The black hats tried to kill President Trump. I don't believe for one moment that the white hats were not aware of the plot. Maybe even from it's inception.
There is only one possible way that President Trump can be 100% insulated and that has nothing to do with how many people are protecting him.
I know that I have no proof that I can show you. Just think about this. Q has already said that evil is real. Good is also real. Evil people know what is required of them. The question we have is this. Do good people know what is required of them? Do good people know and yet not know at the same time? Q has said multiply times Trust and believe in yourself. Is it possible that the author of truth speaks to us but we have been trained to question that voice? We know deep within us what is truth yet we are hesitant to let that come forward. Is Q telling us that we already deep inside us know the truth. The great awakening is not just for "them" it is for all of us. I think the White Hats already know that President Trump is completely protected. Otherwise NCSWIC is a hollow statement
Next 6 years ends July 9th 2025. My bet is by that time this is all over and the recovery is in full swing.
They were talking about a Hillary - Obama ticket. Claiming there is nothing stopping Obama from running for Vice President
So will President Trump be 45/47 or 45/48?
Good Grief, I was not trying to turn this into some sort of a second new covenent or something like that. The blood was symbolic. Just like the ear that got cut off just before Jesus was taken was symbolic. The bible is full of symbolic things. They are not meant to be taken literally. They point to a truth. Jesus talked about the prodigal son. That story was not meant to be taken as real living people. People that we should try to find to see how the rest of their lives played out. They could have been real people but that would have nothing to do with the point of the story
I just can't believe that Q would allow anything to happen. Yes I saw what I saw. We are watching a movie
I know we are watching a movie. I just don't know how in the world they were able to pull off those special effects.
How would they even know the machines are having problems. Are the voting machines being used right now?
Biden is going to make it until September?
What kind of a movie is this? Last Saturday? Wow, just wow
That wasn't for us that was for the newly awakening
A week to remember? The tide has turned?
Is this outage nothing more than a distraction so that people don't talk about President Trumps speech?
Hang in there Joe, Never give up, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. You can do it.
Did you forget what I said already? Joe, Joe, JOE... Are you still there Joe?...Oh okay, yes you can have some ice cream.
I am assuming President Trump wins. I also assume they will cheat. From tonight speech forward it will be all about bringing the nation together. By the time election day gets here his support will be historic. They will not be able to cheat enough to overcome that. My concern is they will start a war or an attack on an American city and attempt to cancel the election.
If they picked Joe and Kamala and Joe steps down how to they dump Kamala?
So which Democrat will replace Biden? Who is willing to take the hit knowing they are going to lose and lose big?
You say "no one knows God's plan. I agree with you but just maybe we are wrong. If what happened this weekend is real is it possible that like Paul in Acts 27:23-24
23 Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me 24 and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.
Is it possible That the Trump team has been given a word from God like Paul did that President Trump will be safe until a certain time?
The tide has turned. These people got away with being complete morons in the past... No more.
The last time I watched them was the 2016 election night coverage. Now that was some awesome TV
We have been saying that for 7 years.
I guess there is always a bright side. :)
Ok, this is a little weird
All I know is this country was lost. The Q team and Trump showed us the way out of this mess.
I trust President Trump. He picked Vance for a reason.
I do not have to trust Vance. I just have to trust the plan
Yea, but you are forgetting one thing. Obama is a democrat