Heldiggrisen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like your spirit, but you should read the whistleblowers statement again and delete/repost.

The top batch had 20% deaths, and that’s bad. But not as bad as 1 million+ dead in NZ, we’re far away from those numbers.

You wouldn’t be able to hide 25% overall death. Every 4th teacher, air traffic controller, doctor, policeman, truck driver etc. gone? That would cripple a nation.

Heldiggrisen 6 points ago +6 / -0

MAL has a SCIF

Heldiggrisen 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have we established who’s behind USDC?

Any LARP can copy paste any Q post for publicity.

If this is something official, it’s highly interesting.

Heldiggrisen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m currently reading it using VPN.

$17,33 includes: “ the real costs born by taxpayers for subsidies, utility ratepayers for energy investments, and non-electric vehicle owners for mandate-and-environmental-credit-driven higher vehicle costs, which they say total $48,698 per EV. ”

So if you own an EV, you’re not paying $17,33 per “electric gallon”, but this “think tank” argues that you should do.

The article says nothing about what a gallon of petroleum product should cost, using the same method.

Heldiggrisen 2 points ago +2 / -0

AB Dobrowski Polar station

Over one bed, scrawled in red, Dale Anderson of NASA Research Station California declares he is here as part of a "joint US/Russia BungerHills Expedition 1991-92—‘Onwards ToMars!’ ".



Heldiggrisen 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have 0 trust in our government.

The prime minister has bent backwards for WEF/NWO on multiple occasions.

There will be no real cracking down on the new upper class in Sweden.

Heldiggrisen 9 points ago +9 / -0

Cleaning the house.

I’m pretty sure I’ve read something about this somewhere ;-)

Heldiggrisen 6 points ago +6 / -0

Today I learned that the equivalent of 450 million Americans were killed in the Holocaust.

Heldiggrisen 11 points ago +11 / -0

I haven’t seen this letter before, but it seems fishy af.

From 1871 and using the term “Nazism”????

I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure that this term wasn’t coined until decades later.

Sorry, but this feels off.

Heldiggrisen 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s more intricate than that,,and it’s highly a generation and kids issue.

Women born in the mid eighties and after, without kids, are generally earning more than their male peers.

Until my generation retires, the “women earns less” argument will be wrongfully used by the left.

We know better

Heldiggrisen 6 points ago +6 / -0

One big argument that keeps coming up is equal pay.

Here in Sweden 5% of the difference is unaccounted for.

90% of work related deaths are men, isn’t that worth 5% extra?

Heldiggrisen 3 points ago +3 / -0


As a white conservative man, I feel much more represented by Candace Owens than Pete Buttigieg.

Heldiggrisen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have solar on the roof and a battery.

I also have 30 gallons of diesel for my dads (retired) car, so I have double redundancy.

My EV also have V2L, so I have triple redundancy for the house.

Redundancy is good.

Heldiggrisen 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’ve driven petrol and diesel cars all my life. Probably more than 20 of them.

Last time I bought a car, an EV was 10% cheaper to buy than the equivalent ICE, so I said to myself “why not? if it’s crap, I’ll just return it and by another diesel”.

You know what? My EV is the best car I’ve ever had. It crushes BMW and Porches on every red light, for the price of a Hyundai.

It’s quieter than my bedroom.

I say again, I don’t care about the green agenda hoax, but to totally write off EVs because all the myths surrounding them?

That’s, my dear friend.

That’s delusional.

Heldiggrisen -1 points ago +1 / -2

And oil drilling in Africa is so much better?

The aluminium industry? Extraction of iron ore?

I’m not found of the left/green holier than thou attitude when it comes to EVs, but the double standards when it comes to lithium/cobalt from my own side, is not much better.

To think that making an EV is kumbaya and flowery fields with dancing children, is a retarded view point, but to think that making ICE cars are better, with less moral implications, is equally retarded.

I drive my EV with a smile on my lips because it’s so darn fast, knowing that it probably hurts the equally amount of African children as the equivalent ICE car does.

Or is your argument that ICE cars are made from water and recycled plastic with 0 pollution or child slavery?

Heldiggrisen 0 points ago +1 / -1


Why shouldn’t I use the opportunity to take advantage of the extremely good tax credits for Eva here in Sweden?

My EV outperforms any non EV car in the segment.

I needed a new car a couple of years ago, and I wanted a SUV/CUV with room for my wife, kids and the dog.

It would be extremely stupid to buy a gas car, except maybe the Dacia Duster.

The range isn’t even a problem. I can drive 500 miles with a 10 minutes stop for charging, and that ps what we usually take anyway to rest the dog (and our selves).

I don’t, however, buy into the green agenda hoax, but an EV is much more than that; especially the performance and silence.

The ability to drive to work for mere cents is also a good argument.

I don’t understand how vaccination status has anything to do with this?

Heldiggrisen 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read about a man here in Sweden in the 80s, that made an engine that could run on water.

The idea was bought by Esso (Exxon).

Strange isn’t it?

Heldiggrisen 1 point ago +1 / -0

What’s so funny?

My EV outperforms a similar ICE on every aspect except the odd 500+ miles drive.

It’s cheaper to buy, cheaper to run, has much better performance, more equipment, and is way more quiet than any gas car in the same segment.

I’m not part of the “green cult”, and don’t care about the climate agenda hoax.

Still I love my EV.

Heldiggrisen 3 points ago +3 / -0

So dollar notes printed this year will have 2017 written on them?

Heldiggrisen 13 points ago +13 / -0

So many rumours to why.

So much disinformation.

One thing’s for sure, I haven’t seen a dollar note from later than 2017.

I find that a bit strange.

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