by jdqw210
Hamiltonranch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotta tell ya thats a real dumb move.. specially when we are winning. That is unless your fighting for the other side which then i can sure understand what your thinkin

Hamiltonranch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That was real, very hard for someone to go down that hard knowing their head was going to hit without a tell. Meaning they will try and protect their head even just a little bit before it smacks, and she didnt. Also look back a bit in the video from when she fell and you can see her do a strange move with her hips to catch herself and regain her balance, she had a wobble moment there which should have warned her. Gotta give her credit for forging ahead till the bitter end

Hamiltonranch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone is ridiculously assuming these fuckers actually think? So many of them are born stupid to start with and then gradually shut what little they do have off to the point where this shit occurs. Dont let it surprise you, this is what happens when the Darwin principle is removed from society. To the point where it actually becpmes destruction of the fittest. You figure out why

Hamiltonranch 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is beautiful. That is what this entire ordeal has been and will be about. We are going to win, in fact we already have.

Hamiltonranch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really. Grass fed usually ends up tasting like grass, imagine that.. Most of everything you see that sez grass fed is just a marketing gimmick to make people get the feelz about eating something pure as the natural grass. Thats horseshit, what they do is grow em on grass and finish em on grain/ corn to get the grass taste out of the meat and to put the fat marbeling in.. Most grass fed beef tastes like shit, depending on what kind of natural forage they have been foraging upon. Ever chewed on a sprig of sagebrush ?

Hamiltonranch 4 points ago +4 / -0

There will be meat, it just wont taste the same. Think grass fed, or out west it may be sagebrush fed. It will eat, but it dont taste like grain fed for damn sure. Toughen up, you will live. I also wanted to edit this simply to say that most opportunity for business success is found when most people are not seeing it. If farmers are not planting because fettilizer costs are high, some will see it as an opportunity . Real money in agriculture is made when times are tough. It will suck for a lot of folks for sure with higher prices at the store, but i sincerely doubt it will be famine conditions. If anyone tries to starve America into submission they have forgotten what 2A stands for at their peril.

Hamiltonranch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because there is no drop between the line of bore and the top of the stock .

Hamiltonranch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just more shit they are throwing at the wall , not a chance in hell it will stick

Hamiltonranch 3 points ago +3 / -0

In case you havent noticed, we are.

Hamiltonranch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I personally have seen heavy doses of ivermectin knock AML luekemia out of someone in less than 2 weeks. Doctors were completely bumfuzzled

Hamiltonranch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure how effective we actually can be trying to swing the 40% in the middle other than holding strong to our beliefs. But the good news is that the other side is pushing them our way far faster than we could pull them over.

Hamiltonranch 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the paste wormers squirt it all in a cup and stir it up so its all evenly mixed, then proceed accordingly

Hamiltonranch 10 points ago +10 / -0

If it flies fucks or floats , your better off renting it.

Hamiltonranch 1 point ago +1 / -0

As said ivermectin is simply ivermectin, the dosage and the timing of doses is what i feel actually matters.

Hamiltonranch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next time she asks .. Pull a pen and paper and say " oh that reminds me my lawyer wanted me to make sure of the proper spelling of your name" Do you mind?

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