As of right now, ALL "BAR" licensed attorneys are agents of the British crown. BAR literally stands for British Accredited Registry and all attorneys that practice under that license are part of the Maritime Court.
Would have been better just not addressing it than putting on that verbal dunce cap.
It's a freemason gift from French that literally is lucifer the light bringer. Has the 7 point crown, chained ankle, apple with a bite out of it, and a few other major "hints", it's the real deal. I'd be really happy if that truth gets out there so we smelt that thing down and make something useful with it.
It was an obvious case of suicide, he stabbed himself in the back three times and threw himself off a bridge.
Didn't paint your roof blue, huh?
What's so funny is that EDS is distracting from TDS while Trump is negotiating for peace between Russian and Ukraine. The libs I know can't stop reeeee-ing about Elon while the Trump is in the background getting the real work done. The whole thing is highly amusing.
They do, actually. They require differential oil that needs to be changed every 100k, it's not a large amount but the statement, as it stands, is not correct. As a side note, what they don't use in oil capacity, they make up for by using a LOT of coolant for the battery system.
Yah, can't they all be arrested when they are in recess? I mean, the WH arrested a lot of Hollywood during the covid lockdowns and everyone just thought the national guard was just normal "covid stuff." I remember seeing the videos of all that equipment being moved by train in downtown LA and thought operation Jade Helm was here, didn't know about Q yet.
I'm not your buddy, guy!
I agree with your comment, I think he is the DS Trump copy cat. I don't know if I still have the video, but I came across a video of DeSantis making hand motions just like Trump and hiding a quick devil horn hand motion in the middle. He's likely a piece of shit just like the rest.
That song is good, these guys are a punk band like punk bands used to be, before they sold out.
She is a trouble maker in the MAGA community, might not even be a she...
Their problem is that they had Russia, but those people are too strong to put up with that bullshit for very long. The Soviet Union collapse wasn't an inherent problem for the NWO, but the recovery and rise back to super power status was.
And THAT is exactly why they are making a big deal about releasing them, last minute deals and stings. Cue the BIG bucket of popcorn.
It'll take care of both of them, but be careful, too much and you might get a hangover.
Gavin Newsom was using the LA fires to fund it recently. The donation page for the "fire victims" was being handled by ACT BLUE. Sounds like the DS money is cut off now, so they have to get it directly from us now.
The problem is, there is a financial incentive to try to "trap" a guy by getting knocked up. Look, if you're married and the guy leaves, that's one thing. But if you're not married and you get knocked up without the guys consent, then you can deal with the consequences.
I don't think the debate should be about whether it's "his" or not, we need to stop with this insanity of rewarding women for getting pregnant and using it as an 18 year pay day. No two party consent, no money, problem solved.
For context, the account that posted it on TRUTH social, though possibly connected, is an unapologetic freemason asshat. I don't trust anyone that takes an oath to Lucifer.
Running with scissors can be a dangerous activity...
See, here's the problem with people saying that. You have three test beds for building civilizations
- Europe and the places western society as spread to
- Africa as a whole continent
- South Africa as a place that western society was established, and then taken over by "African" society
Number one continues to prosper despite internal and external factors trying to take it out. Number two has continued to remain the same way thousands of years despite multiple external factors influencing it. And Number three was a properly functioning society until recent history when "something happened" and a different faction took over.
With that laid out, which test group is superior when it comes to building, and maintaining, modern societies? Now, let's dig a little deeper, what do we know about these groups? The answer to that question invalidates the stated theory when it comes to building modern society and would point to "group 1" being superior in that regard.
As long as Laura Loomer didn't try to show you her dick you should be fine.
What are you talking about, canola oil is great. I can run my bio-diesel off it AND eat food products covered in it, it's a wonder product. /sarc
All jokes aside, it's crazy to me this could have ever happened in the first place but, I suppose after the fluoride fraud, they figured they could get away with it.
This has big implications for illegals who are using an SSN fraudulently. They'll be caught by the address the checks are mailed to.
They consider themselves human and we are human "beings" something like, but ultimately less than, human.