My MOM did this exact thing. She heard about this dog dewormer a few years ago. She was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. IT DISAPPEARED. To be fair, she was also on cancer drugs so it's not a provable cause/effect, but when she went to the doctor for a checkup, the doctor was baffled. Those are the exact doctor's words "I'm baffled". They couldn't figure out how the cancer disappeared. They expected the cancer drugs to slow the growth, but what happened was the tumors disappeared. The doctor's had no explanation for this. The doctor told her that she's essentially cancer free now.
If they have been hiding this from us, I pray they find a good hiding spot because they won't be able to walk down the street, unless it's on the way to the gallows.
Thoughts? What if this is the white hats trolling the DS by telling them WHAT THEY'VE ALREADY DONE? Perhaps this is how Trump got them all?
So instead of what will happen with the next election, they're telling the DS what they did during the 2020 election. Some kind of shot to the DS?
good god, i was in target the other day and the photos of models they have are fucked up. not "normal sized women" models but ABNORMALLY-looking people. And it wasn't one or two, it was ALL OF THEM.
This isn't "we want models that are normal sized" this has become "let's hire the weirdest looking model"
"Can I see what this would look on someone who isn't 400 pounds?"
i mean, i don't know either way. And as confident as he is, he doesn't know either. What he isn't acknowledging is that we appear to be operating outside of laws these days, so I don't know if it matters what a piece of paper says.
i think the biggest thing i learned from 2020 is that there is a group of people who will go on video and just make shit up. credibility be damned, they just constantly spew complete, utter, bullshit and have no cares about how they will explain it away in the future
i mean, this could just be a log book and that is an unconnected log entry? this looks a lot like log books I used in the military and there was a bunch of random shit written into those.
I'm not saying it is or isn't something, but it could just be a normal log book.
Um, tithing settlement? Or whatever they call it now?
You cant go to the temple without paying tithing, and ordinances in the temple are needed for salvation.
Friend, it's all fake. I know it's hard to hear, but it's all fake. Look objectively at the church and its history and you will see (hopefully)
You are the correct one, but no one is listening. As a lifelong sufferer of allergies, the PE bullshit has never worked for me. I only use meds with pseudoephedrine which DOES work for me. I don't think this is any kind of conspiracy. They are just wanting to remove the OTC PE stuff, not the behind-the-counter stuff. I don't really care about this development because in this case, the govt is right. shhh, don't tell anyone i said that :)
not sure why they are removing it though. the shelves are full of shit that doesn't work.