Allentown baby. Let's roll.
We can't have a market crash. If the plan includes average Americans losing half their wealth, due to no fault of their own, that's a shitty plan. And we don't have a shitty plan.
[C]los[I]ng [A]ct: Dismantled. Impossible to clean. Operations --> [N]o [S]uch [A]gency Q
That department needs some serious help. The way every other person left that officer alone while bleeding all over, no aid rendered, treating him like he had the plague. I'd quit yesterday. No one had that guys back from the moment he arrived. Didn't even have a partner with him.
Posted at 1:57. Post 157 is interesting.
I can't find any news articles to corroborate this. Discern better guys. 83 upvotes in 6 hours is nuts for autists
Watch the water.
Seems concentrated in upper Midwest region. No issues here on Northeast.
God is all knowing, so he gets what he meant.
Um...this is typical behavior after an Eagles win.
Same. My smokers cough is gone. Vaping is substantially better than cigarette smoke.
Substantially safer than cigarettes. Stop falling for big tobacco propaganda.
Vaping got me off cigs. Haven't touched them in more than 5 years.
And the truck convoy...
This is stupid. And too much stretching for Gumby.
Guys a born salesmen. He understands how to build value and sell a vision. He doesn't need prep. He just needs an uncensored mic.
Too big to rig?
Homestead act doesn't save me shit lol
Who the hell wants to live in Oregon?
Bullshit. I have 25 acres and I pay $15k on it per year.
"Nobody ran. Nobody moved". That's right. We are in the fight to win it. No one is running. Fire all the bullets you have. Nothing can stop...
Watched it last night live and it was one of his best entrances ever. Lee Greenwood monologuing over the background music in-between verses was so well done.
100% without a doubt. Highest structure by far providing the best oversight of the area. No one to be found on it. The proof is insurmountable this was an inside job.
Yea. RIP dems