Oh, so he didn’t really prove anything? That’s disappointing!!
What?! He’s telling us what we want to hear! Enjoy your downvote!!
I posted this on my Fakebook page, but now people are asking what it’s in reference to, and I don’t know what to tell them. I did get some likes though!
It feels like we have been living on step 3 for a couple years now, but I’m hopeful for the future!
Wait…are you saying all eyes should be on Arizona?
Don’t worry! The white hats are in control!! When all else feels lost, a little blind optimism can’t get you through even the hardest time!
Finally! The proof we’ve been waiting for!!
It sure is great how easy it is to blame any bit of dissension on glowies! It makes it easier to keep us all laser focused on the real objective!!
Why isn’t the MSM covering this?!?
The truth of the matter is, most people don’t care!
I sure hope so! I don’t really care about his thoughts on the latest celebrity gossip!! He should be focused on reversing 2020!
This is very funny! We’ll probably all still be here talking about 5 and 6 year deltas, but it’s nice to imagine that we’ll be living our 1776 fantasies!!
Oh…that’s disappointing! There was another earlier post that seemed to imply he was saying Trump was still president, but this is still okay!!
I don’t recall them obtaining cell phone data from Virginia, but this is still great news! It also didn’t mention him being in trouble for harvesting ballots, but a mule is a mule!!
Thousands, maybe even tens of thousands of children have died from the jab! When will people’s eyes be open?!
Hell yes! I mean, she was already a Trump voter who believed fraud had taken place, but it was still nice to see how angry she got!! What was the deal with that lady standing in front of her though? Didn’t seem necessary.
I can’t think of any other political documentaries released in the last decade, but this is still great news! 1 million people!!
I believe it’s really happening this time! I can’t wait!!
But, we’re not to the four year delta on that drop yet. I believe it will be the full moon in June.
With this and 2000 Mules, I expect the election to be overturned within a couple weeks.
I can’t wait for the sequel where they actually use the four million minutes of surveillance footage they have, and show us all the mules going to 25 different ballot boxes each! It’s going to be biblical!!
Rinos every one of them! Vote the bastards out!!
From your lips to God’s ears!
The Maryland Department of Health needs to get back to work on the formula crisis! This is unacceptable!!
That’s enough proof for me! Those are some dots I can logically connect!!