I'm sure they could use some elegant dinner wear for all the parties they'll be invited to.
I think that chick is aging 5 years for every day she has to stand in front of the world basically and try to sell moldy bread.
He's so stupid that he's willing to be spicy about what he doesn't know. I think that tips the scales heavily against him when all is said and done.
A veritable symphony of sarcasm...
I have a Telegram account, but I don't go there much. This place is my go-to for both sharing things and gathering the very most current habbenings...
...not to mention the top shelf memery and comedy gold that you all bring to the table, the guidance from various (fill-in-the-blank fags), AND the solidarity we enjoy, even though we've never met. I appreciate the Mods very much, and ~
I actually Love you all. History will be most kind to we who see, we who share intel with those of an open-minded nature, and we who share the memes that wake up the sleepy.
I am most grateful for the experience here, even moreso than at the QRV.
Whatever else is true, her taste in jewelry is abominable.
If he was alive when leaving the building, what do you reckon his thoughts were for his final 10 seconds on Earth?
Way to be a pebble in the collective DS shoe!
Well if that was a real, actual number ~ there aren't that many people on the planet, so, yeah...
You go, JP.
It's actually kind of perfect, because if it hadn't already happened that Q became a thing that people talk about...it sure will be now.
Way to get your enemy to do the work for you.
I'm curious now....
...despite however he may used to have been.
What, in particular, are you alluding to here?
That is actually pretty funny.
I like the way you think, my friend.
I really wish it was that simple. I've had a truly good friend, the kind who comes to get you at the police station when you get arrested for smoking weed...she's at least double jabbed and did subsequently get 'covid' ~ and is sadly against our President.
There's no commie in there, just a regular person doing her best to have a good life. It's frustrating, and we're not as close as we were, in my mind, anyway...but I don't want to cut ties because that's exactly what team dark wants. Fuck 'em. I'm not doing that. I have compassion for people like her, because she actually is intelligent and with a very good and generous heart inside her. You know that we've been poisoned any number of ways, and in our minds is surely one of the worst. In this case, MSM is largely to blame, not to mention the slow poisoning of our minds and bodies with food. She doesn't bother with organic at all, but she also doesn't hate anyone.
This fits in with my theory posted here that postulates that the White Hats now have and are willing to use the technology to insure that actual votes are tallied honestly.
He wouldn't be calling for a new election immediately unless they have the system secured. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Exactly how? No idea, myself...but the folks at True the Vote seem unnervingly confident about what they know and the tech they have to do what needs doing to make elections safe.
Which makes me think...wasn't there a Q post saying that elections are safe? Wonder what the delta on it is.
Not to mention my utter lack of understanding why, with the actual and growing mountains of evidence of fraudulent elections here and the world over...
Why have we not removed the Biden? All I can imagine is just like I said ~ nobody would be asking us to chill out about this unless things were in place for a sting of epic proportions and a setting right of our elections.
I admit to being shamelessly positive about things, but maybe that's a Human superpower that we haven't embraced yet...you know, the whole Quantum theory about a thing changing because we had a look at it.
That's fine. It will be revealed, whatever any of us think about it.
Consider that our technological advancement (or lack thereof) has not one thing to do with what other civilizations have reached, and they're all way beyond where we are. And that in no small part because of the work of team dark to keep us from advancing further.
Everything is connected, and what happens here does have repercussions beyond Earth.
I don't buy it. A guy who was let go is selling a line of crap imo.
I hope those are actors.
Sadly, they probably are just ignorant and easily manipulated tools, products of indoctrination via the public 'school' system.
Very cringy.
Wow...I wonder what their exit strategy is.
How about the indoctrinating institutions take the hit and just refund tuition?
Oh heck yeah!
I get that's how you see it. Personally, I like the expanded view of our reality and what we're doing here. It's not actually about me aside from the fact that I'm in Human form, and on the Earth at the end of a number of cosmic cycles.
If what I postulated was true, that wouldn't be narcissistic, would it?
Our friend, Mr. Webster says narcissism is being, "Extremely self-centered with an exaggerated sense of self-importance : marked by or characteristic of excessive admiration of or infatuation with oneself."
What makes you think that Humanity and the Earth aren't important in the cosmos? Or that what's been happening here isn't part of a much bigger picture than we may be used to seeing...
Dang! That's not a woman's face...