GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was one of those who thought that there would be come tremendous action taken to prevent Biden from taking office after the stolen election. I distinctly remember feeling deflated, almost shell shocked, when it didn't happen. That's when I stopped paying attention to dates and realized that, although it will happen, it is in God's hand. I'm still all in for President Trump but am content to just hang loose and watch it unfold in real time.

GreenRoar 3 points ago +3 / -0

If Elon owns 100% of Twitter, the only vote that counts is his. He is free to do whatever he desires, for better or worse... If things go bad, I can always move on to something else.

GreenRoar 4 points ago +4 / -0

These rioters are supporting Nasri Warsame for the Minneapolis City Council, ward 10. It is a predominately Somali ward. In his official material he says, "Together, we can build a safe, sustainable, and inclusive community where every individual feels valued and heard."

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perfect description of RINO... And it fits unless DeSantis is working with Trump behind the scenes. I prefer to leave room for both scenarios.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

At this point, there will probably be little action against any Biden. However I applaud when information is dropped, not for us but for the normies. Disclosure is the only way forward...

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most important part is not highlighted. "Notwithstanding any other law..."

GreenRoar 1 point ago +3 / -2

"I'm having a difficult time rationalizing..." I think you haven't been listening. Trump has acknowledged the radical influx of illegals in his speeches and pointed to the Biden administration to blame. Why? To wake the masses of Americans who still sleep. He also said that when he is in office once again, he will take the illegals out just as fast. Until then, Biden's disaster will continue to get worse.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Many of the people who live in the Rio Grande Valley are seasonal. But gangs are there too. This guy's tats showcase the Rio Grande Valley gang 956. Here is a UTube production showing just who they are...


GreenRoar 8 points ago +9 / -1

He is running for the Democrat nomination in the primary, not the Republican and is far enough right to red pill many dems... Not a threat to Trump in the 2024 election.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump does not say these 'off the wall' things without a reason. It is all part of the secret dialog that he has with his anons...

by Romulan
GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Darien Gap is one of the most inhospitable and dangerous places on earth. It is full of sickness of all sorts and home to so many different types of venomous snakes, insects, and plants. Not the place for amateur sightseeing...

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be patient and observant... Most of the anons on this board knew the government was corrupt six years ago. Like me, they probably were not prepared to discover just how corrupt. When you begin to see widespread corruption in every level of government, it comes as a shock. The swamp is wide and deep. You can be assured of that. It is what we do about it that counts.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are working much to hard on this.
As you represent 'ante' in greek, it is 'alpha, nu, tau, iota.' That is anti and is shown as such in the Greek transliteration in the NASB Bible dictionary. Greek NASB Number: 473

Greek Word: ἀντί

Transliterated Word: anti Root: a prim. prep., also a pref.;

Definition: over against, opposite, hence instead of, in comp. denotes contrast, requital, substitution, correspondence:--

New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.

The problem is that a Greek word can have different meanings or used differently depending on the context. So...

GreenRoar 9 points ago +9 / -0

Nobody is beyond redemption through Christ Jesus, nobody. There is no amount of money that can buy it. No good deeds can earn it. It is a free gift given by God's grace.

GreenRoar 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm sorry but doing your own research does work. Enough information was there to make an informed decision to resist this vaccine. People who were fooled simply did not want to take the time to look for it.

GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Happens all the time. Tropical Storms or Hurricanes come from the Tropics, warmer water. This is just a very strong northern latitude wave that may become a weather front. Those very strong winds over water will certainly decrease to more manageable levels when as it hits land.

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

With Trump (Q+) posting daily, what is left for Q to say?

GreenRoar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sometimes we set ourselves up for disappointment. Instead of watching things as they happen, our people sometimes define what must happen, when it must happen and by whom. Then when it doesn't, it is "I've had it with Trump" or "I'll never vote again." I'm content that things ARE happening. The timing is completely up to President Trump.

GreenRoar 10 points ago +10 / -0

Interesting... But I would be surprised if the military took unilateral action to save him. I think that New York only wants Trump arrested for the PERP walk. They may even at some point drop the charges. Interesting to see how this plays out. Final result, it makes Trump even more popular, if that were possible.

GreenRoar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Looking at the world's earthquakes in the past 24 hours. 60 of 80 are in Turkey. I was struck by the fact that small earthquakes run along Turkey's border with Syria all the way to the ocean. All of them in Turkey and not Syria.


GreenRoar 2 points ago +2 / -0

This type of decision is very personal... Pray about it and ask the Lord to guide you. But, understand that taking your father off of life support is simply a test to see if he can live on his own. I pray that the Lord will give you peace in your decision.

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