The "They" in 1984 have nothing on our deep state. It's like they read 1984 and learned every lesson from it. They have gone after love by corrupting it and re-defining it to mean all kinds of degeneracy. Does this this phrase they throw around sound familiar?: "Love is love". It's the latest one used to further corrupt and destroy love. It's used to re-define it to mean lust and other degeneracy such as pedophilia; to make it mean anything but what love actually means. It's almost impressive how the deep state has been so successful in corrupting and destroying the decency of so many people though it did take a few generations. Previous generations were feed the phrase "Free Love" which was bad enough, but the new one is so much worse.
I don't say this to upset anyone, but to shed light on what is happening right now. I think it's important we are aware of exactly what the deep state is up to so we can at least avoid it for ourselves and our children. I don't doubt that most people on this forum know what love actually is, however, what they call love in society and media is not love.
If Macaroni is not among them, it does make me wonder if they got everyone they should have gotten. On the other hand, given who he married (his teacher), he might be a victim of this, or both a victim and perpetrator (that is unfortunately how if often goes). Did they at least arrest Macaroni's wife, she clearly diddled one of her students.
Britain behind the curve on this one. They arrest people for voicing their opinions but don't have the guts to kill the plebs seeking medical attention after years of being taxed to death to allegedly fund the failing medical system.
The plebs are their pets, so true ... from a certain point of view.
The US has been seriously infiltrated by communists at this point. This is exactly the kind of stuff that they did during the Russian revolution although not quiet as bad yet (in Soviet Russia, they would have killed him). They did not want anyone other than their own people to have guns or they wouldn't be able to control the population.
Asking the following question tells you what the government is most worried about: What is their focus?
The answer: Their focus seems to be to ensure that citizens cannot produce their own guns because when things finally go down, they will cut the supply of firearms to the citizens and confiscate anything that's left. Someone who acquires the knowledge to produce firearms is a huge threat to them in that scenario because it will be a threat to their power.
Another thought: If the government actually cared about the well-being of their citizens they would go after criminals. However, they don't care about criminals even when they have guns. That's because the criminals are considered political allies of the communist just like in the Russian revolution. They push laws to free real criminals while going balls to the wall on a non-criminal like this guys. Furthermore, in order to control people, you want to know as much about them as possible. The level of spying they did on this guy screams communist surveillance state.
Simply put, the NY state government identified this guy as a political dissident and treated him accordingly. And the cops (some of whom could be found on social media with the 'Don't tread on me' logo) went along with it. That's scary. Are we at a point that people are so soft that they will claim they are for freedom but when that belief is tested, they fold like cheap lawn furniture? It seems that the rest of us who have the courage to backup our convictions may need to do that much more to hold the line when there are so many cowards out there who won't. When things go down, our courage will be needed to encourage these cowards to do the right thing and join us on the right side. It's quiet clear that they will do nothing on their own.
And then the left uses inbred babies to argue that abortion is necessary. Yet they promote incest. From the right perspective though, it is consistent and makes sense though. In their minds, incest is an intrinsic good which they can promote and can have the desired side-effect of more abortions which they also see as intrinsically good (it's not about being pro-choice for them, they like abortions). They are so brainwashed and demented at this point, that they now see evil as good in their thought process.
Pretty much what we warned would happen. They didn't listen, told us we were bigots, and that the slippery slope is a fallacy. It's become clear the slippery slope is a law.
What's next? Grown men identifying as children so they can get access to schools and assult the children? Maybe this has already started happening.
Climate change strikes again.
They have also been caught manipulating the VAERS database to lower the numbers so the real numbers are likely even higher than that.
Even then, it's never actually the children that pick their genders. It's the groomer teachers and groomer media that tries to pressure the children into making a choice they aren't capable of understanding. And sometimes, if woke parents want to get woke points (but don't care about their kids) they also try get their children to be trans. It's basically a scheme by the power to be to destroy children by any means necessary. Their favorite result is suicide. Sterilization is the second best result for them.
Progress is just a buzz word they use to encompass what they want to do. Here is a breakdown of it:
What they falsely claim it is: To change certain necessary things for the betterment of society.
What it looks like to a normie just starting to see the truth: Change for the sake of change.
What it looks like if you look closer: Changing everything in order to usher in a demonic world order. Synonymous with communism since part of this new world order is to have all the demonic leaders hold absolute power over the people because most people will not accept it without being forced to at the muzzle of a gun.
