HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +2 / -1

My grandpa used to be a life long Republican up until his stroke after which he switched to voting Democrat. This really pissed me off so I refuse to visit him at his new resting place at the cemetery. I wonder if RoboCop has a similar change of heart after he died. Movie doesn't elaborate on it.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

You get a certificate at the end of it which you can frame and hang on the wall at your funeral.

HatePickingUserNames 8 points ago +8 / -0

She's not taking that $220 million to Hell with her so what good did it do her.

As for why she is being honored, obviously because she is part of the deep state ruling class. The deep state needs to show that they are in charge and that their agents will be pushed in a positive light once they are gone to keep the other deep state members placated. They can't have the perception that if you do crime for the deep state that you will ever get what's coming to you, even after death. The real truth is they are all expandable to the deep state, however the perception of the opposite must be maintained.

HatePickingUserNames 4 points ago +4 / -0

What's shocking is that the FBI actually investigated and arrested these psychos. I would have expected them to recruit them into the FBI instead. I guess maybe there is about 10% of the FBI that not a complete deep state puppet and actually tries to defend the people and solve crimes.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were saying Canada was doing a clinical trial. Those are usually provided free of charge because they are part of the development process for a particular treatment. The down side is they are not guaranteed to work and not guaranteed to be safe, but if you're going to die anyways, you can opt to take that risk.

Also, in cases like these, where there is a lot publicity, raising money from the public starts to become quiet viable and some doctors and hospitals even offer to provide treatment at reduced cost or for free (they cover it themselves) on humanitarian grounds.

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fundamental issue with this case is not socialized medicine but that the UK government basically was able to take control of this girl and to do what they wanted with her. In other words, to enslave her. Using medical status as an excuse for the state to take control of an individual is not restricted to the countries with socialized medicine. It just happens there more because authoritarian despot countries like the UK also tend to also have socialized medicine.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Self-driving cars were supposed to end traffic jams, not cause them.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bold new strategy. So if I understand it correctly, they are going to give mRNA vaccines to people who are dying and/or have cancer so that when they end up dying or continue to have cancer, you can't blame the vaccine anymore. And the pharma companies can still charge money for the vaccines so they get their pieces of silver. There is one obvious problem though, there aren't enough people who are dying and/or have cancer to make this really profitable. The obvious solution: Give healthy people the mRNA vaccine so they start dying and/or get cancer to create more potential customers for that second allegedly anti-cancer mRNA shot. As for whether that anti-cancer mRNA shot will actually work, my guess is it will make sure they die which is what big pharma seems to want for their patients these days. This does of course really put a dent in repeat customers but it seems like the things these companies do isn't just about money for them anymore. The people working for and running big pharma seem to be trying to store up treasure in hell with their actions in this life. They are headed for a really rude awakening after the finally pass away. There is no treasure in hell.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

For those who may not want to read the article, the key point is that the husband of the woman who sent the letter is part of the UK military's psy-op division. This is almost too on the nose. So the UK military's psy-op division is trying to influence what the populace of the UK is allowed to hear. Is that what most people imagine the purpose of a country's psy-op divisions to be (to brain wash their own country's population)? Also, she was also linked to the war on "COVID misinformation" (aka, supression of the truth on COVID) which therefore also involves the UK military psy-op division. Forward this to any normies that still think all is well in the "Free World".

HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +1 / -0

They weren't passing such bill when they were still openly supporting the KKK. Now they only secretly support them.

Also, this was all more recently than people think. A few Youtubers made the point that civil rights photos are intentionally always shown in black and white when they were taken in color. They want us to think that the Demoncrats being the party of the KKK was further back than it actually was. Obama conducted the eulogy for Robert Byrd's funeral. He was a former (officially) KKK member who claimed to have opened a KKK chapter. Bill Clinton was there as well and defended they guy by saying that he joined the KKK to get elected, as if that makes it better. Here is a link to that: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/165389-clinton-says-byrd-joined-kkk-to-help-him-get-elected/

HatePickingUserNames 3 points ago +3 / -0

Although there are media groups out there that want to portray Russia as some war hungry maniac country that wants to invade everyone around them for any reason, that really isn't the case. There are valid economic and security reason for Russia wanting to keep Ukraine in its sphere of influence. However, those same reasons do not apply to Poland. Economically, Poland is completely separate from Russia. Security wise, a buffer state to defend against an invasion from Western Europe might be a benefit as it was in the Soviet era, but that era is over and the threats to Russia are no longer the same. For example, the German army is at the moment completely in shambles and incapable of invading anyone. Furthermore, if Russia was not able to quickly subdue Ukraine, a country that at the start of the war had a really underfunded and corrupt military (it's still corrupt but is getting a lot of money from the US now), it's not at all clear how easy it would be to subdue a country with a far more modern and better funded military.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

The headline makes this announcement seem more profound than it really is. Poland has already transferred all the old Soviet equipment that they didn't see a future for to Ukraine so there isn't anything more for them to send nor were there any plans for it. With the billions that the US is already sending to Ukraine, anything more that Poland would send would be insignificant compared to the volume of equipment the US continues to provide.

