I only managed to secure 157 shares. 😞
No, site can not be reached
Those people can't even stand to be near one another, lol
Shame, he continues to show these scum grace/mercy even as they slaughter more of his countrymen.
I'd really like to get the Chili DeCastro guy infront of Elon. If he would help elevate the police state conversation it would push the tyrannical policies to the fringe where they belong.
Video won't play, link seems broken. Anyone have a shortcut?
"Fortifying", sir. All on the up-and-up I'm sure....
Yea too much cursing for my taste but I appreciate the audience he's trying to reach. You oughta try "Way of the Triune God" - Tyler Childers.
That's more my pace. 😀
Is this more evidence of them getting ahead of the MOASS? Will they just tax us half and bailout they're buddies?
If only we could find a way to succinctly define and identify the Archetype of human being predisposed to leftist thought. And then inoculate them at birth.
Inbreeding'll do that to ya,...
AITA for sitting on 40k in student loan debt after earning a degree I couldn't find employment with? I've had it in perm-deferrment for about 9 years now.
Anyone else here feel silly staring at a tweet about someone's tweet about another person's tweet?
Saved, and ty!
I joined Freedom Law School last week. We'll see if they live up to their end.
I shared this with some of my religious-right family. This is the response I got, lol.
"Their all the same nephew" They believe he's a Freemason?!
Please be for Pennsylvania
Except WV requires vaccination for virtual learners too. Fucking tyrants
This is why Governor Justice just vetoed WV bill to remove vax requirements for virtual learners, can't have them escaping Public school for new Microschools! Via the Hooe Scholarship
At this point we should just start a list for the stuff that doesn't cause cancer.
Packed wall to wall. We ran out of fliers
Wasn't Reagan just named as an abuser in another recent Anon post?
We just interviewed at one in WV. Principal said within 3 weeks of opening they had an army of Indignant Dept. Of Education and public safety bureaucrats rushing in demanding all manner of bullshit forms and approvals. It's so new they hadn't even heard of it. And such rancor and contempt. Disgusting. We're homeschooling, and the state legislators are still jerking us around on the Hope scholarship which would pay $5,000 / year tuition for us.
That was our next step if this Inflammatory drug hadn't worked. But the HPV seems to have gone away, upon last check up. Thank God
Rather than creating a parallel market in an already saturated field, I wish they' purchase an already profitable company like Steam. That'd be some good action to expand their operations and profitability!