GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember when we used to program on Commodore 64 and spend hours having text conversations with a program that I believe was called Lucy. It seemed amazing then. In college, I took a course in AI programming. It is sophisticated, but in the end, it is a program that runs and does what the programmer coded. There is no independent thought.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mo Brooks was outright rejected in Alabama. It wasn't even close.... CANDIDATE VOTES PERCENT Katie Britt 252,939 63.02% Mo Brooks 148,431 36.98%

GreenRoar 3 points ago +3 / -0

A chemical weapons specialist non-commissioned officer is embedded in many combat units. They basically control gas masks and MOPP gear in case of a chemical attack. I would not view him as a player in the bio labs.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This information is an excellent outline of the crimes committed by Democrats & Rinos. I suggest you spread it far and wide. As far as devolution, there has to be certain things occur for devolution to begin. If not complete, this paper certainly is a very big step to trigger it.
However, we may not be aware that devolution is at work until the end. If it is at work in certain units of the military, they are not going to say so. So, don't expect weekly updates on it.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

The race for Governor is November of this year, so this must have been four years ago. Back then, election fraud was used freely but was not widely known. So, from what we know now, DeSantis won in numbers enough to overcome the fraud that was certainly used by the Democrats. Hopefully, cleaner elections will translate in to larger margins of victory,

GreenRoar 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't know whether or not your quotes are accurate. All I have is a memory of what he said and I distinctly remember that he recommended it, even got it but made it a point of saying that "It is your choice" whether or not to take the jab. He had his reasons for taking it and I have mine for not taking it. It is not his fault that I declined, it was my decision. We are not puppets. We have minds and can do our own research.

GreenRoar 4 points ago +5 / -1

I sympathize with people who use vulgarity because they don't know how to otherwise communicate forcefully. But, I still just roll over them and go on to the next article. I don't think it is cute or funny. People who use such language miss much of their intended audience because of it. So what is their goal, Communicate to an audience or spew vulgarity?

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your example #2 and #3 are the same aircraft, ae5a42. I researched this yesterday when someone wanted to know what type of aircraft it was. It was a Beechcraft Super King specially equipped for combat intelligence. There are several of these listed as used by the Army.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

This type of recon aircraft is flown primarily by the Army to gather intelligence. It is described as "The Enhanced Medium Altitude Reconnaissance and Surveillance System (EMARSS) is a low-risk, low-cost, enhanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft."

GreenRoar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Even after Q said trust him, I've read many unflattering comments about Grassley over the past year. We finally have to admit that our view is distorted by personal prejudices. At some point, we all trust someone. So...


GreenRoar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Four sentences, rather than an entire expose, neatly sum up the problem. It is the deep state players that incite and then enable these shootings. The police commander who stopped his officers from entering the classroom and taking out the shooter is a prime suspect in enabling it.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I were the police commander that held the officers back... I would resign and move to another town, far away.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I once knew a Marine who was described to a T, picked out of a picture lineup and flown from Japan to California for arrest. Once there the real perp, someone who looked just like him was arrested. My friend was released because he was clearly in Japan at the time of the incident. You spent a lot of time on this, for nothing. Similar does not equal same person.

GreenRoar 8 points ago +8 / -0

In-ground things like carrots, beets and turnips are fairly easy to grow. If you cover them with straw, that might keep some of the critters from digging them up. And, it will provide the right kind of environment for growth. Squash is also easy as they don't need to be in a garden, just in the ground.

by gamepwn
GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brawley, California... near El Centro Naval Air Base. They exercise regularly there and Yuma, AZ.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus, the Messiah, our Lord and Savior, is in the forgiveness business. That is, he forgives ANYONE who turns to him, repents and asks to be forgiven. That is a very liberal forgiveness policy. Think how he must have felt when he told his disciples that most people would follow the wide road leading to destruction and only a few would walk His narrow road and be saved. We are in a similar situation with normies. Most normies will not change. We can only tell the truth and perhaps save some of them. Our challenge is to extend forgiveness freely in the same way we are forgiven without becoming bitter over the losses. It is a difficult task, believe me I know. But, nobody said following Jesus' example would be easy.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most celebs think "fighting Russia" consist of staged photo opportunities. It would be refreshing to have a couple actually involved in a raging battle. It would change their outlook completely.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

It does seem that Carla Sands is the logical Trump pick. Unclear why the Oz endorsement. But, I am sure there is a reason...

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I support the Plan, even if... I've known about the corrupt deep state for at least 20 years. Nobody except Trump has ever said that they are going after them, expose them and remove them from public office.
If Trump is willing to risk everything to do it, I will risk anything to help and support him. We may not like the pace or the way it is being done but, after all, it isn't our plan is it?

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

What has Posobiec said that has people questioning his motivation? Q said at least 10 times, "God Wins." Others have said the same. So, what gives?

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where normies are concerned, this is as much a war of the spirit as it is about facts. Some will never change, some will change when their spirit allows them to see the world differently. Then those facts will actually mean something.

GreenRoar 6 points ago +6 / -0

Charles Flynn, Mike Flynn's brother, was recently promoted to General (four star) and given command of the United States Army Pacific.

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