Then our government, and most elected officials, are terrorists. I'm fine with that.
Neither are you. The British Crown currently owns you AND your land so I don't know what you're talking about.
I hear what you're saying, I too am not an AI guy. However, AI will ultimately be needed if we plan on traveling beyond this planet. There is too much dynamic computation that would need to be done to facilitate space travel.
It's been said that every space exploring race has had to first develop AI to make it viable. It's not much different than using GPS instead of telescopes and compasses to navigate planes and water craft.
The problem with AI is that it needs to be developed with strict restraints to prevent it from getting away from us. I'm hoping that will be in the cards for future.
My understanding is that they are nuke sniffers that detect radioactive decay, likely looking for suitcase and/or dirty bombs. Besides the death from the immediate blast and radioactive affects, the WH can't have a nuke detonate in this country because there would be a big loss in narrative control.
The motor isn't the problem, it's the battery. Fix the battery technology, then we'll talk about better motors.
The good news is, we don't have to add another star to the USA flag, just need to stick a maple leaf somewhere on it and call it a day.
If I had to pick one, option B which I'd imagine includes crimes against humanity and the like. I mean, option B basically covers everything except mean tweets and it will really, REALLY piss people off.
If this guy was an average Joe, they would have caught him by now. This was likely a DS ordered hit, likely because this guy was flipped or was going to flip.
SV40 was in the original polio vaccine (and probably still in the current one in addition to others) because they used monkey kidney cells to culture it. Later, it was discovered that the cancer rates were increasing substantially so research on how to correct the problem began. In fact, it's been stated by Jack Kruse this contamination was what led to the discovery of DNA in an effort study to the affects of SV40 and find a way to reverse them. Unfortunately, no reversal was found so .gov did what it normally does, can't fix it, profit off of it.
So, in summary, the Pfizer vax has a promoter sequence that increase the affects of the SV40 virus the same bastards gave you with the polio and other vaccines that didn't kill you soon enough.
"well, ya know we just couldn't get it done because we have such a thin majority in the house that I did nothing to help prevent."
Stargate SG-1 had an episode that took place in the future where we share the planet with an ET race. After getting through the honeymoon phases the ETs went, "Hey guys, we have this great drug that will significantly increase your life and eliminate disease, want it?!"
And as per Covid most people did and, guess what, it caused mass infertility. Who would have guessed?! Turns out it was the ET's plan to get rid of us and take over the planet because they screwed their planet up, sound familiar?
Likely to get people to dig on him and put his dirt out there. Nothing better than putting your enemy front and center and letting them destroy themselves.
Just restructure it to an invade-from-home format, that way everyone can participate.
They don't work without massive incentives and mandates. The entire EV production chain, especially if it's produced here, is heavily subsidized and then most of the them are getting a direct to customer tax benefit. Without these subsidies, hardly anyone would buy EVs, probably just Tesla and maybe a few other odds and ends.
The bottom line is that BEV's are regressive, they were popular in the late 1800s to early 1900s until they got their asses kicked by gas and diesel. The best part, the reasons that BEV died out back then are THE SAME reasons they're going to die out now. Cost, range anxiety, lack of charging stations, and serviceability.
I'm not against alternative fuel vehicles, but if they can't stand on their own without massive subsidies, they need to go away.
I'd be wary about this +++ guy, he's a freemason asswipe.
I do not trust anyone who thinks the freemasons are a "mostly good" bunch. Hard to make that statement when the initiation involves pledging allegiance to Lucifer.
So she was the celeb house fixer. A celeb wants to move or sell a house, she buys it to ensure it doesn't fall into the "wrong" hands. Interesting.
There is a scam laid out for it.
A couple comes here illegally, they were married in Mexico but not here. They pop out a couple anchor babies, the mom gets a green card and .gov assistance to care for her "american citizens," the dad works for cash under the table somewhere so his income is not reported which gets the "single mom" all kinds of extra .gov goodies.
Then when the kids get older, they get free college tuition because they are "so poor". Then they get DEI hired to work somewhere they shouldn't and, once hired, usually suck at their job and no one will dare fire them.
That's the while thing in a nutshell.
I think this is perfect example of the 2012 timeline convergence theory. In order to make sure the great awakening happened, all the timelines had to converge into one so that none of them went down the disaster timeline.
I'll bet these issues are related to that convergence.
He was also invited to speak at a Christian religious event and had everyone join him in an occult prayer to Michael the arch angel and talked about the seven rays of the sun. It's been a while but I watched the clip of him doing it and another clip of some occultist TV lady and it was the same prayer.
After getting pressed about he and his son said it was a catholic prayer...but it's not. When pressed about that, they just got angry and defensive.
From what I understand the guy is deep cover double agent who will be taking a big hit for team white hat during all the tribunals.
Joan Rivers said Michele was a tranny and that Obama was our first gay president. Then she "died suddenly" shortly after.
I think it's going to be more of a dismantle/destroy situation.
Most accurate description I've seen yet, thank you for that!
I'm not a real estate expert by any means but we already know, and Trump has been talking about, breaking up the parts of the federal government we're keeping and moving them to different parts of the country where they belong.
I highly doubt real estate in DC will weather this storm. Same with places like Los Angeles, there is going to be so much empty real estate that values are going to shit when the illegals leave and they won't be coming back up to where they are now.
Think about if like this, is there any course of probable action that could lead to your property increasing in value? If not, then the question is how much will it decrease. If Trump V2 cuts even 60% of the federal work force, what's happens? If they follow through with piecing DC out and spreading it across the country, how much of a decrease then? Lastly, what alternative option does DC have for jobs besides the federal government?
I just don't see any of this going well for real estate in blue urban areas, let alone a place like DC.
Disclaimer: my 2 cents, not "official" advice.
What's going to be a real trip is what happens to property values in places like the whole of Southern CA. Everything is going to crash but, with how many illegals we have, the housing prices will never recover.
In addition, the labor market is going to be wacky for a long time, especially in deep blue areas. Maybe all those government employees at take all the jobs left behind by the mass exodus.
Oh they're not staying. There will likely be riots caused by these "guests" that will be publicized to show how "mostly peaceful" they are. The WH don't have to convince all the dumbass lefties, they just have give 70-80% of the normal people the emotional and logical ammo to nuke the remaining 20-30% so they retreat and realize they're wrong.
That's what this whole awakening process is about, getting past that 80% because the 80% will be used to grab the remaining 15% (because 4-6% are hopelessly retarded and won't get it).
When it comes to getting rid of them, it's easy. Self deport or report to a holding facility where you will be housed, and feed until we can get you on a plane ride back to wherever you came from. The counties they came from will pay the bill, either up front or in terms of sanctions/tariffs. Problem solved.