gallon tank....I make significantly more than minimum wage, everyone at my place of employment commutes because it is somewhere remote, many are starting to telecommute part-time and I am starting to look for other jobs as an alternative, the higher gas is, the more of a pay cut I can afford for closer employment.

Fr330rD13 10 points ago +10 / -0

Jesus Christ, I don't put that much effort into employment. Thank God I was young pre-internet....when we just went to bars...4 kids....if I had to put that kind of effort.... respect.

Fr330rD13 2 points ago +2 / -0

Consequences, Mrs Pelosi will probably cut him off from denture cleaning night.

Fr330rD13 5 points ago +5 / -0

The sooner the better.....let me fight in my children's stead. This is not the world I wish to leave for them.

Fr330rD13 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have paid an awful lot into social security over the years, have yet to receive any money from them. If I am not working for it then maybe they could quit taking it out of my pay checks

by BQnita
Fr330rD13 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh yeah, you got it

by BQnita
Fr330rD13 3 points ago +3 / -0

Someone should tell him that his vote doesn't count because of voter fraud.

by BQnita
Fr330rD13 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty much all the bad shit happening....is the plan.

Fr330rD13 9 points ago +9 / -0

ET could be fucking Obama on the front lawn of the Whitehouse.......don't give a fuck.....I want the fake ass geriatric installed CCP asset out out out......he can catch a ride with ET for all I fucking care. If Martians attacked DC right now I'd be rooting for them.

Fr330rD13 2 points ago +3 / -1

I am no success by any means.....but I am still here and definitely don't see how 4 dollar a gallon gas, rampant inflation, or the right to kill babies is going to improve my situation.

Fr330rD13 0 points ago +1 / -1

OK, I am speaking from experience, believe it or not in some places there are women. One of the gyms I trained at had a cardio kickboxing class that was almost all women, like one or two guys tops and that was once in awhile. The core class was all women. I used to joke with my Coach that if I was ever single I would start hitting up his cardio kickboxing class.

Fr330rD13 0 points ago +1 / -1

Jiu Jitsu and muay thai/kick boxing classes for me. There are not a lot of women but the women you do meet 1.) Share a common interest 2.) are in amazing shape 3.) Can handle themselves.

And while you are waiting around for the right one you have a physical hobby that is getting you into great shape while learning to not just look good but to actually be able to apply that physique.

You would be surprised the number of jacked dudes that show up and get man handled by some 165 pound dude that doesn't look like much. Of course if you ever see the little jiu jitsu dude take his shirt off you realize he is ripped too, but it's all functional core strength developed through years of training.

If you are a woman looking for a guy it's worth a look as well, a gym full of disciplined and fit guys in a non-drinking and very positive environment all trying to be better human beings.

by BQnita
Fr330rD13 8 points ago +8 / -0

But no, I have to be able to fuck at will with no birth control. I should suffer no consequences for my bad decisions even if it results in murdering babies.

Fr330rD13 3 points ago +4 / -1

Let's see...Pay Pal...Tesla...Space X...The Boring Company...Neurallink...I think there were a couple of more...oh, and now Twitter....what an absolute dumbass lol.

Fr330rD13 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, they definitely lie, then they jump through their ass googling how to do their new jobs, which is why the quality is so poor.

Fr330rD13 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know someone that got a jab early, never got the second jab, then started using fake vax cards and making fake vax cards for others to avoid the immediate consequences of not getting jabbed.

I also know a divorced anti-vax guy whose ex-wife got all his kids jabbed without telling him and they keep testing positive for Covid. These are some strange and sad days.

Me personally, I don't follow the law anymore, I do what I want and the only people I have to answer to are my conscious and God. I have a moral code with people but as far as laws made by men, I ignore them and make them up as I go based on my own moral code. Given the opportunity I'll act, until then I'll game and hide in their system.

Fr330rD13 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it's funny watching lefties comment on numbers of followers they have lost, Mark Hamill for instance.." I lost 9000 followers. " . I don't doubt he lost a few lefties but I suspect the bots are being purged before Elon retains operational control.

Fr330rD13 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for putting up your idiot sign Malcom. It's interesting watching these idiots support the deep state and actual Nazis LOL.

Fr330rD13 25 points ago +25 / -0

You couldn't pay me to watch CNN, no amount of money would be worth the stress and aggravation of watching propogandists lie all day.

Fr330rD13 2 points ago +2 / -0

Considering we can just take 4 200mg pills it's kind of dumb.

Fr330rD13 2 points ago +2 / -0

They will triple down on stupid, at this point Hunter could put his dick on their forehead and start peeing while you watched and they would claim it is raining.

Fr330rD13 3 points ago +3 / -0

What part of me calling the FBI traitor pieces of shit did you not understand? Are you dense?

Fr330rD13 10 points ago +10 / -0


Reported the evidence. Nothing will happen but at least I can let the FBI know that we know that they are traitor pieces of shit.

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