With respect to the grain issue, it is pretty clear that the cabal is trying to use this war to destabilize all their enemies and that includes Poland. Let's remember how prior to the war, the EU was attacking Poland and withholding funds because they didn't take enough refugees. Then the war came along, and Poland took millions of Ukrainian refugees and they still kept attacking them because it was never about any refuges but about Poland not bowing to their Satanic leftist policies. Now they want to destroy Poland's agricultural sectors by flooding it with cheap Ukrainian grain to bankrupt Polish farmers. Basically the same thing they are trying to do to the Dutch famers (destroy and take over the Dutch agricultural sector) but by a different method. It's all part of their plan. It is no coincidence that they are trying to dump this grain on Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary, they most Christian countries in Europe. They spread the around and allow some of it keep moving west to Germany, France, and Spain but then it stops being a weapon.

HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't really represent other countries either. They would only support them if they can get a bribe or if it speeds up the destruction of the US which is what they want. If you want to make this map more accurate, put hell on there and mark that as what they support. They represent the devil and his demons.

HatePickingUserNames 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agreed. It's not becoming a banana republic, it has already been a banana republic for longer than we may even realise. Goes back to at least 9/11. The only thing that is changing is what was once hidden is out in the open now.

HatePickingUserNames 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's still playing in ultra-leftist parts of Canada even if not at all theaters, but every other theater. This is a good sign.

Having seen the movie, it's not a left or right wing movie in any way. Anyone can go see it and not feel as if their political views are being attacked. The basic message of the movie is raping children is bad and most people can agree with that, regardless of political view. Which is why I think it' s more than a little weird that the Washington Post and some other ultra-leftist newspapers have attacked the movie. This might result in normies who have seen the movie asking why the Washington Post is defending child rape (because that is what they are doing by attacking this movie)? In some ways, this movie seems like a trap for the pedophilic left. Because it's not political, if they attack it, it clearly is a defense of child rape and therefore not a popular position with the normies or even with the sane leftists.

HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

Essentially, US government holds and tortures political prisoners. To the rest of the world, it look more and more like a Banana republic every day, especially after charging Trump. There is no way of getting around this. The upside to this is that it is finally being made public so Americans can see that their government does not work for them. They should then start to ask, who does it work for if not us?

I'd say, forward this to any normie you can. Let them accept the truth or defend the US government being a despot regime. Murders get treated better than this guy in US prisons and he certainly didn't murder anyone.

HatePickingUserNames 1 point ago +1 / -0

Obvious problem here is that the government has a "censorship complex". This very much seems to be an infringement on freedom of speech. It's unfortunate but this only confirms what we clearly seems to be happening: The government and the media collaborating to control the information space and in turn, people's minds.

HatePickingUserNames 11 points ago +11 / -0

It is clearly unconstitutional so you would expect it to be struck down, but a lot of the courts in the US (such as the Michigan supreme court) are severely compromised so who knows.

Also, looking at the post title, it might not be as clear as it should be. It has passed in the Michigan house but not the senate yet. If it does pass in the senate, the wicked witch of Michigan will sign it, she/it has already said she/it will.

HatePickingUserNames 5 points ago +5 / -0

Had they heard the appeal, the would have ruled against her. The supreme court in Canada is pro-authoritarian and anti-individual rights in Canada. It is just another branch or the authoritarian Canadian government.

Here is a video about how the Canadian Supreme court struck down an acquittal where self-defense was used as the defense and the government was able to get a conviction on the subsequent trial. Canada does not have double-jeopardy so the government can appeal acquittals and put people on trial again if they can get a favorable ruling in a higher court (which they often can as Canadian the courts are extremely corrupt, especially the supreme court).


by Uhtred
HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

For reference, the left part of the image depicts Canada's euthanasia based healthcare system. That heart will then be used to save an important life (important because they are willing to pay a lot of money for it). The right part of the image depicts the closed minded bigots who think health-care shouldn't include gutting physically healthy people for their organs or just for fun.

by Uhtred
HatePickingUserNames 2 points ago +2 / -0

The leftists do say: "We need to be tolerant of all cultures because all cultures are equally valid".

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