I had an abortion at age 16, the baby was due on my 17th birthday. I used to cry on my birthday each year and think about how old he or she would have been. I used to punish myself by watching ultrasound videos online of babies in the womb at the same age mine was. I’d look at aborted baby pictures and cry.
Then one day many years later, God saved me, He forgave me for all of the horrible things I’d ever done. I was truly made new and can now speak openly about my abortion in hopes of opening someone’s eyes and maybe saving a life.
Never give up, I can promise you, your prayers matter.
I went to a chamber of commerce meeting one time, the featured company had a panel of people giving a presentation. They were from the diversity group of this company. Anyways, the group consisted of about 5 black females… not very diverse.
I have the flu (I think) and I’m actually tempted to test so I can have some time off work. I’ve never tested. But man it sucks having to call out of work each day “yeah I’m still sick 🙄” At least with a Covid test I get several days off to get better no questions asked.
I hate this.
I saw a video a little while ago, I believe it was the Stew Peters show, and a doctor was revealing that she did find these strange things when she looked under the microscope. She included a video and pictures.
Edit: someone posted it on here actually :)
How as a cop, or any human whose job is to protect people, could you just go along with something so horrific? Also, how does the planning go down, are they in a room and some dude is like, “Alright so, we’re gonna blow this place up…” and everyone nods in drone like unison?