Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

yep and they can't un-ring that bell. one thing to know you screwed yourself, another to know you screwed your kids.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

instead of the title saying Americans, i believe it should say the WORLD regrets it. i can't get to the article and couldn't read it, just going by the title.

Godknowstheheart 0 points ago +1 / -1

what we know about hollyweird, the sports industry and music industry with children, this looks disgusting having an OLD man singing and dancing around with younger kids.

stop beating up on him??? he's pushed the jab, he's a fagot protector. he's not on our side. he's trying to look young and hip to get more kids to get the jab and think all things fagot and trans are good, IMO.

Godknowstheheart 0 points ago +1 / -1

IMO, it's because he is OLD compared to the crowd. he looks stupid as hell. it's NOT about a boyfriend supporting his girlfriend. it's about the age, for me anyways. he's too old to be hanging out and singing and dancing with those younger kids.

Godknowstheheart 8 points ago +8 / -0

apparently they don't understand how their master, satan, got into the position he is in because of pride??? they don't understand or know what happens to satan when God says enough.

Godknowstheheart 11 points ago +11 / -0

we are NOT transphobe, you retards, we are NOT afraid of you. we are pro mental health. your mental health should only be between you and your therapist. but YOU are the one that pushes the public to the brink of wanting to beat your asses into oblivion because YOU want praise and special everything that the rest of us refuse to give you on the basis of being retarded and not on the basis of anything moral you've done in your pathetic life.

and by the way, leave the kids and women the hell alone and you might, just might see that we don't give one shit about your feelz.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

i will be pissed if it's a RINO. we can't afford to mess around with enemies within, we've only got 4 years with Pres Trump and he doesn't need anyone around him to interfere with business. only MAGA on his team this time.

Godknowstheheart 13 points ago +13 / -0

sadly it seems time is going so slow waiting for things to happen, but these 2-3 years of constant jabs has gone by too fast for me because i have loved ones that got them. and i'm not looking forward to what is going to happen to them.

Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

because 'they' live there. didn't you see how fast 'they' threw out those illegals that DeSantis sent to Martha's Vineyard?

Godknowstheheart 5 points ago +5 / -0

it's really, really time to pray. i remember when Trump was running the first time there were all kinds of witches and satanists conjuring up all kinds of nasty dark spells at that time. i'm sure those witches be real.

Godknowstheheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

i'm gonna say that it wouldn't shock me if 50% of the KKK were faggots. the history of the cabal and their satanic antics goes way further back than the KKK.

Godknowstheheart 5 points ago +5 / -0

hmm....when the left causes physical violence, nothing happens. when the right just speaks something the left doesn't like, they go to jail. how much more commie shit can the world handle?

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