GetRightNews 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the problem. These multinational companies have come into many areas and underpriced the local mom-n-pop stores out of business. I guess the only shining light is that if the hood rats keep stealing, their prices will have to go up. We may see a return of smaller shops, if they can afford the newly required security.

GetRightNews 4 points ago +4 / -0

yeah. and we saw the nose of one of the planes come out of the other side of the building fully intact, in a video that was never displayed again on live TV. Have you seen what a several-pound bird strike does to the nose of a 757? How can you see it come out the other side of a steel building fully intact and not question the narrative?

A video compositing error + timed explosives rather than a plane impact.

GetRightNews 1 point ago +2 / -1

We don't have 10 million videos of planes hitting the buildings, only a select few. There is speculation that at least some of the so-called witnesses were crisis actors. The reported eyewitness scene leading up to the Pentagon, for example, does not match with the flight capabilities of a 757 at sea level.

GetRightNews 2 points ago +2 / -0

Silverstein admitted on TV that they decided to "pull the building". Anyone who has watched controlled demolition viral videos and TV series knows what that means .

GetRightNews 1 point ago +1 / -0

What about the experts that testified that a 757 could not physically maneuver in the way "witnesses" described at such low altitude. The engines are designed to make full power at cruising altitude. They have very little power at sea level. They would have literally been choking near ground level.

GetRightNews 7 points ago +7 / -0

The 1 camera they released footage from (the pentagon had over 80) was too close for anything as large as an airliner to fill the frame. It looked like a plane because a cruise missile resembles a plane at that distance.

by BQnita
GetRightNews 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm surprised that only one of them said they were prepared to vote for Trump at the end.

GetRightNews 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember back in the day, we heard that Trump's friend and Discovery CEO completed a merger of Discovery with WarnerMedia? With this merger they also gained control of HBO, and CNN. They claimed they would make the network more "neutral". 6 days ago that CEO came out defending the Town Hall saying “The U.S. has a divided government. We need to hear both voices,”

He even hired a new producer at CNN last February with plans to “push CNN back to hard news, and away from red-hot liberal opining.” I definitely haven't seen that yet, but with recent firings and this town hall, maybe it is finally the beginning.

GetRightNews 1 point ago +1 / -0

But if Biden knows this, he has the power to stop it, and he chose to sit in his basement, as usual. Seems he wants them to be here.

I'd say it's more likely, they're forming terror cells with a mission to do the opposite. Terrorize, commit false flags, mass casualty events, threaten the people into submission, etc...

Or think about this. All of the food/supply chain fires, train derailments, and other shady things going on around the country. Wouldn't the undocumented be easy marks to use for these actions? With these busloads, expect it to get MUCH worse. They will wreck the economy and starve us until we're begging to be in govt social programs.

GetRightNews 1 point ago +1 / -0

If Trump was still in control of the Military I may believe this, but I haven't seen any recent signs that he is.

GetRightNews 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because, like criminals, sharks don't follow laws.

GetRightNews 6 points ago +6 / -0

Tucker claimed he had no idea he would be canceled until just before Fox's official announcement. How could he be "waiting to be forced out" if he never knew? There was zero communication between himself and Fox regarding his dismissal until the very end. I mean if you were crushing both the Primetime slot on Fox, and every other competing news provider, would you expect to be suddenly cancelled?

GetRightNews 2 points ago +2 / -0

Considering Tucker claimed he didn't even know he was going to be fired until just before the announcement was made, I would doubt this. He even said his staff was busy putting the finishing touches on planning his next show when Fox pulled the plug.

GetRightNews 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd say thats a good excuse to file under the red flag law the democrats + RINO's pushed so hard for. Ban them from owning guns.

GetRightNews 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is scheduled AFTER he's supposed to go to Trump Tower in New York, and then show up at "the courthouse" Tuesday Morning. Sounds like he's pretty confident he'll be walking out of the courthouse.

GetRightNews 6 points ago +6 / -0

I was on Serzone for 3 years. Luckily I didn't get the possible liver damage from taking it, but it numbed me into oblivion. I was indifferent to everything. Nothing phased me, I didn't react to stressors. It wasn't until one day i decided I didn't want to be drugged any more that I finally resolved the issues that caused me to take it. You remember how some of these shooters (who survived and were interviewed) said things like "I wasn't myself", "it was like a dream"? well now we know. They needed a full time psychiatrist, or a permanent residency at the local mental asylum, rather than a drug induced fantasy murder coma.

GetRightNews 5 points ago +5 / -0

Everyone I've known who has gone on anti-depressants in response to a traumatic life event that they could not resolve on their own all share one thing in common. They are completely different people while on the drugs. It didn't solve their mental pain, it completely changed their personality. They are unrecognizable from before. Imagine what most of these pink haired lefties have in their medicine cabinets.

GetRightNews 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ukraine isn't like the us, with the deep state, rothschilds, etc...They have been shelling their own people for years. Mostly targeting Russia supporting citizens living in Ukraine. Most of the areas Putin liberated were like this.

It's hard for the people to fight back against communism, and under fear of being terrorized by their own government. The people are impoverished, and unlikely to fight back. Channels like Patrick Lancaster youtube show that the citizens already know it's ukraine attacking them. You would have thought there would be an uprising by now. Maybe they will fight back once ukraine is weakened to near surrender. Recent reports from Bakhmut, etc... are showing they are pretty close.

GetRightNews 3 points ago +3 / -0

History has proven that it's only a matter of time before personal information such as this is stolen in a breach.

GetRightNews 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we set a precedent of arresting past presidents over a misdemeanor, I'd say Obama and his pallets of cash should be next on the docket.

GetRightNews 12 points ago +13 / -1

Assuming Trump wasn't falsely prosecuted and isn't in jail. The pieces are being laid so that 2024 cannot be stolen due to social media controlling the flow of information.

GetRightNews 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for the dig on this!

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