Good info here with samples too.
In my opinion, if a child is old enough to know and comprehend God and our savior Jesus they should also be made aware of the evils in this world. So as a parent we should prepare them as best we can to be self aware and confront said evils.
There are claims that the Bible actually reports the birth of Jesus being on September 11th. The link below is just one example of a website explaining the origin on the 9/11 birthdate.
This just happened tonight in East TN (Knox County). I found out too late to go, but we were fortunate to watch the school board vote 5-4 in favor of allowing parents to make the decision on masks (for now) and not mandating them.
Good luck to you fren. Hopefully you have a big turnout of patriots and not sheep.
This has been floating around the internet for months. I saw it for the first time in August I believe.