This won't save them. It will not be hard to find out who ordered what, it will just be a little harder. You can always trace who gave the orders to the top. Also, who keeps their documents in physical form these days. Most of these probably exist in digital form somewhere. If any of us find them, make sure to back them up in multiple places. They can't burn down all the servers, can they?
This might explain a few things. I initially thought he (or whoever paid him) was making fun of the trans movement based on the fact that all of his so-called "womenhood" stunts were over-the-top stereotypes that in any other context would have been seen as insulting and patronizing. It may have been that this was the case at the beginning and it took on a life of its own getting out of hand. If that's indeed happened, then what does it say about the sanity of the whole trans movement when someone tries to make an obvious over-the-top joke and for some reason everyone in the movement keeps taking it seriously and there comes a point where the dude can't stop anymore because he's in too deep.
He will now be able to shoot up the school at his convenience and they will blame the guns.
I think he's overdue for a Xiden cabinet position.
I like how this kind of stuff is never sold as the government being incompetent so clearly needing more oversight and reform. It's always about giving the incompetent abusive government more power because that will definitely fix the issue like it totally did the last time.
Also, this is clearly a leading story. They want more power and whatever words they can put on a page to seem to justify it is what they will do. NBC is a state controlled media outlet, even if you go just by this headline.
This seems like a good policy for them and a band one for you. Let's say the government does something evil (as usual) and the people get upset. They cut power to the grid an no one is able to jump into their electric cars to head to the Capitol to give them a piece of their mind. But they might not even have to do that as most modern high tech cars already have or will have remote kill switches to prevent you from going anywhere the government does not approve. What a time to be alive.
38 year old former athletes who still stay in shape for their firefighter profession and recreation hockey have always randomly dropped dead from heart attacks in large numbers for no apparent reason. Nothing to see here.
There are men who could do a better job than the thing on the right is doing. It is very much about appropriating womanhood and wearing it as a consume. What follows is: Validate my delusions of being a woman and being good at dancing.
Leak could be fake and used as counter intelligence. There are some things in it that don't reflect reality in subtle ways.
This may mean that once the US gets fixed, they may have no choice but to fix Canada as they would otherwise be a huge security threat to the US given all the CCP influence.
Not just. The Canadian navy is buying steel from China and Europe because apparently Canadian producers are not competitive due to the Carbon tax. Shipping steel from around the world is obviously going to increase the amount of carbon released, not reduce it. The carbon tax is just a tax grab and another step towards communism. It has the bonus effect of bankrupting or driving out (to Mexico, China, US) a lot of Canadian heavy industry. It's a local great reset. If people have no jobs they will have no money and will be forced to go to the government for handouts. However, the communists at the top realize that the will have no handouts to give the people if they have nothing left to tax. You can't re-distribute what you have destroyed. Then it becomes a population reduction measure where people starve.
Link to ship building article (where Navy is buying Chinese steel, not Canadian):
I have no doubt that CNN, NY Times, and the Washington Post are running different headlines along the lines of: They Finally Got Him - Trump Going to Get Life in Prison, Maybe Even the Death Penalty
If the deep state gets its way, they soon will be. Just like in the Soviet Union, once the revolution was completed the first thing the Bolsheviks did was kill off all the revolutionaries so they wouldn't then revolt against them. Sort off like getting through the door, locking it, and throwing away the key so no one else can go through it again.
Not saying we feel sorry for them. A lot of what the leftist liberals do is out of malice. They have been lied to but they accept the lies because it fits into their twisted and evil world view. Like a really greedy but dumb person getting scammed by some guy promising him huge unrealistic returns if he invests with him. The guy was only easy to scam because of how greedy he was even if his stupidity helped him get scammed too.
There were a few cases where provincial governments (so not technically Turdeau, but people who think like him) vaccinated children without parental consent:
There was also a case, where a mother didn't agree with a procedure doctors wanted to do on her child (a spinal tap) so ended up fleeing so they wouldn't force it. It did turn out that the procedure was not necessary (because the infection had subsided) but they did it anyway after seizing the child, also vaccinated him so they could transport him to hospital. The weird thing is that you are still considered to be unvaccinated if you get sick for at least 2 weeks after getting the clot shot (so they claim it doesn't work for 2 weeks), so they did it for the kick-back and had no logical reason for vaccinating him even if you go by their lies. This is an msm overview of that story that omits the important details and lies about it. There is also a go-fund me link explaining the other side of the story. The mother is a bit weird to say the least, however she seems to be at least smart enough not to vaccinated her child: