Gold_is_money 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, very important message. Thank you.

And I believe also that often we have to wait for Him to prepare things, and us, before we can fully align with His purpose.

Gold_is_money 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trying to promote the Covid cult doctrine. It feels like we’re approaching the final kool-aid serving. Jim Jones vibes.

Peak insanity (so far).

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's true.

I live in Scandinavia and our "welfare state" system and frame of mind are being used to rationalize taking away personal freedoms. "Because we pay for your healthcare, you must do this and you can't do that." And it's always big pharma and processed food agenda that is the solution.

So, that kind of collectivism is making me sick. I agree that nobody should pay for other people's choices.

Gold_is_money 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, collectivism is "the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it".

Subsidizing is a collective term. It is not a part of individual liberty or free markets.

Gold_is_money 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is not. Here in Finland the health ministry issued a memo saying it is "possible". If you understand elite language, it means it's real.

And I have experienced it numerous times: extreme case of red eyes, fatigue, etc.

Everyone should be careful for a few months around vaxxed people.

You think the spike proteins stay within the body? Educate yourself or stop shilling.

Gold_is_money 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it goes:

  1. Public opinion is changed gradually to wake people up to the reality of the crimes. People then condemn them.
  2. They face justice.

We are used to thinking like it must be the other way around:

  1. We show crime. They face justice.
  2. Public opinion condemns their crimes.

People simply don't see their crimes. But they are starting to see. It's the great awakening.

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were (and are) both against liberty. Left vs. right is not as important distinction as collectivists vs. individualists. Nazis and commies are both collectivists and against free individuals.

Gold_is_money 1 point ago +1 / -0

#IStandWithBiden is supposedly trending on Twitter.

That’s how I see that hastag. 😁

Gold_is_money 5 points ago +5 / -0

”Soil vs. seed” was a huge debate in the 19th century medicine. Meaning basically: should we concentrate on the germs or on strengthening our immunity system. I don’t believe that the right side won. Even Louis Pasteur changed his mind before his death.


Gold_is_money 5 points ago +5 / -0

Plus freedom is NOT subject to a any health crisis - real or manufactured. We can deal with anything through voluntary actions, i.e. acting freely.

Gold_is_money 7 points ago +7 / -0

Nice as hell 😆

Gold_is_money 4 points ago +4 / -0

Man-made global warming - proven fact.
Central bank fiat money is needed for stable economy - proven fact.
Biden won fair and square - proven fact.

One needs to be careful with ”facts” and ”proofs”. But anyways…

Gold_is_money 1 point ago +1 / -0

The state (government) has replaced God for too many people.

They plead and ask government to fix things. But the lord of this world only knows how to kill and destroy.

Gold_is_money 1 point ago +1 / -0

There were a few protests here in the spring, but they were pretty much ignored in the media. There has only been some mentions and ”test balls” thrown regarding the vaccine passports. That will be the line in the sand for many prople here. The Finns are generally slow to take action on changing things, but quite determined when the ball gets rolling. So, I’m hopeful.

I feel that we truly are in this together, patriots around the world. I think that the US is the main battleground, but the EU is also a big factor. The power structure in Europe is not (yet) as centralized as in the US. In some ways the EU is in worse shape to fight back (e.g. gun ownership) but the narrative is harder to control here because there are still so many national institutions (media, politicians and officials) and different cultures. Our weak spot here in Finland is a ridiculous trust in the authorities. Perhaps we are not used to corruption and therefore easily fooled. It’ll be a rude awakening for many.

God bless you too.

Gold_is_money 2 points ago +2 / -0

They told us that we get freedom through the EU. Free movement of people, goods and capital.

In reality it has always been a stepping stone in a globalist plan to enslave us. We don’t need central power to have freedom, in fact it is destroying our limited freedoms.

Here in Finland the globalist narrative has been very strong, our people is quite obedient. But finally, this endless covid madness is starting to wake some people up. The fear mongering doesn’t work so well anymore and more and more people are starting to think critically in some areas.

I’m praying often for my fine country. I believe that His hand will move soon and there will be changes.

Ps. Please, where-ever you are, buy physical gold and silver to protect yourself, if you don’t have any. Their fake money system is on its last legs.

Gold_is_money 19 points ago +19 / -0

And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

Luke 12:4

Gold_is_money 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes it can. I know many people who get symptoms from being around vaccinated people. They shed the spike protein. This is some evil stuff. Be careful, especially if you’re sensitive to these kinds of things.

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