GimmeMemes 2 points ago +2 / -0

They may not be good at developing things themselves, but they are good at stealing technology from others. And they have tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of spies embedded in every university, major company, and government in this country. And Biden and his controllers just spent 4 years facilitating everything the CCP wanted to do.

GimmeMemes 1 point ago +2 / -1

Every. Single. Time.

GimmeMemes 2 points ago +2 / -0

The problem isn't so much the H-1B program itself (although it definitely needs reforms and improvements, and there's great arguments for eliminating it entirely), the problem is that it has been horribly abused since damn near the day it was created, and the government has not only allowed this abuse, but encouraged it.

The H-1B program was created to bring in a relatively small number of highly skilled workers each year to work side by side with equally skilled American citizens, especially in the tech industries, and it has done that. But government and industry have badly abused the program by using it to bring in nearly 10 times the maximum number of foreigners that the law allows the program to do, and the 90%+ of extra illegal visas issued are almost entirely for low-skilled workers who do not even meet the qualifications of the program in the first place. In many cases, these low skill workers have been used, and are still being used, to replace higher skilled Americans because the foreigners will work for much lower wages and can be much more easily controlled because their visas can be threatened.

If the H-1B laws are enforced stringently and aggressively, meaning all of the extra workers over the maximum cap written in the law are eliminated, and all of the workers that are imported are checked vigorously to make sure they meet the qualifications required by the law, then I think the program can be salvaged and provide the benefits it was meant to provide. But there are very good arguments that it's too late to salvage it and it should be eliminated and either started over from scratch or that we should just stop importing foreign high skilled workers outside of the regular immigration pathways altogether.

GimmeMemes 2 points ago +2 / -0

The dosage per pound (or kilogram) of body weight is the same for horses, humans, and all other mammals. The horse paste syringe is marked by body weight, usually in pounds here in the US. Just push the plunger to the appropriate body weight mark for your body weight, and that is your dose.

GimmeMemes 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe Monkey Werx does daily or nearly daily podcasts, so you'll get just as much real time information/discussion from him as you'll get here.

GimmeMemes 5 points ago +5 / -0

Please stop playing their game by using their damn pronouns. That's Michael Robinson, aka Big Mike, a gay male tranny faggot. It's not a 'she'.

GimmeMemes 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have had several dozen cats during my lifetime (mostly rescues). I have never vaccinated a single one of them. Not one has ever contracted any of the diseases that these vaccines are supposed to prevent. Average lifespans of 19-20 years.

NEVER EVER EVER VACCNATE YOUR PETS UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW (such as rabies vaccine in some places).

GimmeMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aspirin can be extremely dangerous in children. It can cause them to develop Reye's Syndrome.

Reye's Syndrome is where viruses that cannot normally cross the blood/brain barrier and infect the brain become able to do so because of aspirin consumption. It only happens to children, including teenagers, but not adults.

GimmeMemes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aspirin can be extremely dangerous in children.

Reye's Syndrome is where viruses that cannot normally cross the blood/brain barrier and infect the brain become able to do so because of aspirin consumption. It only happens to children, including teenagers, but not adults.

GimmeMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is completely WRONG.

HPV = Human Papilloma Virus

HSV-1 = Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 = cold sores

HSV-2 = Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 = genital herpes

There are no vaccines for herpes viruses.

GimmeMemes 7 points ago +7 / -0

There are three classes of people:

Those who see.

Those who see when they are shown.

Those who do not see.

--Leonardo da Vinci

GimmeMemes 2 points ago +2 / -0

The two are often one and the same.

GimmeMemes 2 points ago +2 / -0

What part of 'commutations are not pardons' do you not understand?

GimmeMemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you put a support column after every second person, I think you can make the cross beam as long as you want. As long as they have enough rope, Romania should go for a world record!

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